I was thinking that, the band has prefer to do another soft album, maybe because chester's voice. He has not anymore the power and strenght of the past to sing heavy songs and probably, they needed an album like OML, "a couple of soft songs for Chester". So, do you think that THP its now their last heavy album? PD: Like always, sorry for my bad english
I think "Living Things" and "The Hunting Party" showed that Chester can still do what he does on the studio recordings. With the live show, with or without new heavy songs, he's going heavy on the vocals in plenty of songs from previous albums anyway. I think that the band is still fully capable of making heavier songs, but whether or not they'll choose to for the next album or beyond, we obviously don't know yet.
With this direction, they're happy on how they approach the songwriting and the sound on OML. I bet they will continue this "lyrics first, track later" idea to LP8 and add layers and experiment more to perfect that sound. I'm eager to listen for LP to make a full reggae track..
I guess atleast screamwise, THP will be their last "Heavy" record. But i dont see, why they shouldnt go in another "Heavy" (pun intended) direction with "normal" vocals. (Like Rebellion without the bridge f.e.)
This. There are plenty of heavy bands that have little or no screaming at all in their songs. It isn't a prequisite.
This is the best thing of being a Linkin Park fan, you'll never know what's coming next. The next album could be a full Rap album were Chester sings the hooks or it could be a full Reggae album.
Despite Mikes insistence on how LP totally only does what they wanna do and they'll 'blow your expectations every time so don't go in expecting anything!' it likely depends largely on how well this new albums does. With this new single and the fact that they constantly refer to their hard rock material as being "those first two ones" it suggests that they really don't actually care too much about heaviness, weren't terribly invested in how well Hunting Party did, and given their EDM/Steve Aoki phase likely wanted to do pop/electronic all along. I think if this new album does well it'll give Shinoda enough of a reason to continue down that path it sure looked like he wanted to be on the entire time. I think if they ever went back to "rock records" it would be in the vein of Living Things (another album they seemed to ignore completely like a month after release) but as far as a heavy album, I think that's about it for them.
I wouldn't be surprised if we never hear a chorus on the magnitude of KTTK from Chester again, but I also wouldn't be surprised if we got some instrumentals that go just as hard/harder, with less violent vocals. They got more technical on their instruments than ever on THP, but it's still not that complex imo. I could see them getting caught up in a "we wanted the instruments to do a lot of the talking on this album" phase, which could produce some hard-hitting music.
As long as he still performs those heavy songs live I'd find it hard to believe that THP will be their last heavy album.
Ever since 2007, LP has been about curve balls to varying degrees. I could easily see them coming out with heavy songs in the future. Just as 'GATS' was as big a WTF as 'Heavy' for debut singles.
If LP is truly just going through a "poppy and accessible" phase now, there's a good chance they will put out harder-hitting material in the future. How "heavy" it will be will depend on what direction the band wants to go in, and "heavy" can mean many things, too. I can't help but get the feeling that OML will be their most laid back album yet, perhaps more so than ATS, yet it will still have some sort of "energy" to it.
I think they've been following the path to softer music since the release of MTM. THP was really just a spontaneous idea that Mike had but he's done that now and wouldn't want to go back there.
I think the band should now be beyond the heavy-soft dichotomy. They can create something musically ambitious and I hope there are a few ambitious tracks in OML (obviously Heavy and Battle Symphony are out).
Tough to say. I don't buy for one second that they're as beyond commercial concerns as Mike likes to suggest in interviews so I guess part of it will depend on how well the album does. On the other hand they did put out A Thousand Suns when that wasn't really going to be the big commercial smash hit, so who the hell knows. I wouldn't be surprised if they'll have some stuff that's heavier than OML, there's a lot of room between that and HT or THP after all.
I want them to go heavy like Wretches and Kings heavy, not THP heavy. More experimental electronics is what I really want.
I think it'll be their last album with heavy screaming from Chester. I think he's kind of worn out from it, psychologically, and wants to explore more singing than screaming. Plus it's taken a toll on his voice; he can't scream or belt high like he used to be able to, especially live. Heavy in terms of distorted guitars and thrashing drums? Who knows. They may make a metal album as a "comeback" if they want; the fanbase is more split now than it was after ATS dropped. I don't really think fans' opinions are going to change the music they make, though. They write what they want, how they want. They're aging a bit. I think they're starting to realize that it's going to be difficult to keep up with super-heavy, high-energy sets for the rest of their careers. Pearl Jam's bassist made some comments about that recently, and he's only about a decade older than LP's members are. I wouldn't be surprised if they continued the pop/pop-rock exploration for another album.