It can be the first song you ever heard by them, or the one that got you hooked. Add a story to it if you feel so inclined. For me, it was From the Inside. I had never really been into music at all before, but one day I came across the music video for it, and it's remained my favorite song ever since.
Mine was In the End about 11 years ago. My sister had written out lyrics to the song (back when people still did that ) for my cousin and I was bored, so she taught me to sing it. I hadn't heard the any LP song, or even liked music at that point, but they were my favorite band from then on.
Nobody's Listening surprisingly... It was something new and different And By Myself got me into hardcore fandom because it described me so well...
For me, it's Numb. While the song is not one of my favorite anymore, I still apreciate it for the reason it made me discover LP. In fact I was a big DBZ fan around my 13/14 years (I'm still fan though ) and one day, I was watching a DBZ clip with Baddack (father of Goku) and this is the music which was used in that video. I was just like :" WTF....This shit is freaking epic!!!" Then while watching other DBZ videos, I came across songs like OSC or Papercut. I also found those great...and then one day, I decided to listen to more of their stuff. And so, I becomed an LP fan around 2005! And also, this! The only music I knew before was the stuff which was on MTV, and I hated it. LP was the very first band I listened to, before becoming a music fan in general.
First Linkin Park song I heard was Runaway, and for ages it was my favourite - don't really like it now haha
In The End/Faint/Breaking The Habit, are the first 3 song I heard from the band in 2003 when I was only 8 years old.
In the End was the first song I'd heard from them but I really didn't care for it. The song that really got me into them was Somewhere I Belong back in '03.
I remember back in like 2000, I used to listen to a lot of 'pop' music at the time; Britney Spears, Limp Bizkit, Ja Rule, etc, and then one day my best friend showed me a new CD he had just bought, it was called 'Hybrid Theory'. He specifically remember hearing 'Crawling', 'Papercut', 'Runaway' and 'Cure For The Itch' for some reason, I fell in love. I didn't become a huge fan of LP until like early 2003 though, after hearing Meteora, I was hooked. I had heard other songs from HT and Reanimation before I became a die-hard fan, and I liked them all. So I guess I got into LP in 2000, just didn't become a huge fan until a few years later. And I guess the song that got me into LP was Crawling.
I remember hearing One Step Closer but I had no idea what band it was and then I heard Crawling and In the End on the radio shortly after Hybrid Theory came out. Been a huge fan of LP since around Christmas of 2000.
Not really a song but my friend showed me Meteora and we listened to it all of Summer 04. Then I stopped listening to them before rediscovering Meteora in 08. Then, I looked up their other singles from HT and MTM and they have been my favorite band ever since.
The LP first song I ever heard was "Somehwere I Belong" about a decade ago and I still remember being super-hyped whenever seeing a new LP video I've never seen before at my grandmas apartment cause my mum was like "turn this shit off" every time i was listening to LP (which was the reason why I haven't bought Meteora back then). Nonetheless it's "In The End" in late 2005 that finally made me become a fan of the band and made me buy my first LP record (which was LIT cause it contains all songs I knew back than).