mine is probally ummmm pushing me away because it has happend to me a whole lot people call me a baby though when i talk about cause im 13 that other guy though talking about papercut he is a psyco
May I suggest professional help? [/b][/quote] yea. and I need the closest and best psycologist near my house. just kidding. somewhere i belong relates al lot to me. amazing...
probably...Papercut cause i am extremely paranoid Runaway cause i feel like just running away back to Tucson and By Myself, well sorta weird cause i hate being by myself lol
like most others i would have to say that papercut really relates to me becuase it does seem like i have absolutly no control over my actions. another song (even though it isnt on this album) would be somewhere i belong it reads me perfectly.
I think i really relate to "Forgotten" , because sometimes people can look right past me and not even know i exist , and also forgotten is my favorite song ever
By Myself because I'm usually by myself... doing nothing new. And getting ditched by my "friends". But I don't care...
I have to go with Rinkin, only because the kids in my town suck, there boring, and have no taste in music. So all my friends live in folcroft which is so far!