If I understand right, the Catholic church recognizes anything, besides praying, a mortal sin. I love A Perfect Circle by the way.
It can't really be unfair because its their opinion and just because you don't like it doesn't mean its wrong.
This is a strange question because people can't go to the corpse and go "shame on you." It doesn't work.
it shouldnt be considered a mortal sin because its of free will....is that a sin ? free will? personal choice?
Well, with an "all knowing god", free will doesn't logically exist anyhow. If god knows literally everything, present, past, and future, we can't have free will. If he knows what I had for breakfast this morning, what I'm thinking at this instant, and when I'm going to buy my next pair of shoes, then I don't have any will to change HIS will. It may seem like I have an option, like a red or blue shirt the next day, but if god already KNOWS what I'm going to choose, does that mean I literally have a choice? No, it doesn't, it means that I'm adhering to a figurative script, something that he already is 100% certain will occur. If I were to somehow do something he hadn't known would happen, he wouldn't have perfect knowledge, and if he did know, I have no free will.
Did you know that if you're Catholic and you commit suicide, you can't have a Catholic burial? Such bullshit. I'm not planning on converting (I'm Catholic) but I wish the Catholic church would become more liberal. The church doesn't even allow priests to marry. Btw A Perfect Circle is kickass. My second favorite band (right behind LP)
Logic traps are silly. Just because he knows what's going to happen, doesn't mean he's choosing for you or choosing it. He knows what you're going to do, but that doesn't mean he's choosing it for you.
anything that breaks the ten rules, or commandtents or wateva they are is a sin. but as if i'd break the sunday holy day thing all i do on sunday is sleep, and play ps2
Like arT saveS said, the Catholic church seems to deem almost everything as a sin. and Outsider, I'm an atheist.
I support the catholic church on that aspect. If you believe in life after death than there's no point in commiting suicide. If you commit suicide it's like running away from your problems instead of facing them and perhaps even solving them. Killing yourself won't make the situation better. Ok, if you didn't get what I was saying just watch the movie "What Dreams may come". It's really good and taught me alot.
it is a way of life, a very committed one in fact and that i respect. all their views and beliefs i may disagree with sometimes but i still respect them and sometimes them admire them.
Logic traps are silly. Just because he knows what's going to happen, doesn't mean he's choosing for you or choosing it. He knows what you're going to do, but that doesn't mean he's choosing it for you. [/b][/quote] He doesn't have to choose, it's already done! And you're left with a pitiful illusion of choice, that's already pre-determined. At the instant he created the universe, with his boundless knowledge, he made every choice you "thought" you made (and will make) for you.
He doesn't have to choose, it's already done! And you're left with a pitiful illusion of choice, that's already pre-determined. At the instant he created the universe, with his boundless knowledge, he made every choice you "thought" you made (and will make) for you. [/b][/quote] Because it's already ''done'' doesn't mean you don't make that decision is the point I'm trying to get across. Your original post was about god knowing what you're going to do. And in your mind that means that it's already pre-determined what you're going to do, and yea in a way it is. But I'm saying that just because he knows, doesn't mean that he's made the decision or that you didnt make the decision. He just knows already what you're going to do ahead of time.
Because it's already ''done'' doesn't mean you don't make that decision is the point I'm trying to get across. Your original post was about god knowing what you're going to do. And in your mind that means that it's already pre-determined what you're going to do, and yea in a way it is. But I'm saying that just because he knows, doesn't mean that he's made the decision or that you didnt make the decision. He just knows already what you're going to do ahead of time. [/b][/quote] Is there a difference? I don't think you're fully seeing the implication of "perfect knowledge." If you're at a fork in the road, the "choice", quotes because the term is incorrect, is already decided. There is, in actuality, no choice to be made. You may be presented with an illusion of a choice, but, again, at the instant God snapped his fingers and created the universe, he knew in his absolute knowledge that when you reached this fork, you would go left. It's done, right there, the act WILL happen. If it didn't, God wouldn't be perfect. There is no decision for you to make! You think there is of course, and you ponder long and hard. But it's already been made in a script that is just being played out. If there's anything I can do to make this more clear to you, tell me. There is no real "choice" involved because you, in reality, according to this script, have no other option BUT to go the way that is written.
Since people decided to recognize free will. But the United States has been low on free will, so I see why a lot of people don't like suicide.