Try to come up with an answer for this but, don't read into this too much. Which weighs more? A lb (pound) of Nuclear Waste or a lb (pound) of Feathers?
No ####### ####, I asked alot of people and they said Nuclear Waste.. I was just seeing what people would say.. its not like I didn't know.
No ####### ####, I asked alot of people and they said Nuclear Waste.. I was just seeing what people would say.. its not like I didn't know. [/b][/quote] I'm glad to hear that. I like this one to: A captain of a ship made three big sails around the world. On one of them, he died. Which one did he die on?
I'm glad to hear that. I like this one to: A captain of a ship made three big sails around the world. On one of them, he died. Which one did he die on? [/b][/quote] It would have had to have been his 4th time attepting to sail around the world. Because if he died on the 3rd one, he technically would not have completed it, therefore it would have only been 2 successful sails around the world. I bet the "answer" is supposed to be the 3rd one, but thats wrong. Its the 4th one.
It would have had to have been his 4th time attepting to sail around the world. Because if he died on the 3rd one, he technically would not have completed it, therefore it would have only been 2 successful sails around the world. I bet the "answer" is supposed to be the 3rd one, but thats wrong. Its the 4th one. [/b][/quote] He could've died during the 3rd one and the crew kept going with him to get him to his home to bury him.
He could've died during the 3rd one and the crew kept going with him to get him to his home to bury him. [/b][/quote] But he would not have been "there"(from being dead) when they completed the sail. If I go for a backflip tomorrow and die, and 10 years later someone does a quadruple backflip right over my grave, no one could say I was there for it, because I was dead. I was "there" in a sence, but I was dead. lol