Depends on what her goals would as President. I'm not just going to vote for her because she's a woman.
I'll never vote for a woman to be president because chances are she won't be one of those cool women out there and once she becomes president she'll ban everything like violent video games, explicit CDs....etc it would be a disaster, fuck that. it would be Tipper Gore all over again except worse... A woman president won't necessarily do that. It's against the constitution. Isn't it? Like, Explicit CD's, free speech and all?
yeah but that didn't stop Tipper Gore from putting explicit stickers on CDs. what would stop any other woman from making it so you could only buy Grand Theft Auto at certain adult stores because it's "violent" if that happened sales would go way down because kids wouldn't be able to play the game.
I'm indifferent about it. But possibly, more in support of having a woman in office for the first time. There is alot of speculation that Hilary Clinton and Condoleeza Rice will be the two presidential candidates in 2008. But two women? Running for president? Now? Never.