I'm sure most of the people in Pennsylvania have already found that Y100 (Philadelphia's Alternative Rock radio station) has been taken off air. Here's some important info below: On Thursday, February 24, 2005, 100.3fm, WPLY, Y100, was taken off the air. After nearly 12 years at 100.3, Alternative Rock disappeared from the Philadelphia radio landscape. With it went the musical companion of over 500,000 residents of the Delaware Valley. Y100Rocks.com is being put together to give the fans and staff of Y100 a place to come to share, to vent, and to work together towards the future. To do this, we have set up a few things: A petition to protest the loss of Y100. Click here and send a message to the owners of Radio One to demand that they return Y100 to 100.3fm immediately. Only if we complain loudly enough will we be heard! Now, even if you don't listen to the radio, wouldn't it get you really mad if an Alternative Rock station was taken off air and replaced with a Hip-Hop/R&B station? So, even if you don't live in PA, sign the petition to help get Y100 back on air. Here's the Y100 website with all the info you need: http://www.y100rocks.com/
the same damn thing just happened to a radio station in NJ... actually...not EXACTLY. B98.5 merged with some other station.. now there's al new DJ's and everything and it sucks amazingly.
Yeah, well I think it's so horrible that they took down Y100 to put up a damn hip-hop station--god that sucks so much. That was like the only rock station in my area. :argh:
*hugs* :hugz: I know the feeling. I'm so sorry for your loss. Hopefully this petition will get it back! I signed
Yeah, that gets kind of annoying, although I haven't really listened to the radio in over a year... Well, on the bus...
Depends on what kind of rap the new station plays. Anyways, get XM Radio. It has a groovy rock station.
I'm sure you heard about WHFS being canned here in Maryland! So we know how you feel! Me, I never listen to the radio...thank god for the internet!
I didn't like Y100. Your alternative is 94WYSP. I always liked YSP more. Sure Y100 did some cool stuff but I never really liked the music they played. But in the end, I say don't listen to the radio. Casey: I was checking out XM Radio at the mall and that was some cool stuff. I also heard that the people behind Y100 had a contract signed and were just waiting it out. Their morning show is being moved to 93 WMMR anyway. A lot of my friends are upset about Y100 and I just told them to accept it and move on because there are other radio stations out there.