[VIDEO] Wastelands World Premiere At KFMA Day 2014

Discussion in 'News' started by Hybrid, May 25, 2014.

  1. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I'm really confused about the criticisms of those critiquing the band. Especially regarding the new songs where the majority of members on this site praise it. A few people make their distaste known and suddenly it is "Why is everyone hating on this band? ugh!" It doesn't make any sense.

    Also I think it unfair to compare those who think ATS the best and hope for something more to those who are nu-metal heads. I find it that those of us that want another ATS, do not want another ATS. If that makes sense. For example, we want LP to continue evolving instead of regressing, to build upon the ground work they set up on that album. Take for example, Living Things. I do not really care for the first half of the album but the latter half is really good, which is mostly attributed to the folk influence. If Linkin Park had made an entire mellow folk album instead of trying to give everyone what they wanted I truly believe they could have put out a better album than most of their discography. So far, I dislike the songs from The Hunting Party as they feel as if they lack focus. I do not want just another ATS with the same number of tracks and same type of melodies, etc.

    Contrast that to 99.9% of those who wish for nu-metal. They want a full on return of the old LP and anything less is awful and unforgivable. Most want the same V/C/V/B/ structure from the bands 2002-03 era with lyrics filled with angst and crappy powerchords. As an ATS fan, I want new songs that show technical maturity in musicianship and the penmanshipof lyrics. Whether those come from a ROCK #Visceral album or one full of folk/electronica/pop/R&B/Hiphop is mostly irrelevant.

    Yes, personally I am not quite impressed with the recently released material but so what? Going by how the band describe their music, I find that appealing, (with some exceptions as to opinions of how the state of the genre is currently) going by how accurate that description is I find it underwhelming. Ultimately it is the bands choice which music they make, I know. And my dislike for it should not negate anyone elses positive preference for it either.

    Sorry for the rant. It is just confusing.
  2. Joshua

    Joshua is Mr. "to many Mind"

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Yes, trying to make something innovative doesn't mean automatically, that it is good, but refreshing normally. I think it's a normal thing, that many expect some innovation, because performers gain many experiences over the years. LP told often, that they learnt a lot (learning from other artists how they record their songs - their procedures [current example: Rakim approach of rapping; this surely gives some inspiration to Mike]). The "hunger" of having more innovation increases even more, since ATS was released. Automatically, some people are sober, when they don't hear something "mind blowing", and probably say analogous: "They making music for so long, learning so many things over the years and then coming with some ordinary stuff like that? This is a step backwards, since they made ATS".

    But...there don't have to be big innovation. "Guilty All The Same" don't have a mind-blowing solo, don't have super great lyrics, but it has a 2min. intro, some different drum work etc. The little things can also make a difference and can be innovative. It hasn't to me always something BIG. Same for "Until It's Gone", it is pretty atmospheric for a LP song. The most important thing for us should be having realistic expectations. That's the key to have fun with the record. We know more or less their skills. When they show some Lp-untypical skills on this record - even better! Then the happiness is even higher. All innovation aside.

    Phieu, hard to write in english :/ ^^.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  3. NikoLpSoldier

    NikoLpSoldier Daimonas

    May 7, 2014
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    You may laugh Mr. Idontacceptotherpeoplesopinions
    but i grew up with HT and Meteora and i think those Albums where great

    No i am posting this from my galaxy s5
  4. Decay

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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  5. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Your post makes it sound like you are part of the ATS era. And then there's a bunch of Hybrid Theory era fans saying "this song rocks". Honestly, if you are a fan you just accept what they have to offer. To me while it sounds 2002ish I feel they did sprinkled in the "evolved part" to their old sound in this track.

    But I will say this:

    1. This isn't the studio version
    2. This song has an actual instrumental break (which 2002 stuff did not have)
    3. The song variate in the intro to the rest of the track even seems to slow down before it pick is up in tempo.

    So it's a little early to pass judgment. I think it will blow my mind when I hear the studio but it might be my biased Hybrid Theory (nu-metal) side speaking on behalf of this song. But as a Linkin Park fan I am content. I don't think you should be disappointed, if I was ever disappointed with LP when they got all sophisticated in ATS I ended up embracing because that's just what it is to be a fan.

    As for the V/C/V/B structure... I mean I don't wanna rain on your argument but it's 2014. This band has mileage already, do you really care that much for such a tiny detail? It's been 3 albums now I think they ditch that and now they decided to make the return perhaps for one song and it's 'regressing'? Why can't you just enjoy the music? Why does it have to be a division or for that matter has to meet a certain standard? I gave up wanting LP to meet a certain Standard after Reanimation. I just take whatever they throw at me. I know eventually if I don't like it in the first go round i'll end up liking it in another time in my life but this whole over analyzing the shit out of LINKIN PARK to me is more annoying.

    It's just music. Nothing more or nothing less.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  6. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    At this point, 'The Hunting Party' is turning out to be a product of where the band left off with 'QWERTY'. Which is all coolbeans to me.
  7. Rippin on That

    Rippin on That Stared at the sun once

    May 26, 2014
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    While I don't really mind people voicing their opinions (in fact I find it always interesting to see people explain in detail how they feel about things so i can see things from another perspective) but I can also understand some of the others frustrations. This thread is not really the best example as there do seem to be quite a few positive things said about the songs. I'm pretty sure it's more about the accumulating negativity that builds up not just from one thread but from many, for example the UIG track reveal thread was downright painful to read as a Linkin Park fan where people weren't only being critical about song but the band as well.

    Since this is a Linkin Park fansite it gets a little depressing when you want to express your excitement about the new song when others are voicing their disappointment or how they think it isn't good. This is a website dedicated to the band so I wouldn't be that surprised to see people disagreeing strongly with the negativity because for some here (Me:D) Linkin Park IS their favorite band. Sometimes all we want to do is share our excitement with others!

    Again I personally don't mind people stating their opinions, especially if they are well thought out and explained but I have to be honest there are a few times where I have to look at the top of the site to look at the name to make sure this is a Linkin Park fansite :p
  8. tonymadridista7

    tonymadridista7 Member

    May 1, 2014
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    To me the hate on this album or negativity is completely unwarranted first of all only 2 and a half songs has been released i say 2 and a half because wastelands studio version isnt out yet and for those that are expecting an ATS type of album Mike said a while now that this album is bit of a prequel to HT so you were warned before they had released any singles and if you only liked a band for an album they made then you are not a fan of the band but a fan of that album,I've been a fan since HT and I have enjoyed each album for what it was.Personally I will love THP because I like the edger LP more and I have enjoyed each single so far which wasnt the case for the previous 3 albums but as i said i like all their albums, studio albums that is.I think people need to realize music won't blow your minds as you want it to because expectations always exceeds reality esp when it comes to LP I'm just happy my favorite band hasn't broken up and has survived the change in the musical landscape with relative success,for a rock band to have their last 4 studio albums to hit #1 is insane in this music industry we live in atm where anything soft and techno like gets all the attention.
  9. hybrid1988

    hybrid1988 Fever Daydream

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Reading this entire thread has been hilarious. A bunch of attempts at intelligent music debate quickly devolving into what essentially boils down to "my opinion is better then yours so here's an underhanded insult for you to take!!" and "I've been here longer than YOU so get out you noob!".

    When did listening to music, let alone LINKIN PARK, become such serious business. JFC people.
  10. TheRadiance

    TheRadiance Guardian

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I agree with this completely.

    I think the issue is that Linkin Park is a band that HAS pushed the envelope and challenged themselves creatively and when they revisit a sound/formula from 10+ years ago, it comes off as lazy. I know they want to put out music more often but they need to take more time to write because it seems like the songwriting has been sacrificed for the sake of being "heavy". (This is in response to them saying that they didn't do this when I really think they have so far) All in all, it's only been 2 full songs and 1 live song/clip and I'm still highly anticipating the album but I'm just underwhelmed so far. Hopefully the rest of The Hunting Party blows me away.
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
  11. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Nothing has changed. This clusterfuck ensues during the beginning of every album cycle. It'll pass.
  12. Sønic

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    I remember a time where if you were a teeny-bopper here, you got banned.
    I remember a time where if you talked about the bands personal life, you got banned.
    Maybe we should start doing that again? Maybe start banning people who are just posting ridiculous shit to get people fired up and don't know when to quit even after being told. Some get too many chances.

    I've been browsing this forum since 2002 and signed up in 2004. I've seen many phases of this site and it's members. Cliques and chilche's alike have come, gone, reformed and left again, myself included. This album cycle for me is not as hyped and exciting mainly because of the mood of this place and most of these new people that have signed up just for this album cycle, and yet they are still here.

    Reading through most of these threads has become almost unbearable.
  13. lovablepanda

    lovablepanda Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    So how about that New song!!!!! Awesome am I right!!!!!!!!!
  14. 3DU4RDO

    3DU4RDO Burning in the Skies

    May 20, 2012
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    AMEN to every single word of this !
  15. brady

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Wait a second... did Joe Hahn just jump multiple times in a row? He actually moved during this show?!


    @ 2:59
    Last edited: May 27, 2014
  16. Residentturdface

    Residentturdface Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Why do you all care what other people think? If you like it, shouldn't that be good enough for you? And if you don't like it, then oh well, this song isn't for you. I just don't understand. Oh well, I like it, so that's good enough for me.
  17. tfae

    tfae The Graves Marker

    Apr 10, 2012
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    You are making a storm in a teacup.
    If someone comes up with aspects of a song that they don't like or they think it could be better, it doesn't necessarily means they don't like the song or album as a whole.
    I've said that I am not a fan of the rap style Mike has been using. It doesn't mean I hate it.
    Fans don't need to love all a band do nor give always a 10/10 to their work. If the comments in this forum was all like "OMG, MUCH GUITARZ, SUCH RAP, I LOVE IT" I didn't even took the trouble to come here. I already knew what I was going to read.

    What makes this interesting is to find what others think regardless if they hate it or love it, allowing us to know different perspectives and "collect" as much information about something we love.
  18. Snail

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I agree wholeheartedly. Time to lay down the law Derek.
  19. Anonymous Person

    Anonymous Person You promised me flesh!

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Very excited for this album! This new track is pretty sick, even though there hasn't been studio quality yet. As of now i would give Wastelands a 8/10. Really dig the guitar riff. And also, this video is for you people who can't get along...
  20. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    You grew up with HT and Meteora?

    I joined this site in August 2003. I'm the definition of grew up with those albums. Your statement doesn't mean a lick to me.

    I accept your opinion. I just choose to laugh at it because I find it laughable. I'll do so again: :rofl:

    And the random display of wealth.

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