Why are the new music videos so boring now?

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by TimeSpree, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. #41

    hybridsoldier1989 strange things are afoot at the circle k

    Feb 13, 2010
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    Shadow of the Day is a boring as hell video. Let's just have Chester croon for 4 and a half minutes. Great idea.

    LOATR is boring as well. Floating in space, pushing knobs, playing space chess, laughing. Crap.

    I don't get the hate for the ATS videos. MTM was shit. Numb was shit.

    /end rant

    Actually, no. hahaa.

    Let's end the myth here. LP's old videos weren't that great.

    One Step Closer: Green haze, floating ninjas, upside down Chester "shut up when I'm talking to you" Enough said about that. No story, no real concept.
    Crawling: Cool CGI for the time but a cliche story.
    In The End: No story, floating whale, CGI, cool band shots, hard to see a real concept here.
    POA: Live compilation, boring.
    Papercut: What's with the couch? No Rob drumming even. This one acts on the paranoia theme and is maybe the best of the HT videos because of it.
    SIB: Dream world of Chester's while he floats onto his bed in his postmodern le chic bedroom (the fuck?). Elephants. People with hoods letting Mike preach to them about being hollow and alone and the fault is surely his own. No story really.
    Faint: Cool visuals, simple, you can't even see the band in the video! (Back in 2003, fans hated this video because you couldn't "c t3h b4nd!" Trust me, I was there. This video has always been a great one. Joseph Hahn did not direct this one. Mark Romanek did. See "Can't Stop" by RHCP.
    Numb: Crawling with no CGI. Boring.
    From The Inside: the first time they did a riot sequence, it was cool. Prague: Thumbs up. Hardly could be called a "story." But what is with the boy with the milk?
    BTH: Cool concept, cliche story lines for people who hate on LP to leach onto. A lot of people hated this when it was released.
    WID: Stock footage. Been done before. No story line. Boring band performance. Chester trying to be Bono.
    BIO: Bar fight? Really? No story.
    Given Up: Live compilation. Always a snoozer. See POA.
    SOTD: Let's do another riot sequence but show less of the actual riot and show more Chester! Because this is a one man show for MTM! Hardly a story, blech. It was hard to not throw up in my mouth when I saw this one. The one time I made it through the whole thing.
    LOATR: See what I wrote above. This video is pointless.
    New Divide: Transformers is an instant fail. So it's no surprise the video is as well.

    What exactly are people wanting to see a return to the "glory days" of LP music videos for?

    LP's music videos have never been about a story. Sure, they've had some minimal "stories" I suppose, but it has always been about visuals.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
  2. #42

    TimeSpree Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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    /resume rant

    Watch the Burning In The Skies video, interesting huh? No.

    You fail. That is all
  3. #43

    CM. ☠ L O V E KEEPS US K I N D

    Dec 6, 2010
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    i disagree badly
    personally think all of their videos are awesome in their own way
    the new one are actually great
    you see waiting for the end, man that one is creative with the stuff they added into it
    love their songs, love their music videos
  4. #44

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    Ben, I take back what I said to your first post in the thread haha.
  5. #45

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I guess I rest my case then :lol:
  6. #46

    hybridsoldier1989 strange things are afoot at the circle k

    Feb 13, 2010
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    Actually, I did. And your petty internetz "you fail" doesn't save you from a response.

    The BITS video is pretty ace, it has a deeper meaning and is a far more mature video from Linkin Park than we've seen before. But I wouldn't expect the majority of people to get that, considering Faint was hated in 2003 because it didn't show enough of the band, lyK omG waR3z mYk and Ch35t3R???!!11?!

    Do you fit intothat category?

    Take your blinders off. It's art.

    If you want more flying whales, flying ninjas, girls with numb scratched on their arms, those videos are still on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.
  7. #47

    jessiexo Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Honestly dude... I don't hate it cuz Chester's not in 99% of the video. I think the concept is 'mature' I guess but cliche and WID-y. It's really typical so I don't see the creative aspect of it and it is also very poorly executed. The entire effing video is slow-motion... that's an EFFECT not supposed to be the entire video.

    I think they need to find another video director for a little while :p
  8. #48

    Gman2887 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Actually, Burning in the Skies is a very interesting video, just not very well executed.
  9. #49

    tROCKS24 Banned

    Jan 17, 2011
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    :faint: OMG, after watching closely to Faint by LP, i get the concept of the video i think. Its a great awesome concert video inc with all of the art work, and the lighting. just pay attention to the cameraman, the lighting and the audience/fans and how they are placed while paying attention to the lyrics. :D. Tell me what u think. :D. and i just got this concept today a few moments ago 2 after watching this video a dozen times. lol
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  10. #50
    Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Thank you. People want to be all like *ITZ ABOUT ATOMIC BOMBZ KILLING PEOPLE ITZ DEEP AND MEANINGFULZ!!1* and they completely gloss over the fact that the entire video is a bunch of slow motion shots of random people doing things before a bomb goes off. It's not compelling at all.

    It's an interesting idea, but the way it was presented was bad. Just because they tried to make it a really deep video doesn't mean they made a good video. It could have been done a lot better.
  11. #51

    Gman2887 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    See the thing is I think the first half of the video that everyone complains about are the stronger shots. I've explained before that Joe has a thing for very personal, tight shots and it works to get in to the heads of characters. The cuts and transitions between characters was very compelling as well.

    What I don't buy is the explosion/bomb. It has no scope and when we see it go off we're limited to those tight shots that have been building to the big "boom". As a result the climax is less "explosive" than it should have been. Otherwise I appreciate the differing characters-- There's nothing random about it. They all represent some form of self-absorbed, apathetic and vain characters that are all too complacent in their world. (Or our world.) It may be a cliche theme, to one extent or another, but the build-up didn't over-preach it. Subtly is the video's strong suit. The climax, however, is completely botched. The effects the characters feel from the explosion are presented in a very convoluted manner.

    It's not as bad as people are saying it is, but it's not as good as its defenders claim it to be.
  12. #52

    sotrix @lplive

    Apr 7, 2010
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    Burning in the Skies is one of the best music videos LP ever made.

    There's no such thing as a "boring" video.
  13. #53

    TimeSpree Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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    It's lazy, boring, and I don't see any redeeming fact that this is a good music video, I love how people refer to things as "art" in order to make themselves believe that it is good, because they won't accept that their precious Linkin Park has produced something terrible, if there is ever going to be a list of worst music videos then this will be number 1, seriously, i'd rather watch hammertime to this, it's more of a slideshow that an actual music video, and I filmed better things than this on a crappy BTEC college course.
    I am amazed how many people have been brainwashed into the stupid excuse that it is "art" Linkin Park used this excuse with A Thousand Suns because Mike claimed to have spent every day for a year perfecting it, they cover themselves with this stupid excuse so they don't look like a complete failure if it doesn't do well commercially, and eventually they will just evolve into some sort of pop art project, claiming that people just.. didn't "get" them, while concious intrinsic and stronger willed minds will just click onto Breaking The Habit instead.

  14. #54
    Death Slayer

    Death Slayer Julian

    Jul 24, 2010
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    Chill man, the fact that you think it's bad doesn't mean that the video is a bad one for everyone.
    There are people who'll be brainwashed into liking this video
    but there also are some who would appreciate it in heart.
    So what if some people say they don't like the Breaking The Habit video, will you go on and say that they've got no taste (or didn't get it)?

    It's perfectly fine for you to not like it, but please don't bash those who do.
    PS: Not trying to argue or anything, just wanna say that your opinions can't say for everyone
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  15. #55

    TimeSpree Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Sorry, i'm not bashing those who do like it, I just think that people should really think of their own tastes and speak out, I know i'll get flamed for posting that comment but I couldn't really put it any other way, sorry if anybody gets offended but it wasn't the intention.
    To anyone who is annoyed, I would rather be criticised than lie about what I think; feedback to the band are what these forums are for.
  16. #56
    Gloomy Mushroom

    Gloomy Mushroom Absolute Zero LPA Super VIP

    May 13, 2008
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    Your third thread about LP's videos? :lol:

    Since 2000 really I could not give two flying fucks about band's music video's as it's a lost cause for interest. There was probably ever only one LP video that I liked and it was Breaking the Habit, even that is in the 'meh' books for now. They are unoriginal and plain dull and ATS's video clips have emphasised that point.

    Riots? Please.
    Repeated special effects? Please.
    Skulls and skeletons of animals? Please, that's crying desperation in creativity.

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  17. #57
    Rana LP Luvr

    Rana LP Luvr 'Fly me up on a silver wing'

    Apr 30, 2010
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    I'm sorry i really disagree.. But with BITS i find Joe really had weird idea.but it has a story, plot..
  18. #58
    Rohit LP

    Rohit LP The Silent Red

    Jun 26, 2010
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    d video stil gives me chills...specailly wen i watchd it on TV(my comp sucks..tv is much better)...
  19. #59

    pooldude Give it all away just to hav someone to go home to

    Jan 31, 2011
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    oh i disagree with you....each of their videos hold o meaning even if it is song like Shadow Of the Day. And The Catalyst.....how can you even say that it was boring.....it was one of the best videos of Linkin Park.... I think this Thread is a rubbish...sorry if i am being rude
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
  20. #60
    Rohit LP

    Rohit LP The Silent Red

    Jun 26, 2010
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    completely disagree...
    LOATR...well...d video conveys meaning of d songs...d kinda last message u'd say b4 death if u kneew u were going to die soon..

    i like d video ...spaceship is d right place ...

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