We Care What You Think

Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by Casual D, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I would just like to make a comment over the recent forum drama on these boards.

    In the "Spring Tour Confirmed" thread Derek, you were going on about how I was constantly disrespecting staff and members on these boards. Towards the end of your post, you did the exact same thing: disrespected a member of the forums. What makes this situation really ironic is that you are an admin.

    Anyways, the reason why I was questioning the rumors is because you passed a policy a while back around the time that Jawknee was banned that rumors would not be posted as news. Seeing the From the Inside video rumors and P.O.D/Linkin Park tour rumors made me question that, and that was the main reason why I brought that up. I would like a straight answer behind that (and if you gave one, I never received it).
  2. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Call me ignorant, but I just read over the post and I didn't see anything disrespectful. Basically all he said was that he couldn't respect how you constantly put us down and monitor all of our moves until we slip up.

    The rumors we wouldn't post were from unreliable sources. At the P.O.D boards, the administrators know every move P.O.D have and will make. They're very in the loop. If you post rumours at those forums that aren't true they're closed. If a rumour is posted on those forums and the admins have read and posted in it without closing it, it's their hint that it is a reality. Sometimes they confirm it. When high sources like that confirm rumours, then it's a reliable source. Just how e-mailing the head of their record company is a reliable source. You fail to realize that we do check out our sources for credibility, we do post rumours, but only from reliable sources. We may have said we won't post rumours, but that may have been misworded, we meant we won't post rumours that aren't likely to be true, and as you said "Making mistakes is what makes us human".

    It seems that all you do is dwell on the negative. This site is updated 2 to 3 times a day with news that hasn't even made it onto the official site. We have award nominations, tour news, single news, video captures and much more before any huge site like the official site. We had the tour news before Launch said it was an "exclusive"! We work so hard to try and make this site the most up-to-date site for the fans and then there's people like you who have no gratitude. There's no gratitude for any of our hard work, just criticism over every little thing you question in your own mind. How about a little thanks instead of the constant questioning of everything we do? Your actions have led people on staff to have to make threads in our staff forums complaining about how your attitude is terrible and how they feel underappreciated for the work they do by you. It's a real problem you need to fix.
  3. Cal

    Cal LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    i wish everyone would stop whining, you would ban the same people if they did those things, and they posted those rumours because its big news, would u rather have heard about it 2 weeks ago, or tomorrow

    stop whining and just be friendly and have fun
  4. User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Thanks for clearing that up, Mark.

    Derek compared me to a version 2 of Bone Thug, and i felt that it was a little disrespectful.

    You remember how I said that you were in no position to judge me? I mean it this time. If you guys really think this is what I am like in real life, then you are dead wrong. You guys have given yourselves no chance to actually get to know me on a personal level, so by making these bullshit assumptions about me, I'm starting to smell a hint of ignorance in the staff, and that is something you, as well as the rest of the staff, need to fix.
  5. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I sense some ignorance in you because he didn't say that that's how you are in real life. :rolleyes:
  6. Cal

    Cal LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    do u act different on the boards then?

    i think a chit chat thread would be good, where u just chat away, people will get to know each other better, and the community spirit may become better

    just a thought
  7. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    That would turn into a spam fest and people would just start chatting to each other. It would be way too chaotic.
  8. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    It's hurtful to consider that you used to be a really friendly guy on this website, then suddenly became different when you heard that we were nominating you for staff. I feel that ever since we've said that, you started to act like you were higher then the other members and that you could get away with things that others usually couldn't. I say this because there were several occasions in which we felt like warning you for the way you were treating people but didn't because we felt we would be 'too strict' in doing so.

    You are in many ways a well known person on these forums for several things, most noticibly being the way you've stood up for things you didn't think we're right on several occasions. Getting rid of you, would surely anger your supporters, would it not?

    You seem to forget that I care so much about these members that I actually made this thread in the first place. I also made a sincere apology thread when some very racist members made some rather inappropriate jokes that offended the members of our forums. (yourself included) how can you so blatantly hate me as a person (it's clearly obvious) when all I've done is try to make you happy and brighten your opinion of these forums by doing things to change the way we are?

    I ask you as a person, to please stop making my job harder than it already is and please try to respect me and staff a little bit more. I'm not going to put you down like I did before and be immature, and I'm just going to be straightforward with you Cameron. When people so blatantly hate our website, and people who I consider my best friends (Alexis) leave here out of nowhere, it really hurts. Believe it or not I take a lot of this criticism people have personally, and I'd respect it if you'd just back off for once and a while and not be so hard on us all the time. I mean it's clear I'm really stressed out with my job when my mother starts to notice a change in my demeanor when I'm on this site sometimes and I hate to be accusing, but I feel a lot of that stress comes from you.

    We try our hardest to respect our members for who they are but every once and a while we slip and come off a little stricter then we normally should, and I admit that. I admit that some of the accusations LPA haters have made about us being too strict at times is true, and we're working to change that.

    But until then, can you try being the Cameron I used to know and be nice to us when we're doing our jobs? You're no help being so negative all the time.
  9. Kæton

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I'm just going to say something from a personal view.

    Being on the staff is not an easy job... Especially when you want to make sure you deserve it. I mean, take it from me, not to sound egotistical, but I have risen from being a normal member, and you know, the rest of the members have NO idea what kind of sh*t happens behind the scenes here at the LPA. You wouldn't believe how weird it was to see that the staff have had their own problems, away from the public.

    I feel you, as the members forget that we have a hard job to do here. We're not people who sit back and don't do sh*t, because we want you guys to enjoy the forums, and if we have to be harsh, we will. Something people lack now days is dicipline, and basically, we're trying to enforce dicipline on the forums. You have to have an amount of respect for us, because if it weren't for the staff, where would this forum/site be? If Derek didn't take action against the rasist thread made long ago, do you think a lot of members would still be here? I mean, if it continued on, and it began insulting my race, and well, I know some races were tested, but nonetheless, I would have left. But see, the staff does care about you guys, but it's just that you guys aren't understanding.

    Another thing is that you have to remember we're not robots. I think about half the staff is still in school, and we have our own personal problems. You can't expect us to be nice about every little thing. It doesn't help when we then have members of the forum begin to disrespect us. See, we're not perfect, and on my behalf, I appologize, because I wish I were. It's so sad to see this bickering, because it really does get me down. You know, call me a 'no-life' (which I know I am), but the internet, or the computer is one place I like to go to get away from my problems, because I can connect with so many other people around the world... But then I come to one of those favortie places, and I see one member insulting another, a warning here and there, and then total blow-out of disrespect.

    I have been on other forums with power-hungry mods and believe me, it is WORSE than the LPA. Look at what the staff did for Jawknee, they actually broke the rules to let the guy come back. It was just unfourtunate something happened where the man felt the need to leave. You know, I respect people for their opinions, and their feelings. If I didn't, then you know, I'd be ignoring you guys right now, and like the rest of the staff; why do you think they're replying with what they feel? Do you think they're doing it to piss you off? They're doing it because they care... They don't want to get wrong impressions, or anything.

    Sometimes the staff will make mistake, but instead of breaking out in a rage or insulting manner, bring it to attention in a nice PM or reply in the thread. It works better than having an all out argument. Please take this into consideration, because this is how it should be handled. If what someone says really pisses you off, don't reply as fast as you can, go cool down, then come back when you're ready to handle the situation with the most patience and respect. I'm saying this to everyone, including staff. We need to stop these grudges because this shouldn't be the way we act. We're more mature than that, and we've got to show some respect. Can you imagine if Linkin Park ever came here? Seeing the constant bickering between members? What would anyone think? "Geez, these people don't seem to like eachother, forget these forums." I hope that's not the way some people are thinking, but please, try to take these types of situations more maturely and don't keep coming back with a hothead because nothing is ever solved that way.

    I hope I didn't sound like 'peace-maker', but I hate to see the forums this way... It's beginning to really upset me that we're not having respect for eachother. If you don't like a certain member, you don't have to make it public. Like that saying goes, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
  10. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    That's exactly right Keaton. We need to work together to be a happier place because with all these problems between members, and between members and staff are only helping to make this forum a horrible place. Let's all get along people, bickering is simply stupid.
  11. User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I really hope that you don't consider that the primary reason as to why I have changed, but it probably played a very miniscule factor.

    You may find this odd, but I actually feel no ill will towards you as a person. To tell you the truth, I was just frustrated with the situation.

    We'll see in time, Derek. This situation, along with the complications of other things happening in my life have really taken a toll on my well being, and I once again apologize for unneccessarily lashing out at your staff and other members.
  12. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I really hope that you don't consider that the primary reason as to why I have changed, but it probably played a very miniscule factor.

    You may find this odd, but I actually feel no ill will towards you as a person. To tell you the truth, I was just frustrated with the situation.

    We'll see in time, Derek. This situation, along with the complications of other things happening in my life have really taken a toll on my well being, and I once again apologize for unneccessarily lashing out at your staff and other members. [/b][/quote]
    Well hey man the people here on forums always love to help eachother out from what I've seen. So if you ever need any help in life, or just need to gripe about how life's treating you, we're always here to help you out. If I had known there were real life problems taking a toll on you I wouldn't have taken some of the things you said so personally.

    Believe it or not, even though I'm not sure if you like him or not, Jawknee suffered a similiar problem when he was banned the first time, as life was showing him the other cheek...so thats why we let him back (although he ultimately got himself banned again).

    I'd hate you to get really angry and get yourself banned just because your having problems, so if you need to talk about problems in your life, I know the people here at LPA will have open ears. I hope things work out for you, and let this be a peaceful resolve to an otherwise non-peaceful situation.
  13. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I hate all of you! :angry:

    I HAET AL UV YUO!1!!!1 :angry: :angry: :argh: :argh: :argh: :angry: :angry:
  14. User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Your ruining the moment, Will. :lol:
  15. Omar

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I hate myself :mellow:
  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You guys are crazy. I swear to god, I'm the only sane staff member here.
  17. Kæton

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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  18. Bryan

    Bryan Guest

    *shoots self in face*
  19. Phantom Duck

    Phantom Duck You are my detonator. LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Can i replace Bryan now he's dead?
    OK, this thread really got outta hand :p

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