I think this explains it enough...... "Unfortunately this can only be written by one of our hands, but we were all together when this was written. So I speak as best I can for Yellowcard. The news I'm delivering to you now is going to cause emotions to soar. Many of you will be upset and many of you confused so let us start like this. Yellowcard is a band that was created for a single purpose, five friends making music together. Everything that has happened since the inception of this band has been a privilege and blessing, but to us the most important thing we have is each other. Our friendships are what keeps us on this long and trying road which has become our career. With that said, before judging anyone or assuming the worst, know that this decision was next to impossible because of the bonds that all involved have shared. Two years ago we lost a member of Yellowcard who was an integral part in the development and progression of our band. It was one of the most trying experiences of our lives. He was a brother to us and everyone included was hurt in ways we still can't explain. Some of you know the story, some of you do not, but right in the summer of 2002 our friend Pete Mosely came to our aid and began touring with us. We grew up with Pete and his band in Inspection-12 in our hometown of Jacksonville. After eight months of touring, we started touring on Ocean Avenue. During the recording, Pete told us he needed to go home and sort things out and once again Sean, Ben, LP and I were left to figure out, "what's next?". We turned to a friend, we didn't have auditions or look for some random dude. We wanted someone we knew and respected. Our friend Alex came to the rescue. He worked his ass off learning songs and touring with us from the start. He has been devoted to us and to you ever since. I know this is going to be extremely difficult for you all, but a few months ago, our friend Pete came to us and asked for a second chance. We (Sean, Ben, LP and I) have spent every single day from then until now trying to decide what's best for us. I will try my hardest to explain it, Pete will be returning to Yellowcard, Alex will be leaving. Here are our personal reasons for this decision: We have known Pete for more than ten years, we learned so much about music with him. Without him there would be no Ocean Avenue. As some of you know, Sean had an accident last year, which left me alone to finish writing the melodies and structures of the songs for the new record. Without Pete, I would have failed. I cannot say it any other way. I believe in my heart that he deserves a second chance. We all make mistakes, and Pete has forgiven me for so many over the course of our friendship. Pete feels that he made a mistake in leaving Yellowcard and we must forgive him for that. All I can hope for now is that Alex can forgive us. He has made no mistakes. He has worked so hard for this band and has made this decision, like I said, "next to impossible". We will miss Alex more than any of you ever could. But Pete created what Yellowcard now as much as Ben, Sean, LP and myself). We owe him a second chance, we ask only that you continue to support us in the way that you have. We tell the world with pride that our fans are the best on the planet, we will continue to stand by you. Please understand that this was something we spent hours debating and you were in our minds all the way. Sincerely, Ryan, Ben, Sean, LP"
I don't exactly see how that's bad news. My heart JUMPED. I was like, "####, they broke up." But they lost a band member and replaced him with someone else and it wasn't painful at all. I'm glad for that.
Alex was the bassist. I think it is extremely shitty for them to just kick him out. He wasn't suppose to be a "temporary" member of the band. Pete left and it seems that now that Yellowcard is getting more successful he decides to come back and Alex is just out of the band now.
you know, when a band member gets kicked out/quits, they always go on to do greater things. A good example is Ozzy Osbourne.
That kind of sucks for the fact that it seems he's coming back due to the success of Yellowcard... I guess I just find that sort of greedy and f'ed up...
Wow, that title freaked me out. Haha I love this band. I don't think it was a situation where they just said, "Hey buddy, pack up your things, you're OUT. Pete's back!" Well, hopefully not anyway. B)
Me too. Thank god it's not that. [/b][/quote] Same here. I just bought their album the other day too so I'm glad they didn't break up.
Judging from their first single, I've come to the coclusion that Yellowcard knows how to rock. Like come on, do you see any other band out there that has a violinist? That's different.