There's another Yellowcard thread here somewhere but it's too depressing so I thought I'd start another one just to discuss their music. :whistle: So what's everyone's opinion on YC? They make me want to pick up the violin again. I'm really loving Ocean Avenue at the moment but I have to burn the album 'cause I'm too poor.
*points to signature and avatar* Yellowcard is amazing! I only own the Ocean Avenue album though but I want to get their older stuff too. Hopefully I'll get to see them live on the Warped Tour this summer. My favorite songs are Only One and Empty Apartment (the sad ones..go figure).
i've heard ocean avenue and way away. pretty good... what are some other good songs of theirs, though?
I like the ones Hybrid_Bunny mentioned... "Only One" and "Empty Apartment." "Life Of A Salesman", "View From Heaven", and "Miles Apart" are good too, and anything acoustic by them is fun... Hah, basically, anything off of Ocean Avenue is great. B)
Yellowcard are awesome. Ocean Avenue was finally released here on Sunday. I will be getting it on Thursday.
Yellowcard is a sweet ass band. I heard Ocean Avenue and then went and checked out their cd. I couldn't stop listening to it for a while. It awesome how they have a violinist and no bass player. The violin in that band makes for some great music. The drummer too is one of the best drummers i have heard. They are quite good at playing alot of odd beat stuff.
Theyre pretty sound, I like Way Away..anyone who hasnt heard anything else get hold of the song "Breathing", as it will blow you away
Yellowcard are a pretty good punk band. A lot of people are starting to like them. They were number 3 on TRL yesterday. I like their two hits. I bought their album but haven't really listended to the whole thing yet.
I thought Alex played the bass. [/b][/quote] Pete is back playing bass... :angry: If most of you have checked out only Ocean Avenue, I suggest you check out some of their older stuff such as the Underdog EP and One For the Kids. I personally like the older stuff better than Ocean Avenue. I guess it is less poppy.