Most concerts I go to I get seats for but I wanted to get close to the stage for LP because I have yet to see them live which is crazy considering theyve been my favorite band since the beginning. Anyways my brother and I both got accepted for the M&G this thursday in sunrise and I understand now that we will lose our chance of being front row but my main question is will we be able to see them pretty well from towards the back still? I dont need to see every skin blemish on their faces but I dont wanna see a bunch of blurred individuals moveing around a mile in front of me either. Any feedback is highly appreciated.
I gave up my spot at the front of the line for the M&G, and I regretted it. I wished I was front row as I would have taken that over meeting them. Now though, they do M&G's differently, and you will actually get to hang out with them. I guess it depends which you would like more. It's a tough call and it's a shame they make you choose really.
Congrats on getting in for the M&G! Unless your tall, I can't say for how it's like from the back of the pit. Just enjoy it and take it all in, keep it in mind that even though your deep in the pit your one of the lucky few of the thousands in attendance that got accepted for the M&G! --RS
Im 5'11 and my brother is 6'1..... as long as I can see the stage Im happy i just dont wanna not be able to see them at all.....thanks for the replies though guys
You have to choose. Either get up front where you can see them well but won't be able to hear anything because your ears will be blown out, or get further back and hear them better. I remember last LP concert I went to, I was in the second row in the pit and dead center. I also bought the digital tracks and downloaded the concert a couple days after. They sounded nothing alike. But I'm confused. Wouldn't anyone rather go to the meet and greet and get up close and personal with them?
do the m+g. you're more likely to see them again live and get frontsies then being accept to m+g again. plus.. if you like a band, don't matter where you are. you'll enjoy the show.
It's not completely impossible to get to the front if you do the M&G. It's not like the pit is a solid wall of bodies that never moves, if you take your time, you can get pretty close to the stage just by squeezing through openings between people. It's general admission, there's no rule saying that you have to stay behind the people that got there before you.
I agree with this, usually for this type of thing, ill start out in the back and make my way forward. You can get close. But definitly do the M&G it will be worth it, and anywhere on the floor is a good spot.
Dude. Are you out of your mind? Go the meet & greet and fight your way to the front. You get a rare opportunity to meet Mike freaking Shinoda and talking to him and you're actually debating if its worth it? Then why did you even apply for one to begin with? On a less bitchy note, the M&G all the way. And it doesn't matter where you are in the pit, you will actually be able to see them clearly.
I was NEVER thinking about not doing the M&G believe me! Lol I was just a little worried about the view because I've never been in the pit before I've always had seats. I'm stoked out of my mind to actually have the chance to be in the same room as these guys later tonight! I'm gonna have to compose myself later enough so that I can manage to spit out a couple questions lol
my friend went to the show in adelaide, he would have ended at the back of the stadium unless he kept pushing forward, seriously, everyone will try and get in front of you and won't give a damn about you, so why should you give a damn about them? just push your way close and rock out!
And a buttplug if you're in the second row of the pit. You have all sorts of things grinding up on you trying to get up front.
Yeah, this is why I chose to get amazing seats instead of the pit. Now let's make sure I get that meet and greet. Just curious, how many days before the show did you find out you got picked for the m and g?
I would LOVE to meet them, but I understand your concerns... but you're lucky that you are almost 6'... I'm 5'4.5 -.- so I've definitely thought about that. Hopefully I can squeeze my way through.
Just wanna say just got back from the concert and it was awesome. The meet and greet was worth it even though brad was a no show. And my position on the floor was still more than good I got pretty close to the front it was sweet. Was hoping to hear blackout but oh well maybe next time