Not even a week after it's been announced that it's ready, Vista has been leaked. Thank you BillGates! So, who's running it right now? I am. Still trying to get Aero working on this damn POS graphics card (Radeon 8500 128MB). Rather impressed actually. Microsoft's managed to pull it off pretty well. UAC is completely useless though. I mean, if you're an administrator, all you need to do is press Continue, no user/pass input or anything. Another idea copied from Apple, but completely fucked up. I still have to say, Apple did it prefect (asks for u/p on certain installations, and certain advanced settings). So yeah, UAC is a fail. The start menu on the other hand I find slightly weird, but still nice. The extended menu we're all used to is gone, but instead is replaced inline the actual start menu. It'll take some getting used to, but imo, it's alright. The search box, another thing taken from Apple, is also pretty nice. Kinda a run replacement, but I notice how run now apparently runs the task with administrative privileges, whatever that's suppose to mean (considering I'm an administrator already...). Also, on the topic of leaked products, Office 2007 got leaked as well. Works great, and their whole ribbon idea actually worked.
Like I said, it's an improvement from XP. I haven't tried any of the alphas, betas, or RCs, so I can't really base my opinion on anything else. Wasn't selected to be a beta tester (wasn't a butterfly like I am now, so I didn't have any connections back then that I have now) so I was too lazy to pirate it and jump through so many hoops to get it running. *shrug* Linux has it's faults too, it's not that godly.
I've beta tested a large number of Vista builds and did an extensive amount of beta test for XP and I think this is the best Microsoft product since Windows 2000. I do think they stole a lot from Apple though, Apple is still king.
What I find rather interesting is that if you turn on hidden files, system files, etc etc, and go to your user folder (have no clue what to call it), there's two folders - Documents, and My Documents. The latter is hidden, with permissions set to deny "List folder / read data" for Everyone, which results in an Access Denied upon trying to open the folder. Now, here comes the fun, change the permissions to allow. Open the folder, it's your documents. How strange, go to the folder named "Documents" and it's the same thing! Shocking! Same thing with the hidden Documents and Settings folder in C:. Backwards-compatibility -- smart. Although the extra folders get kind of clutter some for organized people such as myself (yes, when it comes to my files, I'm rather organized) after a while. Wonder what would happen if one was to delete the folder. Hmm. [oh, and yes, I know there's a back-comp folder for all of the XP ones, just using docs as an example] I don't know why, but I keep thinking to myself that Vista has a weird folder structure. Perhaps because I'm extremely used to XP. Oh, and I love the green glass folders. [edit] Forgot to mention something, I love how the breadcrumbs work, but one thing annoys me. If you edit the address while you're in the user folder, it just changes to your username instead of C:\Users\username. While I do understand that it's accessible by both, I'd rather there be an option for the full path. Probably possible through a registry edit, or maybe in gpedit, but I'll have to do some digging around or ask my connections. Although, it dissapoints me that if you have a full name added, you have to use that name in order to get to your userfolder, not your username. Why not both? =/
Of course RC1 was bad Palin, it was two versions before final. There's going to be a lot of ironing out that needs to be done. Personally I love Vista. It looks great, runs great, and feels a hell of a lot safer than Windows XP ever was.
hmm, only good thing is that halo 2 is coming out for VISTA, free online as well, and yeah i got a radeon 9250..i got it for my bday (nov 10) its a big improvement from a Nvidia Geforce4 MX420
Well, I got all the transparencies and shit but mine is only a 128MB. How can I tell if "aero" is running? *dumb* *EDIT* Okay yes. Aero is working flawlessly for me. Transparencies and all.
Windows XP is like having sex with no condom at all. Very unsafe. Windows Vista is like having sex with a condom but with a bunch of holes punched in it. A bit safer, but still very risky. I'm not sure what to consider OSX. It's as safe as abstenince, but that implies that its no fun to use, but that's not true. Hmm....
I personally find Vista much more safer than XP Todd, but of course I wont be naive and say its inpenetratable right out of the box. There's always going to be vulnerabilities.
*runs up and hugs you* Someone with sense lol *nods* And yes I am a linux user and proud... O by the way, just to add a lil something... Apple stole ideas from Linux, and Microsoft stole the same ideas from Apple... and what credit does Linux get in anything.. NOTHING... someone stick up for the tux
The only thing Apple stole from Linux was the fact that the underlying kernel is based off Unix. As far as GUI features go, Apple didn't steal shit from Linux. When OSX came out 5 or 6 years ago, KDE and Gnome were very primitave compared to OSX. I recentely used the latest version of Kubuntu and KDE stole so much crap from Aqua. Usually, any opinion I have of Apple is heavily biased since I own 2 Macs and won't touch a PC unless I have to, but this isn't biased. To say that Apple stole from Linux is a damn lie. For example, take a look at the System Preferences: KDE/Kubuntu on the left, Apple on the right. If you can't see the similarities, then you're blind. Apple's preferences have looked like that since the early betas of OSX back in the late 1990s. Linux gets credit for its security and powerful command line.But Linux doesn't deserve shit when it comes to GUIs. [/rant]