Basically Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays and post what presents you got I've got so far- The Mr Bean Collection on Dvd Peanut Butter Kit Kat Bars Sunglasses Boardshorts M&m's Watch Thongs Money sorry I started this so early but when I posted it was 11.46 am on Christmas day in Australia
Dude, it wont be christmas for at least another 10 hours here. Unless I'm the only person who doesnt open presents at midnight. :wth:. Talk about jumping the gun XD.
I opened my presents from my grandparents, girlfriend and parents today. I do my father's mother tomorrow. Some people do it today.
For Chanukah, I got money. Then I got: Family Guy Vol 3 Beavis and Butthead Vol 1 South Park Season 6 Office Space Special Edition NFS Most Wanted for Xbox True Crime: Streets of LA, although I already have this and will return it for something else. And I bought myself a PSP a week ago as an Atheistmas present to myself
CDs: Invasion Fort Minor:We Major Resident Evil Resident Evil:Apocalypse Scissor Sisters SOAD - Hypnotize UMDs: Scissor Sisters concert GTA LCS Books: Being and Nothingness - Jean Paul Sartre What Philosophers Think - Julian Baggini and Jeremy Stangroom This Is Philosophy - Whit Burnett Life's Little Deconstruction Book - Andrew Boyd MAGs Cosmos PSP offical guide mag/book and $75 Aus dollars. Me. Very. Happy.
Digital Camera with recgargeable batteries and 256mb memory card Star Wars Battlefront II (PSP) Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) 512mb Memory Stick Pro Duo Boogeyman UMD (from girlfriend Jess) Cowboy Bebop Remix Pt. 1 (from best friend Jess) Inuysha: Feudal Combat (PS2) (from best friend Jess)
Dammit, I was gonna start the Christmas loot thread Anyways, I'll post what I got tomorrow...once it's actually Christmas
We opened presents at midnight, but it wasn't scheduled. Just happened. Family Guy Vol. 3 $15 Gas card (that's a half-tank) $20 Best Buy gift card $30 gas card New shaving set F.E.A.R. for PC The Matrix (brother found it necessary to include the only good movie in the trilogy to our collection) Wireless rechargeable mouse 120GB Hard Drive AC/DC Shirt & Rolling Stones Shirt (don't listen to either band) Cologne What was on my list: Tales from the Crypt Season 1&2 DVD Sin City DVD Family Guy Volume 3 DVD* Nip/Tuck Season 1&2 DVD Leather Jacket 120+GB Hard Drive* Rechargeable optical mouse* More to open tomorrow.
Grandparents: Johnny Cash Autobiography Johnny Cash's Unearthed [Boxset] Joy Division's Heart & Soul [Boxset] WWE WrestleMania XIX DVD Girlfriend: The Mars Volta "Tres Ojos" Black Full-Color Hoodie Dillinger Escape Plan "Block Logo" T-Shirt Coheed & Cambria "In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3" T-Shirt ! ! !'s Take Ecstasy With Me / Get Up 12" Vinyl Lambchop Plush Doll Parents: 30BG Black iPod + Carrying Case WWE SmackDown! VS. RAW 2006 WWE Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker Pink Floyd "Pig" T-Shirt Some the Who shirt, pajama pants and long sleeve shirts Black Curdory Blazer Black Jacket Jeans PS2 Network Adaptor Beard & Mustache Trimmer Aunt & Uncle: $30 Cousin: Hairdryer Father's Dad's Side of the Family: $30 in gift cards Father's Mother's Side of the Family: TBD ($$$)
So far, I've got: A sleeved shirt A bike and some W40K stuff... this is probably the worse christmas loot ever since half the i had to pay for everything except the bike...and whats worse its already 17 hours into christmas here!
I'll be glad when Christmas is over... only 4 hours and 30 minutes to go yay! I got.. money off my dad and grandparents. My mum gave me money too. Plus me and my mum bought a house so that's pretty much our present. and I'm getting a puppy next month for Christmas too.
That game from Ann Summers I wanted (Flip, Sip or Strip. It's well good) "The Book of Erotic Cocktails" Some new underwear New mobile Which is all I wanted really, so I'm happy with that. Merry christmas everyone, hope you all have a nice day.
Hmm, well I'm not getting much today, but my Mum is paying for me to go to Berlin in Febuary, so that's kinda my Christmas present. Other than that; Great Auntie: £20 Friends: Spider-Man: Sinister 6 Figure Box Set Tesco Gummy Mix Mum: There's a few presents under the tree that I haven't opened yet, they feel like socks though. I'll report back later.
So far i have this Aunty And Uncle Purple Ear-rings Black Jewelry box Parents Angel Sanctuary Vol 3 Kingdom Hearts Vol 1 Charlie and the chocolate factory DVD The nightmare before Christmas DVD Cloud Keychain Soul Callibur III Weird Fish Fleece Gift set of Guyllians with Guyllian liquer *drool* Lots more chocolate Some sweets Some other random stuff Other people White Musk scent set Money I've still got some more to come from my Nan and Gramp and from my step family on Thursday
New/My Mum's iPod ('cause my last one's blitzed) iPod Speakers PSP Giga Pack Tony Hawk Underground Remix 2 SSX On Tour Rammstein - [Sehnsucht] Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway System Of A Down - Hypnotize Green Day - American Idiot CSI; Miami - Complete S3 Ticket booking for H.I.M. and The Rasmus concert Whole family: Multi-zone DVD Player
=DDDD I'm so happy. I'm getting an engraved iPod nano 4GB in about a week. =] Along wiht everything else I got today. INCLUDING THE HOUSEMD SEASON ONE BOX SET AND A NEW ACOUSTIC GUITARRRRRR.