^ugh, 9320. That phone brings bad things. Bad bad things. Like freezing. Lots and lots of freezing. It gives me bad memories. Very bad ones. Basically I hate it.
I'm a proud Apple fanboy so I'm on the iPhone 5 right now; however, if and when the 5S isn't a major upgrade this summer/fall, depending on what's new with the S4, I may switch over for a while.
Yeah, same here. I love the iPhone 5, don't get me wrong, but something new once my contract is up might not be out of the question. Maybe I will sucker down and get another Apple, I really don't know. Whatever is out on the market is up for consideration.
It's tricky with two year contracts because so much can happen in the industry in that amount of time. My contract cycle lines up with Apple's major releases so I'll probably keep reiterating my Apple purchases! Love my iPhone!
My phone runs out in 2014, November. Dunno if i'll get another Android, but could look to switching to Apple if they pull their socks up and start making better, more creative phones. Not just cash-ins, i'd like it if they made something groundbreaking enough to be worth the money, but right now i'm really happy with my S3.
I've got a Samsung Galaxy S3. But if it looks awesome overall I might get the Galaxy S4 when it becomes available
It's almost time for me to get a new phone. After several weeks of considering what kind of phone I would like to get, I decided to stick with HTC and get the One X +!
Congratulations.Galaxy S3 is one of the best phones around. But i do think that you should have waited a little longer and got S4 instead.
After mocking Apple for not changing anything external and only upgrading internal hardware, the S4 was revealed to be an upgraded S3. There is no limit to hypocrisy. I'm most excited about that 2-hour battery life, what with all they're packing in there. It's 0.5% phone, 99.5% everything else technologically possible.
Yeah, the rumors built it up too much. I may be an Apple fanboy but it's because I'm a huge design oriented person and Samsungs just don't look good.