hey i just got winmx, and i cant find out how to clear search, when you enter a search, it pops up at the top of the page right, well, i have alot of searches, its getting cluttered, how do i clear those searches??
Or maybe you downlaod so much porn..and you don't know how to delete it..so when anotehr family member usesthe computer tries to search..and porn comes up...ahh i dunno
well its not porn, its just its getting really clutered up, and yes i do agree, winmx sux big time, i shall stick with kazza. just one more question, how do you uninstal it? lol
well to stop the search in progress hit STOP but you can't clear your results until you start a new one. if you want to do more than one search at once, click the SEARCH IN NEW WINDOW button. hope that helps somewhat.
There is no such thing as a fast P2P client. It's the users you're getting whatever you're downloading from who make it fast.
There is no such thing as a fast P2P client. It's the users you're getting whatever you're downloading from who make it fast. [/b][/quote] Oh, well, then i've gotton lucky so far, all my downloads have went fast.
Oh, well, then i've gotton lucky so far, all my downloads have went fast. [/b][/quote] That means that all the smart, fast users are using Piolet.
YAY! for smart people [/b][/quote] Hehe, I may have to check into it. KaZaA hasn't been up-to-par with me lately.
piolet seems pretty good so far, but if youre tired of kazaa, you could try kazaa lite. some ppl say they get better results using kazaa lite, and pluz it doesnt have any ads.
thanx guys for the help, but i just got so fed up with winmx after one day, i finaly deleted it off my computer, i am sticking with kazza, winmx sucked soooooo bad, AAHHH!!!! any way, do you have to pay for kazza light??? if not, were can i dl it??? :edit: i just checked out the pilot thing, it does say faster searches and dls, faster than "world wide web" i will prolly dl that, are there many peeps on it? so i can find lots of stuff, like odd things, such as movies, and all. how is the fake stuff on it, is it as high as kazza, most movies you dl arnt the real thing, is it like it here??? thanx for any replys
Meh...EMule rules over you all. Alright...WinMX...wiiiiiiiiiiiiiinMX...on the search bar...there should be a little button underneath the "Search in new window" button that says "close" click it and the current search window will vanish... if you need any more help, let me know and I'll send you a screenshot or something WinMX is easy once you get the hang of it
i deleted it!!! just did not like it, the bigest thing was you cant get a file description, on the file your dl ing, like kazza, so that was the bigest turn off. but thanx for offering it any way
i deleted it!!! just did not like it, the bigest thing was you cant get a file description, on the file your dl ing, like kazza, so that was the bigest turn off. but thanx for offering it any way [/b][/quote] why do you need a file description for? don't you know what you're looking for anyway? and yes, i agree: once you get the hang of it, it's easy. if you can't get the hang of it, must be something wrong with you. just kidding.
well peeps give file descriptions, indepth, or if the file is a fake, then if some one else dl the same file, they would change the description adn tell you not to dl it, because it's fake. i just like kazza better, it's kinda odd setup, kazzza is simperler, and has lots more to offer