Anyone remember me? Lol. Do any of the old heads still post here (Minus, Casey, Keaton, Mark, etc...)? By the way Derek, I love what you and your team have done with this site. Looks good!
I'm new, but I recall seeing you from previous posts. Welcome back! The old heads here are Minus (+/- now), Derek, Mark, Zane, Ree, Joe, Agent O, Benjamin, among others.
Hey Paul! Good to see you posting again. The old heads always come lurking back during every album release
No. I'm not still here. I left a long time ago. In regards to LPphilsfan's post: Haha, Ree and Zane are considered old? Lemme see here... What have you missed? Joe AKA Uncle_Raj being an admin. Luke/Hellflame is a mod. Will came back. Casey is still a pervert. I mean, um, he's still here. Keaton is now VIP. Aisha (strangel00m) recently started posting again. Dean was banned. Louis is a mod. There are a bunch of new people. And they've been on the same RT for more than 2 months. Oh how some things have changed. Oh how some things have stayed the same.
Welcome back Paul. Or something to that effect. Any way you don't feel neglect. Fuck it, Have a nice day.
Hahaha! Ree, Zane and Benjaman are all about a year "older" than me on the boards. Benjamin is still mad that Ree won best newbie the year before last in which I won best newbie/favorite member. Anyways... It's nice to "meet" you. Good to see a fellow Chicagoian. (I think it is still funny that "Older members" are new to me!)
This place has changed a lot just in the (nearly) 5 years that I've been here. Anyway, we've never interacted on here, but I do remember Paul. Welcome back.
Because I'm here, It's packed with more awesome sauce. I seriously wish I joined the site waaaaay earlier.
I've been visiting this site after MTM came out but I joined two years ago, and I have to say that things have changed last year or so. there is more arguing over musical tastes and over one album in particular (M)... kids these days
Right? That damn thing used to be renewed like once a month or some shit. In the heyday of the uber-postwhores.