KoRn have decided on their new single: it's gonna be "y'all want a single" from their new album, take a look in the mirror. Even though this song wanted to laugh at Sony for asking Korn for a radio friendly single, it's finally gonna BE a single, though not radio friendly (they'll have to cut lots of f###'s in the clean version). Source:KoRn.com
I wanna hear Deep Inside, I dont think that Ya'll wanna single is good in the edited version, too much editing...
I was figuring the perfect 2nd single would be "Counting On Me" and album sales would be outrageous, and for a third "Everything I've Known" or "Alive" and if they ever got around to a 4th single, I'd choose "Play Me", nonetheless "Y'all Want A Single" is a very good song, but again it's just the wrong song because of so much editing to make it radio friendly.
In Right Now, in the chorous, on the unedited version, the line is "I fucking hate you" while on the radio it's "I know I hate you". They may do the same for Y'all Want a Single so it isn't as obvious, like replace "Y'all want a single say fuck that" with "Y'all want a single say screw that"
How bout "Ya'll want a single say suck that" Has to have 'uck' in it or it doesnt sound right. [/b][/quote] Or something like Jon making "yuck!" sounds.
WORD. counting on me is an awesome song. korn want the fans think that they really care about them i guess.
They say F*ck= 57 times Sh*t= 2 That's going to be interesting to see how he replaces the work f*ck Awesome song though! When I first heard it, I must have listen to it at least 20 times in a row.
I heard "Y'all Want A Single" on the radio today. They use the word suck, so it goes, "Y'all want a single, say suck that. suck that suck that." Sounds crappy after hearing the uncesnored version, and they completley censor "shit" instead of replacing it with something
I absolutely love 'Counting On Me'. I'd have to say that's my favourite on 'Take a Look in the Mirror'.