In Between and War. In fact, towards the end of In Between is even better than all of War, so my biggest disappointment is that. I also hate the messenger. Which doesn't affect me any more as it disappeared from my iTunes mysteriously just like a few other songs, which was because I must have moved them into a playlist rather than copying them into the playlist. I don't care about the music videos. I don't watch them anyway, ever since I saw a scary music video. It traumatized me for ages.
i think naming their album the hunting party the hunting party cause they need to come up with better album titles names
The Hunting Party is a very arrogant album title, there are tons of bands out there are better at rock music than Linkin Park, LP's strength lies in nu-metal/electronica.
They go to Brazil but not to Argentina. Why not make a South America Tour? They made a tour exclusively for China, UK, Asia, Europe, North America... why not South America?
Yeah! I have revived the thread! - They have played only half of "The Hunting Party" - Shortened songs in the set. It's preferible to not include a song instead of making short the track. C'mon man! If you are gonna play a song, play it in full.
I can see why ATS, but THP instead of LT? Not that this would my opinion, but i cant see why you choose this two
I liked every album title until LIVING THINGS and The Hunting Party. Why the hell are these even album names.
-Making and promoting THP, saying before it came out that they wanted a record they could really play live and only play half the songs, sometimes less. -no making of THP video - UIG release, too much hype for the bland song IMO, single should have been wastelands.
LT and THP. I love these albums, but coming off of ATS I feel like they could've been so much more. My favourite thing about ATS was how unpredictable it was, how even within a song one half could be alien to the other half, and how each song flowed into the next beautifully. I felt that they could have taken that attitude a bit further, although the songs in and of themselves on LT and THP are top notch. For a band that claim to be terrible at naming things, two of the only names that really annoy me both just so happen to be album titles.