I'm currently doing a lot of multi-player on Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (PS2) in anticipation for Mortal Kombat: Deception.
Worms: World Party (DC) I've achieved Elite rank in deathmatch, i'm not sure how high it can go, but it's getting harder. I'm now focusing on the missions mode.
I have just started Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness and The Sims Bustin' Out. Both on the PS2 *BOWS DOWN TO PS2* Just waitin' for GT4 and Metal Gear Solid 3
As of right now, I'm playing three games: Pokémon FireRed, Pokémon Gold, and NASCAR 2005: Chase For The Cup.
no DDR players well i was playing DDRExtreme for PS2 i just got it friday and i unlocked just over half the songs.
How could I forget Starsky & Hutch (XBOX)? My next-door neighbour has it and it's awesome! One person drives,the other person shoots, and you complete these awesome and long missions. Such a classic game.