What LPW Said To Me...

Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by Omar, Apr 11, 2003.

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  1. #1

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This is no joke, I talked w/ Ent0303 [Derek] and here's what he had to say about this whole incident, this im came to me after posting a mean little guestbook entry, go check it out so they can keep their site alive :)

    Ent655ered: Hey, thanks for signing our guestbook.
    Omihomi28: :)
    Ent655ered: And thanks for still bringing up things from the past.
    Omihomi28: I'm a little disappointed though ;-)
    Omihomi28: i didnt
    Ent655ered: Well, Bryan did.
    Omihomi28: u started banning out members on ur forums when all bryan even did was sign up for ur mailing list...
    Ent655ered: I know.
    Omihomi28: y?
    Ent655ered: We thought he was getting mad at a member.
    Ent655ered: But, he really wasn't.
    Ent655ered: I took it the wrong way.
    Omihomi28: so did everyone lol
    Ent655ered: Then he posted something that was from a long time ago on our guestbook, something that was already taken care of.
    Omihomi28: thats because we had to ban all of u guys :-\
    Ent655ered: Yea, for something that happened a long time ago.
    Omihomi28: no just recently
    Ent655ered: And Derek thinks somehow we are still stealing news.
    Omihomi28: sometimes i do too, some ofur updates r like a day behind ours but they have the same content
    Ent655ered: You know, there's a thing called having the same sources for information. Sometimes it happens even though we don't know it. And other times, we post stuff that you guys don't have. Other times, we are ahead of you in posting something new.
    Omihomi28: like lying from you being the new single? :p
    Ent655ered: Yea, we were informed that MTV.com confirmed it on their website.
    Omihomi28: MacNeilBiker76: lmao i said "thanks for using the image i made in your sig" (talking xxlpxx who was using the pic i made) and then put my email down
    Omihomi28: did they really?
    Ent655ered: Yes, more than 5 people told me about it.
    Omihomi28: did mtv.com confirm this im asking?
    Ent655ered: Yes. Maybe they are wrong, but you can usually trust them.
    Omihomi28: where on the site is it confirmed?
    Ent655ered: That's the thing, that's why we took it down. I can't find it, I'm going to ask the people that told me whenever they get online.
    Omihomi28: remember when i told u to make sure before u post news? i was trying be nice and look out for your site ;-)
    Ent655ered: No, I don't remember you telling me that. I didn't post it anyway.
    Omihomi28: yes i remember, i imed u asking how u knew it was the single, u said i always trust jay and i said u shud find a solid link
    Omihomi28: y did u ban will?
    Ent655ered: Oh ok. I thought you meant you told me that a long time ago.
    Omihomi28: nope i told u for this ;-)
    Ent655ered: Oh, we banned him just because he was being an ass.
    Omihomi28: what did he say?
    Ent655ered: He told whoever made the remix that it was crap, I think that's what he said.
    Ent655ered: I'm not saying the remix was good, he was mean about it.
    Omihomi28: well that is a good reason to ban somebody, especially w/o like a warning first :)
    Ent655ered: Oh well, one question. If Derek thinks LPA is so much better, why do you guys care so much and why do you want to come post at our site? We don't post anymore at LPA.
    Ent655ered: We don't make our site just to be better than you. We have our members just like you guys, and we want to try and give them some good stuff.
    Ent655ered: We don't mention anywhere, that "Our mission is to beat the LPA".
    Omihomi28: 1. u dont post at LPA anymore b/c u were banned
    2. we dont think we're better, but if someone takes #### directly, or gives off false info, thats not a good sign
    3. yes u dont mention that, but it seems like it sometimes...
    Ent655ered: I guess I don't get it.
    Omihomi28: i dont get u either
    Ent655ered: Ok.
    Ent655ered: LOL
  2. #2
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    but they DID say they wanted to be better then LPA, we have a old IM from ent in "To All Haters of LPA". So he lied once again.
  3. #3

    dark_assassin Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2002
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    u go omi!! ^_^
  4. #4

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    We should all kiss and make up... Well, you know, not litterally, unless you feel you want to... :shifty:.
  5. #5

    Bryan Guest

    Yes, he lied once again as Derek said.

  6. #6

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    And yet again, I feel the immaturity rising. The fans need to combine as one instead of b*tching at eachother! *Goes to create a LP-Fan-Friend-Connector* :p.

    This whole deal is just bad... Can anyone like, tell me how this all actually began?

    "When this began..." :D
  7. #7
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    "I had nothing to say
    And I get lost in the......"

    Got a little carried away. Sorry.

    About the situation, I'll just sit back and idle.
  8. #8

    dark_assassin Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2002
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    Xxnumb hybridxX: why do you guys hate LPA so much
    OoXeroTheoryoO: where are u getting this from?
    OoXeroTheoryoO: our boards?
    Xxnumb hybridxX: http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/index....t=ST&f=9&t=3081
    Xxnumb hybridxX: dHOP NhS cws: You know, we're not going to post news anymore. Because we already have more content than you guys, we'll just update our content that we have now. And the news that we post, we'll work harder and find it before you guys do. So, our goal is to be better than lpassociation
    OoXeroTheoryoO: no....LPA made up that ####
    Xxnumb hybridxX: no they didnt
    Xxnumb hybridxX: thats an actual im
    OoXeroTheoryoO: they are just trying to start a war with us...they just left like 3 rude comments on our guestbook...we never did anything to them
    Xxnumb hybridxX: u banned random members
    OoXeroTheoryoO: because he was being rude....and I want banned for no reason on LPA
    OoXeroTheoryoO: was
    Xxnumb hybridxX: no
    OoXeroTheoryoO: yes
    Xxnumb hybridxX: you were banned for a reason
    OoXeroTheoryoO: no I wasn't....a mod unbanned me a while back and said he didn't know why I was banned
    Xxnumb hybridxX: well,maybe it was because you banned one of us for no reason
    OoXeroTheoryoO: i was banned before I banned a member of LPA
    OoXeroTheoryoO: I was banned for no reason like 2 months ago....
    Xxnumb hybridxX: well there must be a reason
    Xxnumb hybridxX: LPA doesnt ban without good cause
    OoXeroTheoryoO: there wasn't...the mod said there wasn't

    thats what LPW said to me :angry:
  9. #9
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    See? the site is spreading lies about us, saying we make up all our claims and etc. Sh*t like this makes me mad. I try to be professional and look what they do.
  10. #10

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    "We don't post anymore at LPA."

    *looks down at the online users list*

    XeroTheory is here..hmm..

    What a bunch of liars.
  11. #11

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Wow... it's like, never going to get better.

    Anyone wanna' make a "Bang Head On Wall" emoticon? :p.

    This is rediculous... I hate to see sites at WAR for the band. What the hell's up with this?! Since WHEN did a website have to compete against another?! I remember when I first started, I just wanted to be part of the LP community, but now we got competitive wars going on?! This makes me quite sick... :angry:.
  12. #12

    dark_assassin Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2002
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    OoXeroTheoryoO: why do u want to see them?
    Xxnumb hybridxX: so i have proof
    Xxnumb hybridxX: but of course
    Xxnumb hybridxX: =P
    OoXeroTheoryoO: http://www.linkin-parkworld.com/bryan1.jpg
    OoXeroTheoryoO: http://www.linkin-parkworld.com/omar.jpg
    OoXeroTheoryoO: http://www.linkin-parkworld.com/bryan2.jpg
    OoXeroTheoryoO: theres ur proof
    Xxnumb hybridxX: the first one
    Xxnumb hybridxX: he was stating facts
    OoXeroTheoryoO: some proof, huh? sounds more like defense
    Xxnumb hybridxX: same w/the second
    Xxnumb hybridxX: not really
    Xxnumb hybridxX: you guys copied their news
    Xxnumb hybridxX: and take credit
    OoXeroTheoryoO: oh yeah...."what do you think about our site? it sucks"...yeah..that's defense
    Xxnumb hybridxX: they have a right to be pissed
    Xxnumb hybridxX: well what do you want them to say?
    OoXeroTheoryoO: we copied their news once...and we admitted our mistake a million times...we haven't copied since....
    Xxnumb hybridxX: sure
    OoXeroTheoryoO: i want them to defend themselves.....not diss our site
    Xxnumb hybridxX: "oh i love your site.its so kewl. so funky how you have the exact same news as us!!"
    OoXeroTheoryoO: it was a mistake..they should get over it
    Xxnumb hybridxX: sure
    Xxnumb hybridxX: o
    Xxnumb hybridxX: *no
    Xxnumb hybridxX: you guys should stop saying that your sole goal in life is to be better than LPA
    OoXeroTheoryoO: we have never said that...LPA is making that stuff up
    OoXeroTheoryoO: i'm done talking with you...bye
    OoXeroTheoryoO signed off at 11:11:01 PM.

    hahahahaha im going on my other screen name.... :shifty: :whistle: :chemist:
  13. #13

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Uh, I also view the first as a statement that Bryan had made to justify the problems. I mean, I would have took that as a compliment to make the site better... I don't know, I think I'm just the opposite of every human being alive :wth:.

    Edit: Now the images are gone... :blink:.
  14. #14

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Those images don't work?
  15. #15

    dark_assassin Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2002
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    lmao of course they dont...the man knows i posted this so he took it down....and blocked me on 3 sns....i saved one of them though... this is omis post at LPW
  16. #16

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    They were working up until like, a minute or so after absolut xero posted the reply. I saw them :blink:.

    Anyways, I just went to their forums, and uh. They don't like, give you chances do they..? Or do they just like... not like feedback? I thought part of feedback was to listen to the viewers :wth:. Ugh, I think I've been out of websites for too long, I need to get jiggy with it :D.
  17. #17

    sup103 Ambient

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Just ingore them.
  18. #18
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Ok just so everyone knows, I don't send people to harass them. We try to be professional with the LPW but they don't act professional, they call us liars to our faces, to non staff's faces, ban our staff from thier forums for no reason and block people who try to ask them why.

    For a site that's run by a 21 year old he sure doesnt act like it.

    Alex is 19 and more mature.
  19. #19

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Not to put your comment down or anything, but you know, when running a site, you work your ass off, and when something like this happens, you take action. I know I would.
  20. #20

    dark_assassin Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2002
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    alex could be like..5 and still kick ass :D but seriously...jay has issues..and i would pick here over there any day...btw i posted in their guestbook :chemist:
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