What Has Verizon Done? Clip of Single Surfaces

Discussion in 'News' started by Andrea, Mar 12, 2007.

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  1. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I just listened to the clip for about five minutes straight.

    It's not good. I don't like it. Based on just that clip, I'm not sure what kind of direction they're going in now.

    It sounds like their album is going to polarize a lot of fans. There's going to be really soft songs (apparently like this song, even softer than "Numb") and really hard songs (because they've got that penchant for being angry).

    I don't know though.

    All I do know is those lyrics are NOT an improvement over anything.
  2. laurens

    laurens Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    I think it is really weird you can say so much about something when just hearing 30 seconds of music..... the other 2 minutes or how many minutes the song is can be different and there could be a bridge or whatever.
  3. musicphreke

    musicphreke Living Thing

    Oct 22, 2005
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    i think the stripped down sound is really good. i kinda see where that "organic sound" they talked about is coming in. the music is actually quite different if you listen closely; i've never heard drums and guitar quite like that from LP. i love it.
  4. colin83089

    colin83089 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    The first thing I thought when I heard the clip was "My Chemical Romance" not sure if thats a good thing or not. I do however have the clip as my ringtone and ringback tone.
  5. darkhelixz

    darkhelixz Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Not My Chem

    I don't feel my chem.I just don't.I'm not bashing.They obviously have talent if they can reach millions but please spair me.I never want to hear Lp is anything close to my Chem.lol it kills me.Of course you are entitled to your own opinion which I am in no way attempting to strip you of it.But I got mine too.
    Props tp having it as a ring tone.I'll think I'll wait till I hear the whole song before I do that.Becuase then I'll just be wondering the whole time what the entire song sounds like.ll
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2007
  6. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I'm making a judgment that can be made. I'm not like the other people in this thread who immediately claim they're not going to buy the album or even listen to it based on the clip. I made a rational judgment, saying that I think this album will polarize fans just based on the clip. I never once said anything concrete, because I know the rest of the song could be different. But from that clip, it's not that good. My judgment saying there's going to be soft songs is based on THIS clip, and my judgment that there's going to be hard songs is based on "QWERTY."

    I'm just hoping there's some sort of middle ground to those two sounds, because the album will just be weird if there's a hard song, then two soft songs, then three hard songs and a bunch more soft and hard songs mixed together. I hope they mixed it up.

    But right now this sounds really weak.

    And also, it's easy to make a judgment on the lyrics because that's one of the main things you hear in the clip, and they're terrible.
  7. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This thread annoys the living shit out of me. (no I was not parodying MCR)

    People say that Linkin Park should have never listened to their critics, but guess who some of their hardest critics really were? The fans! Some of you who are whining, bitched, and pissed and moaned over how terrible Meteora was lyrically and how it did little to evolve over their previous efforts and instead was playing it safe. While I 110% with all of those statements, and still don't think LP has improved lyrically from this clip, I am not at all surprised that this is the sound or direction that they're taking.

    The lyrics (despite their simplicity) ARE more mature because the subject matter of this whole entire song, which is getting rid of the old them hence the "erase myself, and let go of what I've done"...the band members are all old enough to be considered grown men and adults. They are no longer those snot nosed twenty somethings who got together to rock out and scream till 10PM at night for rehearsals, and piss off their neighbors. That period is behind them. Its sad that I called this all along (the whole mellowing out) and yet nobody thought I could be right for even a second. The band aren't kids anymore, and thus they are writing music that in turn can be accepted by a broader group of people. Nothing wrong with that as long as the music doesn't suck, and honestly? This track is still better than a good portion of the rock out there right now.

    So this track doesn't have balls to the wall metal in it. Who cares..as Paul once said "Linkin Park matured, maybe you all should too".
  8. JJ

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    'nuff said - well done derek :)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2007
  9. lief92

    lief92 Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    well, i might be berated for agreeing with DigitalRosh, but i think that Linkin Park might be sounding more mainstream. the general "music" sound a bit ordinary, but the vocals seem interesting. i would NOT like LP to become what is considered "mainstream", and most people would call that being selfish. also, a 30 second clip usually reflects on the flow of the whole song. i'm not going to judge the song, but i just wanted to remind people that. what i'm really waiting for is a verse of mike rapping, or chester actually screaming. he's vocals kick ass in this song anyway.

    my opinions are my own, so don't go blaming DigitalRosh for my comments.
  10. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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  11. steve12

    steve12 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Theres no need for change, LP are great the way they are. I don't like LP's attitude towards what they are catorgerized as, it's what music is about.

    As for the song, it sounds like the chorus and that for me is the most important part in the song and I just don't feel it.
  12. Linkin_way

    Linkin_way LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Mar 5, 2007
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    %100 that this song will be only by Chester ...
    No mike in it :) i'm sure
  13. laurens

    laurens Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    You never know, maybe mike singin' ? ^_^
  14. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Nah Mike can't sing:D and I'm 99% sure that this track doesn't have rapping in it.
  15. Seinfeld

    Seinfeld We are the nobodies LPA Super Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    just heard it...I like it a lot...for some reason...I have a feeling that this album's gonna be playing 24/7 for a very long time when it comes out
  16. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    To be fair, you can't say those lyrics are more mature just because of the song's subject matter. And for that matter, you're making a judgment on what the song's about based solely on those chorus lyrics. For all we know, the song could be about Chester's problems with drugs when he was in Grey Daze. But as they say, any good piece of writing is good when its content is left for speculation. But from the standpoint of not caring (or even knowing) what the song is about, the lyrics aren't that good at all.
  17. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    The lyrics are better than at least half of what was in the choruses of the songs on Meteora.
  18. Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Its Fuckin Cool

  19. I think it's hard to make an opinion on the whole track/album, when all I've heard is this 30sec clip..However, I don't think the song seems so bad, I mean, I like the melody, the guitars and the drums, BUT I really don't hope the whole album will sound like this. Anyway..I think I'll wait with the judgement until I've heard the whole track, and maybe some other songs from the album:rolleyes:
  20. Seinfeld

    Seinfeld We are the nobodies LPA Super Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I agree...I think...being excited may be what makes some of us say we will definately love it...:lol:
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