I'm going to get one, but I'm not going to get one of the first batches. Lesson learned with the 360's.
Microsoft are making us spend more than we should. Paying for the entertainment is fine. But paying for Xbox Live gold so we can get the entertainment options which we have to pay for on top of gold is not okay. XBL should be free like PSN. Have a pay for mode like PSN+ that gives you lots of bonuses like free Netflix and good deals. They would still make money. Free XBL could let us play games online without paying while Gold gives us bonus stuff that makes the pay worth it. Anyway, since I'm being so negative I'm gonna list some things I like about the One. The controller looks amazing(comes with recharge pack instead of AA battery compartment) The box looks nice. Even if it looks like a VHS player. 15 exclusives in first year. Achievements carry over 300'000 servers for Live Possible free to play games like Blacklight Retribution(not sure if it's only gonna be on PS4 or not)
You can get a great PC that will piss all over consoles for about $700 if you buy your own parts. Not much more than the PS4 or One will be. That setup will last you a very long time without needing to upgrade a thing if you don't want. Consoles become out of date every few years.
Could we please just discuss the Xbox One without getting into a consoles vs. PC war? PC gaming isn't for everyone. We're all loyal to our own devices. Back on topic.
The drawback for me is being forced to pay for a peripheral I have zero interest in. Motion gaming is not my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong. I completely understand why Microsoft did this. Developers will be much more inclined to integrate Kinect functionality into their games if they know that every Xbox One owner has one. It was a smart move on their part, no question about it. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though. (Obviously, we don't know the exact pricing details at this point, but I think it's safe to assume they won't be giving Kinects away.) But at the end of the day, like always, it comes down to the games. If the Xbox One can deliver in that department, which I'm sure it will eventually, people will overlook a lot of these issues.
I completely understand those concerns. Hopefully it doesn't add much to the price tag. I feel like Kinect's inclusion is less gaming-related and more entertainment system-related, from a voice control or motion control navigation standpoint. Although some game developers are likely to involve Kinect more heavily in their games, I don't foresee it being intrusive.
From what I understood from the Xbox One Architecture panel, the Kinect 2.0 is shipping with the console itself - it's a requirement, anyway, as the console cannot function without a Kinect being plugged into it.
http://www.vg247.com/2013/05/24/xbox-one-kinect-2s-visual-drm-functions-found-in-patent-file-report/ Also, with Active IR, the XBone can see you in the dark. And I mean really SEE you. It can monitor your heart rate, and determine your mood. It's required for the console to work, and it can only be disabled via software. (Which won't take long to be hacked) Pretty creepy. You can't put tape on the mic and throw it in the closet, because if the Kinect doesn't detect a player, there's a good chance that with this DRM the game may not work. Also http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...-xbox-one-game-trade-ins-will-work-apparently So, you can sell your game to a retailer but you can't sell it to your friend who is low on cash, or play the game once, and give it away as gift or something. It helps everyone, except the consumer. Say right now you're in a freshman high school, you buy the XBone this year, you acquire games for it over the next for years, you need money to help pay for college so you decide to sell your shit on ebay, but you can't because well, you just can't. The private second hand market is dead because of this bullshit. You can't sell your entire collection anymore. Not to mention the fact that unless retailers give away used games for free, you're having to pay for the game twice, as well have to activate it online. Anyone who defends this nonsense is just someone I can't take seriously. Sorry.
I love my Xbox 360, but I don't think I want the Xbox One. I've converted from a hardcore gamer to just a casual one, so paying to play online maybe twice a month isn't what I'm looking for. I don't want to pay extra for the Kinect (which has to cost at least $100+) and I'd rather not pay extra to "activate" a game. I feel that the entertainment side to the system was targeted at people like me who are just causal gamers, yet I can't see the system as being as useful as building a gaming PC and buying a Roku. The two can be used for all of the features I would want from the One for less overall price.
MS opens up on licensing more here. Basically, you don't have to have separate licenses on one Xbox One to play the same game - the license for the title is tied to your gamertag, and you can even play your game on someone else's console, assuming you log into your profile. Not sure how to translate this, however: "Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once."
Interesting. Now when it says "each game can only be given once", do they mean once to each friend? Or is it a one time thing?
You're aware you can already do this? Take your game with you. It's that easy. Microsoft is just needlessly complicating shit. It means if you have a game, you can give it to someone, if they were on your friends list for at least 30 days. Once you've given it, you can not get it back. It's not loaning, it's giving the game away and publishers have the power to block you from doing it to their games. Reading their policies online now, I'm 100% certain that I'll never purchase an Xbox One. No renting, No private sells, no lending games, always online (once every 24/7 is just as bad, as once those 24 hours are up your account is locked, you can't take your console to a place that doesn't have internet) And if the servers are down in ten years, too bad. You don't own the game anyway, you can't play it. If the PS4 is the same, I'll be just as disappointed. Though the PS4 is already confirmed as being able to be used old school without an internet connection at all. There's that.
i hope they don't do what they did with 360 when they made the arcade/pro, elite, gloss, Matt. it would be ridiculous to buy the Xbox one then 3-6 months later Xbox one slim comes out. by the way as if i can't play Xbox 360 games on Xbox one, that's dum it's just more work for them to remake the games on xbox one. actually now that i think about it's better for them profit wise.
Eh, there's just something about having that luxury of just logging in with my profile on a USB and having my entire library available on someone else's Xbox, instead of carrying the physical disc. Sure, it doesn't weigh much, but I like having all my stuff be as portable as possible. Also, the friend thing I really don't understand, but it doesn't affect me personally anyway - my friends never ask to borrow my games and I don't ever borrow games lol.
My biggest concern at this point is the integrity of Microsoft's servers. Remember when Sony's were down for a while? Imagine if something like that happens, effectively bricking/locking every single Xbox One.
Good, grand, wonderful. It's been established you don't like the Xbox One, Jesse. Can we please move on?
Just as others reaffirm that they are liking what they hear, I do the same with what I do not like and I feel that it is the respectful thing do to is to layout the differences. This is an Xbox One discussion, I am discussing Xbox One, it does not matter if it is either in favor or negative of the console as long as I'm not disrespecting people by calling them names or implying that anyone is inferior for wanting the console. People are free to like what they like, I have no objections to that. I have broken no rules here and I feel that my posts are justified. The more that I hear that displeases me (clarifications, new info, more restrictions) I will probably continue to rant about, if not in the designated Xbox One discussion, where else? EDIT: I guess I will try to calm down a little for now. Cheers.
I didn't say you were breaking any rules, I was just asking for you to tone down the hate. It's borderline trolling now. If the Xbox One clearly isn't for you, why keep lamenting on about it? Move on, is all I'm saying. Next thing you know this is going to be another consoles vs. PC bitchfest and I would like to avoid that eventuality.