Valentine's Day - Still due for live performance & Opinions

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Xenogenesis, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. #1

    Xenogenesis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    Of every other song there is on Minutes To Midnight, only Valentine's Day and In Between are still yet due to be performed live. These two are perhaps widely regarded on this forums (not sure about others in particular) as one of the most weakest song on the album. I mean I kind of understand that since its been classified as too "emotional" because of the climax made it too excessive in emotional feelings. Of course I might be one of the few who enjoys the song even though it doesn't relate to me, I follow along the lyrics to compose a story in my head.

    But anyways enough with me uttering useless words that won't contribute to this post. There's really two main questions or topics in here. The first is on live performance. Does anyone here get a feeling that it won't be played at all simply because... Well, issues of the song? :lol: I feel at the least if they don't play the original song they would compose a piano version of Valentine's Day like how they did with Pushing Me Away which can be quite beautiful (yet overdone sometimes). Do you want it performed live? If so of what version?

    And the second question. Opinions. I want opinions on the song, hopefully some positives or constructive feedback on the flaws rather than just saying "it sucks" without any supporting details or reasons. In my opinion the song can be powerful lyrically (not to all), but the climax brings out too much emotions. Maybe if the song structures were changed and taking out the excessive climax at the end of the song (or at least change it lyrically such as putting some rap in it to make it more causal). The song is alright, but it was just executed improperly in many different areas which prevented it from being at least a decent song.
  2. #2

    Hahninator Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    VD is one of my favorite MTM songs.

    I'm thinking that LP will play it on the US Tour because it starts on 2.12. They won't do a piano They have the ability to do it live. I think Astat said there were 3 guitars in it, so Chester would have to play guitar? or something? I know Mike has a piano part...

    I'll get him to come in here to post lol.
  3. #3

    Xenogenesis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    3 guitar parts? I think otherwise; there should be 2 seeing how there's a piano part. But isn't 3 guitar parts normally rare to see in songs?
  4. #4
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    The thing about Valentine's Day is that it's probably somewhat of an emotional song for Chester to perform. It seems blatantly obvious that it is about his previous marriage and perhaps it's not something he wants to perform. Then again, he does perform Breaking the Habit, which is fairly emotional also. However, it's a lot more likely to be performed than In Between.

    I've always thought that In Between was the weakest song on the album. It's a halfway decent song but it's not something that would be able to be performed live. Mike's a decent singer, but, he's not a very strong live performer when it comes to singing. Yeah, he has his nights but other than that he's fairly inconsistent. Adding In Between to the sets on a consistent basis is going to wreck the song.

    I like both of the songs, but, I wouldn't count on seeing In Between being performed. I think I can see Valentine's Day, but, not In Between. Perhaps we'll get lucky and both of them will be performed and they'll be halfway decent live. We'll see.
  5. #5

    Hahninator Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Chester had that problem for BTH and couldn't perform it until late 03.
    However, In Pieces is about Sam and he gets emotional during that sometimes lol. I think he'll be fine. If you ask me, the reason they aren't playing is because they haven't figured out who is playing what part and how to get it ready to go to be played live (like the initial problem with TLTGYA being played live). I think it's more of an issue of that than an issue with Chester playing it. I doubt Chester has a problem with it....
  6. #6
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Perhaps you're right. Like I said, we'll see what happens.
  7. #7

    Wilderness Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Just wanna point out I think Little Things deffinately had an emotional effect on Chester. When playing it at Download Festival this year, Chester seemed to be crying at one part.
  8. #8

    Xenogenesis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    Well, we should also take it into account that Pushing Me Away is fairly emotional as well (though regarding of how it might relate to him and how badly it might remind him of something could be a different story). But I thought that In Pieces was inspired on Chester's divorce than anything else. Does anyone here even know the reasons why Chester and his ex-wife divorced? It isn't blatantly described in the song's lyrics does it?

    I think Chester had some problems singing Breaking The Habit as well during late 03, which Hahninator brought up.

    But for how they figure out how to play the song, it is quite viable. I'm not sure but someone said that they performed QWERTY during Projekt Revolution 07 this year and someone remarked that their more "poorer" performance compare to Summer Sonic might have been the fact that the band didn't know which version to play. *shrugs*
  9. #9

    Hahninator Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    You're exactly right about PMA. I'm not sure about In Pieces. He talks about how Sam lied to him since he says lies like 100 times. LP uses the word lies so much lol. It's obvious at the end he's talking about her when he's saying "Don't lie....don't lie.....TO ME." He looks really pissed at Wantagh and pulls his shirt out looking mad when he says it, so it seems like a strong song for him.

    I said something along the lines of that for QWERTY. They really messed the song up and had a lot of mistakes on PR and I think that the fact that the band knew that combined with the fact that the fans weren't really into it live is why they took it out. LP had to of known it sucked on PR....
  10. #10

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I'm sure they'll get around to playing Valentines Days eventually. There's
    nothing more emotional or complex about it than any other song on the album, so I don't think that's what's keeping them from playing it. Maybe since they plan to tour for so long, they're holding back from playing the
    song so they can keep surprising people into next year. *shrugs*

    In Between though, I'm not sure whether they'll actually play that one. Even though I like the song, it doesn't strike me as something that would go over well at one of their shows. :lol:
  11. #11

    Shrazer235 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2007
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    I've been hoping for a live performance for a long time. As to what version, original. I can't stand the piano version of Pushing Me Away for some reason (with the piano version of My December, I loved it for some reason).

    As for the studio version that we all have (at least I hope we all have it), it's great. The first bit is quite nicely done, and the climax went well with the chorus being sung under the "on a Valentine's day" part.
  12. #12

    Hahninator Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    I bet part of the reason for them not playing it yet is.....the song is called Valentine's Day and they haven't toured for MTM in the winter yet :p

    Wait until they kick off Europe and USA in early 08 and we might see it. LP has always figured out how to perform every song off Hybrid Theory and Meteora before, so I think we're in for a surprise.
  13. #13

    Nick Great Job! LPA Super VIP

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Valentines day is one of my Favorite songs off of MtM and i think it would be GREAT Performed live. i just hope if they DO perform it live, they do it the exact same as the album version. because when they play leave out all the rest live.....for some reason it feels just bland and boring to me..but the album version i love.
  14. #14

    Xenogenesis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    Yeah I guess. But I did hear some complaints about how the song begins when Chester's voice gets all... Well... Raspy or something. :lol:

    I was thinking basically the same. Hopefully it'll be a blast. The way how I see it is that maybe the audience will hold up their lighters or cellphones (like what they do with Shadow of the Day) and when it comes to the climax people would sing along for literally a minute. Something like that, I had another idea earlier but I forgot about it.
  15. #15

    Shrazer235 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2007
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    To me, that puts an edge to it. Why people don't like/understand that, I do not know.
  16. #16

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    Valentine's Day can easily be pulled off with 2 guitars, although there are 3 during the final chorus (the clean guitar from the intro is softly playing in the background, but I doubt they would do that live anyway). If they can pull of In Pieces and TLTGYA live with 2 guitars when those 2 songs have FIVE guitar tracks, V-Day shouldn't be a problem. The only issue I see is that there's piano/keyboards throughout more or less the whole song, so they might have to get either Chester or Phoenix to play on this song.
  17. #17

    Xenogenesis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    I guess it just sounds a little creepy and "artificial" than the real thing.

    That's a lot of guitar tracks off of In Pieces and The Little Things Give You Away... >_<
  18. #18

    Jordan Secret Robot

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I hope they both get played, they are two of my favourite songs off minutes to midnight. I think they could pull off both of them.
  19. #19

    kev_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    I think they'll bust out VD on the U.S. Tour. I don't think we'll hear In Between ever though and unfortunately same goes for No Roads Left. Chester could play guitar on NRL but Mike would have to sing Lead Vox which he's not comforatable with. Also he wouldn't be able to play the strings on his keys, although they could be sampled. Fact is Mike is not a good live singer so we won't hear him sing live lead vocals for a long time
  20. #20
    The Doctor

    The Doctor I wear a fez now. Fez's are cool. LPA Super Member

    Mar 20, 2003
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    That alone, sounded HILARIOUS.

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