Um...I wasn't talking about the LPU presale code, but the one MSI gave out. It was the same for all the other tour dates that went to sale on the 19th, so I was wondering if it would be the same for the Toronto one. And it's cool you're going. Good luck with tickets and all!
Doesn't work until the presale is loaded, please remove that as well, I find it's making it unfair, the less people that know, the better... its supposed to be exclusive. Fuck Placebo for releasing that, the assheads.
Okay, sorry man. Saosin, Taking Back Sunday, and MSI did the same thing though. I think the smaller bands want to ensure the entire tour isn't just Linkin Park fans, and that their fans get good seats as well. EDIT: MCR did it too. I don't think this is going to be too exclusive at all. Does seem to reduce the value of the LPU though.
Thanks for editing, sorry, just this forum gets tons of hits, and theres only 1000 GA tickets available, so I really wanna be in that pit. Thx for understanding, and fuck all the bands who released it, or fuck lpu for being so late
The passwords are easy to figure out. Once one was released, all the others were known and then the bands just started releasing them themselves.
Hey no problem, I was hoping for one of those tickets too lol. I was more putting it up for you incase the LPU didn't work out or something lol. Once again, good luck and all lol. I hope I can get one of those thousand!
Alas, I didn't get GA ones. I got section 203, row M, seat 9. I was wongering, with a fixed seat, does that mean I can't go over to the second stage when a band I like more is playing there? How does that work out?