Bought this 10 inch Mcfarlane Rick Grimes statue from The Walking Dead not long after meeting Emily Kinney at a convention in Chicago.
Just bought a pack of "Gourmet Jelly Beans" for more than I'd ever usually consider paying for a bag of sweets.....These had better be the best damn sweets I've ever had in my entire life
Forgot I bought this too. It actually is pretty fun, especially when playing with other people. Fighting mechanics could be a tad better, but still a nice game.
Not as much bought in the usual sense, but after 2 months of Virtual Spread betting on stocks, I'm finally investing my own money into financial speculation. My realistic ambition is to be a millionaire by tomorrow
A dark grey metallic 2013 Chevy Malibu [thumb][/thumb] [thumb][/thumb] [thumb][/thumb] [thumb][/thumb]