I hear a lot of people say that meteora wasn’t as good as HT. This got me thinking that what was actually wrong with meteora?? Was it the structure of the songs/ the lyrics/ the style…or what??!! As for me I found it quite awesome and in some way better than HT!! What do ya’ll think??
i think your right i totally agree with you about meteora alb,when i first heared lp's alb i never thought the second alb will be as good as the first one, honestly is not as good but is still sounds as good, and it deserve everything it got from the awards toevry thing. persevere they did big on HT and even bigger more bad ass riffs on meteora. goodluck on next LP> i would say.
wel.... I Loved Meteora... it wasnt as HARDCORE as HT and HT EP although i liked XERO but lets see what the new album has instore
Cliche, unimaginative lyrics. Way too simple guitar riffs and the same song structures. A huge step back from 'Hybrid Theory'. Songs and album itself were way too short in length. Got old quickly.
Ok... my soon to be Girlfriend (who is studing BA Music and Maths) also told me that soem of the songs structures where the same but the tempos etcetra where changed
The Music wasnt changed up enough for me. And by that, I mean, it sounded way too much like HT. And of course the lyrics, just didnt seem up to par, compared to HT.
I like Meteora way more then I like HT. HT is a really good cd, I just don't think it was better then Meteora
The songs weren't necessarily bad, it's just that the album was basically HT rewritten, and as such it got boring after a while. It didn't help that you couldn't make out the bass on most of the songs, whereas on HT you could.
When I first heard this album I thought that it was much better then HT, but now that I listened to HT again, im finding that I like it more then Meteora. But, overall, I didnt find anything wrong with Meteora.
every song on meteora sounded the same, you only heard the diffence when you really listened to the music and not had it as background music
every song sounded like the other, HT was way better than meteora (opinion) only 3 songs in my opinion that are as good as any HT's , somewhere i belong, numb and lying from you, and in HT i like every song... which is kind of bad i think for meteora
if HT and meteora were alike then how come meteora got boring so fast, whereas HT is still not boring?? a major question!!
I thought meteora was way better...but...it's really just taste in music I think...I mean...they didn't really get better or worse...they...changed...who knows...maybe half of us won't even really like LP as much after their new album...like they said...it'll be completely different again...
Because Hybrid Theory is different. Meteora is the same, and thus, not different. They took a formula and a sound that was proven to be successful and ran with it. Which is totally against what HT is about. If you think cliche lyrics and simple guitar riffs are better... I guess that's your taste.
Yeah but you know, if something works, why change it? They found an awesome, unique style and there was no need to mess with it. I love Meteora as much as I love HT. I hope that the new album will be a little different though because it's been so long since Meteora and I really want to hear something completely new now, and I know they can deliver, as they have before.
Sure it is. Unique means that no one else has it, and even though there have been many bands that have tried to copy LP's style, LP's still the only band that has it for real.