Thanks for the tip. I unfortunately had a bad experience with Regal theaters a while back and it's kinda ruined my desire to wanna go there.
When I lived in Texas one of my best friends quit the Regal he was working @ and I don't blame him. We go because we watch 3D movies there, it's closer and I'm not familiar with the Scranton area.
I'd wait a few years on that to see if they come down in price. I still think 3d may be a fad and those who buy the tvs will regret it.
Sony has already confirmed a few PS3 games will be going to 3D soon. Killzone and LittleBigPlanet will be some of the first ones.
Welcome to the LPA dude! PA sounds like a pretty cool place in general...lots of cool bands are from there including one of my favorites, Innerpartysystem.
So Linkin Park basically know you, IPS live down the road from you...Any more of my favorite bands you wanna usurp?