Xbox One

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Delicious Dave, May 21, 2013.

  1. #41

    snailharvest nice

    Apr 7, 2012
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    No offence Jesse, but you're taking this a bit OTT. This is an Xbox thread, and sure you can express your opinion on it, but making long posts after posts gets a bit tiresome. Many people like the Xbox One dude, so stop hating on it so much.

    We get you don't like it, so could we either stop or have a more constructive conversation?
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2013
  2. #42

    MKH Bat of Gotham LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    I can't remember any time in recent memory where Xbox servers were hacked or breached and went down only for maintenance. Oh, no, I do remember once where it went down and was back up in 6 hours, actually.

    Also, Jesse, that's great that you hate it - just don't buy it then, 'cause this thread is directed more towards "who's gonna buy this awesome thing?!", clearly. That's wonderful that Steam wants to make free free free all the time, but it's not wrong that Microsoft being a corporate monger wants more profit.

    Personally, I think this family licensing thing is cool - that eases up concerns about multiple gamertags playing the same game on one console.
  3. #43

    ernieball003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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    I disagree. I'm on the fence for the next generation and I want to see the pros and cons of a system, not how much people love features that, as a consumer, I find completely useless.
  4. #44

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    That's all good and well, but there's a difference between raising personal concerns and lamenting on and on about something you're clearly not even interested in, just for the sake of bashing it.

    It just becomes tiring seeing negativity coming from the same person over and over again. Nobody had even mentioned Steam in this thread until Jesse came in to incite a fanboy war. It wasn't a productive line of discussion.
  5. #45

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Steam is relevant to the conversation though considering that's partly what Microsoft's new policy seems to be inspired by.

    I do think there's room for discussion on the topic. Microsoft's recent clarifications seems to suggest a far less consumer-friendly approach to the next generation, and it's being compared to PC gaming/Steam for valid reasons. Microsoft (and possibly Sony, we'll have to wait and see) are taking it upon themselves to complicate a few key features for the sake of a more PC-like approach, and to have more control over content usage. At the moment, it's the implementation of the worst of current PC gaming without any inkling of the benefits. While it's not all bad news, and it's far too early to consider the Xbox One in any trouble, the worries and frustration that Jesse's posted are not THAT uncommon right now. It just so happens Jesse is the only one posting about them here in this thread.

    While people are going have good things to say about the Xbox One, to assume (almost?) nothing bad will be said is just foolish thinking. Especially at this very moment when people have a legitimate right to be concerned... simply based on past experience.
  6. #46

    RazorEye The light on the horizon...

    Apr 6, 2012
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    It's good that at least one person on this forum is against threadhopping!
  7. #47

    MKH Bat of Gotham LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Off topic, Mark uses words sexily.

    On topic, I'm a little dismayed at Xbox One's "VCR" look, but at the same time, I like it being so minimalistic and not blinged out. Being a moderate tech geek, I'm really excited to have it and my 360 S hooked up right here. I was a bit upset at the lack of backwards compatibility at first, but I got over that pretty quick, especially with knowing why it had to be that way - if I want to play my 360 games, I still do have my 360 S.

    I'm hoping that there are only, at most, 3 or 4 of those 15 titles coming out that I'd want to play - I have a bad habit of buying games on release day and not finishing the other ones. Just this year I bought Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider, Gears of War: Judgment, Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel, and Injustice - all released in February and March, and I've only gotten 100% in Tomb Raider, nearly there with Judgment. With one game at a time, I can focus on and enjoy a full experience, and I'm pretty sure Halo 5 is gonna be out in 2014, so I'll be looking forward to that as well. In fact, unless there's an insane title I can't refuse, I guess my first Xbox One game will be Battlefield 4.

    Just realized, because of the different architectures the games will be built on, I won't be able to play Battlefield 4 on my Xbox One with my buddies on their 360's online, huh? Poo.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2013
  8. #48

    snailharvest nice

    Apr 7, 2012
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    I like it... but i'm still happy with my 360 S, so I won't be getting this for like a year.. I have many games to play..

    Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon and State of Decay are so good!
  9. #49

    RazorEye The light on the horizon...

    Apr 6, 2012
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    I hope Microsoft doesn't discontinue the Xbox 360 after Xbox One launches and they make the Xbox 360 as a secondary console to the Xbox One, like how Sony has done it with the PS2 and PS3. I still love playing on my 360 and I want to keep doing so for years to come!
  10. #50
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I don't understand your aversion to that particular discussion when console gaming, especially in regards to Xbox is becoming more and more analogous to console gaming with each generation. Microsoft set out to create a PC like console with the original Xbox and the Xbox One just furthers that idea. It has an x86 architecture as well as a branch of the Windows 8 operating system, and it uses the NT kernel (it has 3 OS's altogether.) They have made it so that porting Desktop Windows Applications are easier to achieve than ever before. It's without a doubt relevant to the discussion to compare PC with the Xbox One and thus it is relevant to compare the benefits and differences between the two.

    Truth be told the system is not a pure gaming machine at all. Microsoft themselves have stated It's “an all in one” box. So again, PC gaming and the similarities are relevant to this discussion, console gaming is evolving into something else entirely. It's just as important as discussion of the media streaming and traditional cable model features that are integrated into the system, as well as Kinect and “the cloud.” They're all a part of the console.

    It just happens that I appear to be one of the few who are speaking negatively about the negatives being introduced, that doesn't mean that what I'm saying is off topic or out of hand. I get that people like the Xbox One but to call me out for discussing relevant information is unfair and disrespectful, I'm not calling out people by saying “I get you like the Xbox One, now be quiet!”, and nor do I believe people deserve to be treated as such. I just ask for be treated the same as everyone else regardless of how they feel about the system as long as the discussion is relevant, and everything I've said has been.

    Everything I've said has been on-topic. Negative, yes. Irrelevant? No. So everyone can keep discussing what they like in more post than one but I can't make multiple posts of what I dislike? That's quite the double standard.


    Read below.

    Thank you.

    Microsoft have stated that they plan to support the 360 for at least another 5 years. Also, Sony didn't abandon the PS2, as they just stopped selling them recently (after being in production for 13 years) and there have been officially released new games on it as recently as last year as well as one rumored to be released this year.

    Also, before anyone tries to use the fanboy argument. The only Sony gaming platforms I've personally owned are the PSP and the original Playstation and you can be rest assured I'll be just as displeased and outspoken with the PS4 if it has similar policies as the Xbox One.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2013
  11. #51

    MKH Bat of Gotham LPA Super VIP

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Even I must admit the PS4 is a sexier looking console - it's so thin! And it's light as air.

    Seriously, though, I'd like to see what titles MS announces tomorrow, if any, for the Xbox One - I'd like one anyway because of all it can do, but for gaming strictly, I might dabble in a little Sony.
  12. #52

    RazorEye The light on the horizon...

    Apr 6, 2012
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    I never said they did. :huh:
  13. #53

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    If you want to start a PC vs. gaming consoles debate, go make a thread about it. Inciting a flamewar in an Xbox One thread by pointing out how it's inferior to PC gaming options is analogous to going to a baseball game and yelling at people about basketball being a better sport. Sure, a comparison can be made because they're both sports, but it's only going to incite arguments, not constructive dialogue. Nobody made any negative claims about Steam but you felt it necessary to come in and post about how Xbox One doesn't measure up to Steam without any provocation on the subject at all. Do you see why that may look a little suspicious, especially considering your history of negative comments about the Xbox One and everything else in general? Don't be that guy, man.

    This isn't about censorship, it's about knowing where to pick your battles, Jesse. What do you get out of being a buzzkill about something you were never going to buy? I mean, you even complained about the Xbox One not having bluetooth as an option as if it were a game-breaker for you. To deny you're not invested in the Xbox One's failure is lying to yourself and everyone else.

    As for not calling anyone out, I do remember you saying previously in this thread that anyone who defends a certain philosophy was someone you couldn't take seriously. That's a tad disrespectful, isn't it?

    Personally, I'm not getting wrapped up and bent out of shape about all the extra features of the Xbox One. If it does everything the Xbox 360 does with better game graphics and a well-designed controller, and it doesn't crap out on me every 6 months, I will be completely satisfied. I don't care what it looks like, either. It could be a rusty toaster for all I care. Everything else is just a cherry on top, as long as it doesn't take away from that experience.

    But clearly others are more difficult -- no, impossible -- to satisfy, especially if they were never willing to be in the first place. So why go on (and on and on and on and on) with it, is all I'm saying.

    Plenty of concerns have been raised about the various features of the Xbox One by others in this thread. Always On, Kinect, pricing, used games are all things people have brought up for discussion. I have not censored any of them, other than to caution against another PC vs. consoles battle prior to your Steam post.

    If we could move on, that would be so fantastic.


    I'll start by saying I'm very excited to see some gameplay footage of Xbox One games at E3. While the initial announcement was very features-oriented, it appears Microsoft will be shifting its focus to show off how games will look and handle on the One. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing some footage from COD: Ghosts, Watch Dogs, Destiny and NHL 14.

    Also, IGN posted definitive clarification on Always On, Used Games and Kinect here:
  14. #54

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    im still waiting on that new Sega console guys
  15. #55

    ernieball003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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    So, if my net goes out for longer than a day, too bad? Usually I'm on my Xbox the most when my wi-fi decides to take a break.

    I don't even want Kinect. That's why I never bought it in the first place, but now it's required?
  16. #56
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I'm not starting any flame wars, I'm discussing legitimate concerns and relevant discussions in an informative manner, that people want to see. The Xbox One is not
    just a console and pretending like it is isn't going to change that fact. It's an all in one device, the comparisons go hand in hand with this thread. I do not dictate what the Xbox One is, Microsoft does and to say for me to start another topic to discuss what is relevant to this thread is unfair.

    I respect you as a moderator but I strongly disagree with you in this topic.

    You may not see it as that but I do. There are many people who want to know the good sides as well as the bad sides about the products they purchase. I am invested in the rights of consumers moreso than the failure of the Xbox One. In its current form, it's disappointing but if policies were to change to be less restrictive I'd have no problem with it.

    *paraphrasing opinions* "Well, I know it greedily screws a lot of people but personally as long as it doesn't affect me, I'm fine with it." I stand by not taking such a philosophy seriously.

    What you see as features, I see as restrictions. It's probably subjective, so it's kind of hard to say definitely.

    Because I've not been saying exactly the same things again and again and it's not like I'm posting "lul, Xbox One sucks101~!"
    When I read about new information, I post my concerns in the designated thread for such discussion as per the forum rules.

    I discussed Steam as a digital distribution service, it's not limited to consoles, as the PS3 has a branch of Steam and again, the key word that I've been using all along is relevant. Digital distribution is important to today's market no matter which hardware platform, and I believe that Steam is relevance to the discussion, which is why I brought it up and, again I don't understand your aversion to the PC vs Consoles debate when consoles aren't just consoles anymore, in regards to the Xbox One. I agree that we should move on, and I'll not discuss any more on the points that I've already made unless someone else has an inquiry or quotes me or new information is relayed. Other than that, I've made my views known and that's enough.

    Microsoft released this: and I can follow it pretty well. It confirms that my concerns are legitimate. I stand up for what I believe is unfair, that's all. I've said what I had to though, and I feel content with it.

    As for games, yes, that is something that I'm excited to see, Watch Dogs, Forza 5, Fable HD, and Ryze, specifically. I'm also interested in how they'll be utilizing Kinect in their games and the features of the device in more contemporary and casual ways. E3 Spoiler: Microsoft plan to reveal 20 games in their conference with more on the show floor, that IS exciting.

    The event is less than 2 hours away. 1 hours, 18 minutes and 4 seconds to be exact, and can be viewed right here:

    Exciting times, indeed. :)


    Now I wish I had some code red and a bag of cool ranch. Edit: I don't mean that sarcastically either. They're awesome.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
  17. #57

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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  18. #58


    Jul 28, 2010
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    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
  19. #59

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Pricing has been released:

    $499 USD ($429 GBP)

    That's actually less than I expected.

    Just for reference, the 360 cost $399 USD at release (2005). The PS3 cost $499 (2006).

    November 2013 release.
  20. #60

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Xbox One Lost Harder than Any Console I can Ever Remeber (Inb4Dreamcast and Vita comments)

    Xbox One lost so hard.

    Will do the worst this generation guaranteed. But thats not hard as xbox 360 did the worst last gen.

    No used games (can only share a game once)
    100$ more than ps4
    Less Powerful/Worse Graphics
    Kinect is always connected and always watching you (be careful where you masturbate)
    Not as good games
    Anti-Consumer practices
    Anti-Gaming practices
    Have to connect online once every 24 hours

    and thats just the start.

    Only thing debatable about the xbox one is a better controller. thats it.

    Xbox One Lost so hard

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