I hate how everyone's always like "I USE LINUX THEREFORE I KNOW ALL! LINUX IS THE BEST OS EVER..." Not really. Sure there's a minimal amount of exploits, sure it's got tons of software for it, but as far as everyday usage, Windows takes the cake.
If you give a computer, with a triboot set up for Windows, OSX and Linux, to your everday average Joe, who really doesn't know that much, this is probably what's going to happen... [ this is assuming you give him no guidance or help ] Sure, Windows is easy, but he'll be frustrated within hours of using it when he suddenly gets errors and his computer slows down from all the spyware and shit his discovery of porn on the internet gave him. With Linux he'll be confused immediately, he probably won't be able to figure out how to install the network driver, never mind how to open up the browser. He'll be frantically be clicking every single option to figure out how to get the computer to do what he wants, fucking something up in the end. Frustrated with both Windows and Linux, he'll go to OSX thinking "ugh, this better be good". First thing that'll come to mind when it loads is "ooh, pretty". After rolling over the dock a few times for curiousity sake, he'll figure out that Safari is for internet, judging by the logo. His porn habit kicks in. Only possible problem is that he'll run into codec/player problems for the videos. After he's browsed every ad-infected spyware-installing site that he can find on Google, his computer runs smoothly. He's a happy camper. His computer hasn't slowed down, the OS looks nice, and it's completely simple. Think about the idiots.
My little review on the new vista. the new explorer is a nice change. I agree, uac does seem a bit pointless. driver support is spotty, i had problems with my webcam. more with later... perhaps.
Driver support should be fixed or at least improved by the time Vista goes public. One of the reasons Vista isn't available now is that device manufacturers haven't developed drivers for all their products. Check out this site for any questions regarding Vista.
i was thinking about switching to vista...and i realized that nothing works for linux that i like to use (games and such). I just use linux for internet browsing and everyday school work. if have to pay 200$ to play games, i might want to conider a Wii