I am wondering to all you music makers out there, What Software do you use? I really wanna get all the software Linkin Park uses like Pro Tools, Native Instruments etc. But I don't have the money for those, so I was wondering what all you guys/girls use? Thanks in advance.
REAPER. It's $40 for a discounted license and it's a wonderful DAW. If you're on Windows, there's a whole world of free VSTi synths out there for free if you just search around the interwebz.
Thanks to the both of you....for a DAW i'm using Audacity. I'm just looking for VST synths and stuff so I will try....I have a mac so are their still free VSTi synths?
For your information, I'm pretty sure you can't use VST's on Audacity. If you're going to produce electronic (dnb, house, dubstep etc), go for Ableton Live. It's probably one of the best DAW's for that kind of stuff. Reason is also good, but I don't like the interface that much... but maybe you will. For Hip Hop/Rap, I suggest FL Studio (I use it despite I usually make drum and bass or electro) For acoustic stuff, pro tools is the way to go, or logic pro (if u have a mac) I don't know about free vsti synths, but If you can afford it, get Native Instruments Komplete 7. It's amazing.
Audacity is great for small wave editing but nothing much more. Otherwise, I seriously suggest REAPER if you don't have the funds for Pro Tools or Logic. REAPER has support for any type of plug in you'd need.
Thanks all of you for your help, it's greatly appreciated. I don't plan on sticking to one genre of music so i'm gonna use FL Studio for beats, Ableton for electronic stuff (and try Reason), then when I get the money get Reaper/ Pro Tools.
Oh, then I really, really suggest you to just use one program for everything then. It's better to be a master at one program than be decent at multiple. But that's just me. Some people are different
FL Stuido has everything you need. Just download the demo, and get a crack from a torrent. There are 1000's of legal free VSTs that are great, and with the right mixing tracks sound professional.
It is indeed, the snapping makes things really easy. Just wish I had a higher-res screen :/ Scrolling and scrolling and scrolling gets old.
I've used FL Studio for almost 6 years, it's really amazing! Though I always wanted to use Pro Tools.... I don't know if it's better... but I always wanted to check it out. For audio edition, I use Adobe Audition 3.0, it's pretty easy to use for me, I've heard a new version was released, I don't know if it's actually a better version of 3.0..... +1
My Band Fletcher, Forbes & Gill use a program called Orion Platinum its awesome you can get loads of free VSTi's and VST's over the net!