I was looking for the live performances of the new songs and found the video on the band playing Lies Greed Misery at Rio (Not 100% Sure). At that time I found Brad playing a different instrument. Here are some snaps Does he play more than guitars?
Brad doesn't play any guitar whatsoever on Lies Greed Misery...it's all Mike. Brad handles most of the samples.
Gotta agree with Ben But I guess Joe makes sure everything's okay with the sounds and the progression or whatever.
Yes, he's playing the samples. All of the members play samples every once in a while. No biggie. They already said that they do all sorts of things and are not just 'the bass player, the drummer, the singer, the rapper, the guitarist etc.' Brad has already played with samples in the past. Yeah, while you're at it, give Joe a lab coat and a cowboy hat. I think Mike should just play the keyboard though.
It's just that brad on samples.. makes a pretty dull show.. Sorry.. If this song is meant to give more energy, should't the players have more energy too?
Let's put it this way. If Joe isn't playing a certain set of samples is MOST DEFINITELY due to the fact that he's got something else he's playing during the set.
Actually, I think it's more that Mike doesn't like to play instruments while he's rapping, if he can get away with it. There are a couple other songs where things like this happen...Chester playing rhythm guitar on It's Goin' Down, Brad playing keys and Phoenix playing guitar on Hands Held High. Things that would normally be "Mike's job" instrumentally tend to get passed on to other members if he has to rap at the same time. And Joe still has plenty to do on Lies Greed Misery. Phoenix plays some samples on this song too, it's just such a sample-based track that they need 3 people to cover it all, just like they do with the drums on When They Come For Me.
I don't see the problem with Mike playing guitars instead. He stands out more as a co-frontman than how he would behind a keyboard or synth pad. The samples here play a bigger role than the guitar.
They've made it clear in interviews that each of the band members no longer have a "title" or a "role." They stopped doing that in "Minutes To Midnight." Check the booklet. It will tell you who Linkin Park is, not what they play.
Apparently energetic shows come from not the music, but the people playing the music. Someone should tell Daft Punk then that their Joes are boring because they're standing still. [youtube]AKjEBcJpDm4[/youtube] Oh and tell all those concert-goers that they shouldn't be jumping up and down and be bored at such a BORING show.