(Yes, I, Kevin, made a thread in the Linkin Park section of the forum. You know it's something special when that happens.) So, you dislike Minutes To Midnight? A Thousand Suns? LIVING THINGS? Or maybe you are one of those who hate Hybrid Theory? Reanimation? Mete... well I could give you that one. You're one of those that think that it's your right to go on to the internet and say that everything sucks? You're one of those that think they're right? Because you excersised your human right to express your opinion and, in your mind you're right? I'm here to tell you, you are wrong. What makes you wrong? What gives me the right to say you ARE wrong? I do. Duh! How DARE you express your opinion when it differs from mine?! Don't you know who I am?! I am the one to tell you, YOU SUCK! But this was about how LP pisses you off, not how YOU piss ME off. I read in another thread on this forum (if you see this anywhere else than on LPA, someone stole my post and legal action has been taken) that LP is only making the music that they are making now because their record label makes them, because they can't stand up for themselves, that they don't have any balls (6 guys in the band and no balls, what are the odds?), that they are stressing out the music so they can be free from their contract and make the music they want in the timeframe they want. So... basiclly everything they do is wrong? Well LP has always been a band that has received hate for what they do. Hybrid Theory = people love it but call the band for a boy band that didn't write their own music. 2000 Reanimation = other peoples reworking of the songs that the band "didn't write", so it's even less good? 2002 Meteora = Evidence provided of the band writing the music, people bash it for sounding exactly like what they loved 3 years ago. Oh and some stuff about HEALING and FEELING. 2003 Live In Texas = RELEASED IN THE SAME YEAR AS METEORA AND FOR THE SAME PPRICE? IT'S ONLY THE TRACKS LIVE! DO THEY THINK WE'RE MADE OUT OF MONEY? 2003 Collision Course = More fucking remixes? Even more rap? WHRE'Z DA GUITARZ?(PS. Check out Dirt Of Your Shoulders/Lying From You, Jigga What/Faint, 99Problems/Points of Authority/One Step Closer, plenty of guitars in there) 2004 Minutes To Midnight = Where is that shit the we hated?! I MISS IT!!! Other people are glad for a new direction, glad they are staying away from that One Direction. 2007 Road To Revolution = IT'S ONLY THE TRACKS LIVE! DO THEY THINK WE'RE MADE OUT OF MONEY? ALREADY BOUGHT THE DSP FOR 10$ . 2008 A Thousand Suns = THEY WENT TECHNO!!! LP IS NOT A DANCE BAND!!! WHER'Z DA GUITARZ?!?!?! FO REEL THS TIME. 2010 Live In Madrid = IT'S ONLY THE TRACKS LIVE! DO THEY THINK WE'RE MADE OUT OF MONEY? ALREADY BOUGHT THE DSP FOR 10$ (Not even sold seperatley, only included in the Eureopean Re-Release of the album). 2011 LIVING THINGS = Mixing sucks, only first half is good, even more Dance and Electric shit!!!! SELLING EVERY SONG TO BE A COMMERCIAL!!!! 2012 So, as I said, weird hate. Now, is the band willing to let this slide? Well yeah, mostly. Mike adressed the "Boy Band" thing on 'Get Me Gone' and some other hate about him stepping away from his roots and that Collision Course was a lucky mistake on 'High Road'. According to some of you, the hate was also adressed on Until it Breaks and When They Come For Me, with the lines "you run your mouth like you could try to fill my shoes" and "ya'll gotta stop talking and try to catch up mothafucka, and all the people say? AAAAAAAH". The WTCFM line has been said by the band that it was directed towards their label, and I don't know about UIB, but for the sake of me being right I'm gonna say that you're wrong and stupid. If winder what I think (and let's be honest, you made it this far, you must wonder that.) the only song where the band is talking directly to the fans and the hatred towards them, is VICTIMIZED. Why? Listen to the lyrics, dumbass. Here, I'll even give you A LINK to them. The song is a hard hitting, kicking-you-in-the-face song. Loud guitars, hard drums, agressive rapping and some screams that I'm amazed came out of a human being(even more so when Chester was sick). It's what the complaining little bitches wanted from a song, and the band adresses that in the song "They're acting like they want a riot, it's a riot I'll give 'em". It also says how's he's sick of the internet hate and acknowledges the fact that no-one would ever say this to the bands faces "You've been waiting in the shadows there, Thinking you're hidden. But the truth is you don't have the stomach to get 'em." The chorus is also saying that this is the last time that they give in to the pressure of going outside of doing whatever the fuck they want to make "Victimized, victimized / Never again... Victimized." So yeah... do you need more evidence that LP is sick and tired of your bitching? Really? Well too bad, I'm not gonna go digg around and find some article about that, or some interview from 7 years ago because I don't save every interview that the bad has ever partaken in. Because I'm not weird like that. I'm weird in other ways, but not like that. Now, let's adress the "Everything LP makes now is just a commercial in a few months" issue. Yes the band licenses their music to be used in stuff, not always cool or good stuff, but still. This actually leads me to basiclly my whole issue with the fans that try to have a say in what LP does with their stuff. IT'S NOT FOR YOU TO DECIDE!!!! IF YOU WANNA HAVE A SAY IN SELLING A TRACK TO TRANSFORMERS, MAKE A TRACK THAT SOMEONE WANTS AND NOT SOMETHING YOU MADE IN 5 MINUTES IN GARAGEBAND. (this is a good place to plug my own music, https://soundcloud.com/Keols) Linkin Park makes the music they do because they want to, not the music that you want them to make. If you go and watch Frat Party At The Pankake Festival Mike pretty clearly say "We wanted to make a record that we wanted to listen too". That's what they did, and if you ask me that's still what they do. Do they kick back on the couch and put on their albums now? It has been 13 years. I don't know, I don't know what the band does in their free time, atleast not more than what they say in interviews. But I'm not gonna say what LP should do, well... COME TO SWEDEN AND PLAY A FUCKING SHOW! That I will say. But, LP told the haters to guck fuck themselves, and so will I. Go fuck yourselfes.
You forget something. Humans lives in this planet. And nothing is good for them. And Old-Skool Nu-Metal fans are the worst of them. But you're right.
Sure, sure. It's not like record labels can and will screw them over if they don't do what they say. It's just a matter of having balls. Right. Riiiiiiight. So basically this is a "Fuck you" to everyone who thinks that label pressure (And subsequently, label whoring) is a thing. Yeah, no. See, I can do the lyric deconstruction thing too.
It's not obsession if he basically said "fuck you" in the opening post to anyone who thinks record label pressure is a thing. I'm not bringing it up out of nowhere. So, no, you'd be wrong.
Oh god...I...you're right. I see everything clearly now. I love everything the band has ever done. Everything they have ever done has only been with the best of intentions, and has only ever ended with the best possible outcomes. They are, after all, literal angels. Here on Earth. My words hold no value, ESPECIALLY when I'm on a fan forum that exists for the sole purpose of sharing individual opinions. I am wrong to have questioned anything they've ever done. Ever.
Record label pressure exists because of record label business models. If a band is costing the label money, not making the label as much money as they used to, a new band that has yet to show that they're capable of making the label money, etc...the label is going to be sticking their noses into every little thing they do. Whether that's their right or not is up for debate, and not something I really want to delve into, but it's obvious that LP experienced plenty of label pressure early on, given that their entire entourage in the early days pretty much consisted of in-house Warner Brothers people (ranging from Jeff Blue as their A&R guy, to being paired up with David Kahne when they initially recorded the early version of One Step Closer, to Don Gilmore being hand-picked by the label to produce their first album). Warner had no idea what Linkin Park was ultimately going to do for them. Notice how none of those people were really part of the picture by the end of the Meteora touring cycle though? Do you really think that's a coincidence considering how much money Linkin Park made for their label with their first two albums? Do you think that stuff wasn't addressed when the band literally sued Warner in 2005-2006, which ultimately led to the complete re-structuring of their contract? Sure, label pressure is a thing. In the world of a band that accounts for between 3 and 10 percent of their label's sales (or at least did at one point, depending on whether you want to believe the label's numbers or the band's figures given during their contract dispute), though? Probably not so much. This is pretty much addressed by Chester in the A Thousand Suns DVD during his rant near the end where he lists off a bunch of (conveniently censored) names of Warner higher-ups who they don't have to answer to because none of them are even around when they're making an album in the first place.
The question is how MUCH pressure they're getting, not if they're getting it. We don't know what happened with their contract, and I wouldn't put it past Warner to be stingy about it, though I agree with most of what you say here. My issue with the guy is saying "Fuck you" to someone who thinks it's a thing (A thing that may or may not have influenced Living Things's direction) gets us nowhere, and trying to say "Look, the band agrees with me" as a statement rather than a personal interpretation is really insulting. Not to mention incredibly close minded and bigoted. It's about the same as Nu-Metal purists railing against the new material and saying "Fuck you" to the band for changing, and trying to act like the rest of the community agrees with them. I'd like to think that we, as a community, are bigger than this. I don't see why this thread hasn't been locked due to it's flamebait nature. It clearly was not created for discussion.
Loved it, Kev. It's not about liking everything they do, it's just about the impossibility for people to be pleased (and it's impossible to please everyone but can't they just agree on something?) I always look at it this way: DISTURBED: OMG THEY'RE SOO BORING EVERY RECORD SOUNDS THE SAME IT'S F***ING OLD! LINKIN PARK: OMG WHY DID THEY CHANGE I WANT HT BACK AGAIN, I WANT HAZ NU METAL OVER AND OVER AGAIN! These are two bands with two different styles and stuff, but the reaction is the one you generally see especially among 'neutrals' (except HT fanboys/girls, of course). You can like or dislike something, but it'd be nice if you (the collective, not fellow forum posters in this topic) were consistent with your criteria.
It is a fact proven time and time, over and over that a majority of Linkin Park fans are generally unhappy with everything the band does. It's disgusting really. Andreina, you hit the nail directly on the head with your Disturbed/LP comparison.
How have I not noticed this thread yet? HOW? You've made it to my signature, Mr. Brandon. What a gorgeous post.