I like the verses, but other than that I didn't really like it that much. Nothing special to me. Well, based on the reviews, I didn't really have such high hopes for this song anyway. I was much more excited for the other 4 songs reviewed.
Weel, IMO this song is fucking awesome. It sounds different, but I loved it. But still not better than GATS.
While the lyrics to the chorus are as we all knew ahead of time rather underwhelming, I found Chester's delivery of them made the cliched words pretty fresh. Everything else about the song is pretty kick-ass to me, though I can hear the "boring structure" folks incoming... Also I can't wait to hear the rants about Chester's vocals being "overproduced" after the complaining about the rawness of Guilty All The Same.
Several thoughts come to mind: They definitely have injected more energy. You can feel the track pummeling through your body as you listen to it and it is quite exhilarating. However the lyrics are a bit samey, I hoped for longer and more defined verses, and the melody itself is quite good but not their best. Maybe this track sacrificed the depth of previous songs to have more energy. My two cents anyway.
I am sorry but it was disappointing to say the least. When even a person like me can feel that the lyrics are weak then something is really majorly wrong.
I really liked the song itself, but didn't like the frequent repetition of the lyrics. This song really reminds me of the band Cold. Something they'd make. I could really see Scooter sing this song.
I was expecting something "heavier" so to speak. That doesnt tarnish my feelings of the song, I think its great! I was just ready for something heavy, but thats also because I didnt read the description of the song from the Sampler lol
well, i listened for a proper 5 seconds through a potato and all i heard was "you don't know what you've got" like 10 times and decided to hold off until i'm home and can listen the whole song in decent quality. Pretty much an anti-climax though, even if i haven't heard the song. The reactions on the forums say enough for me
The lyrics are very cliche especially when chester repeats the line "No you don't know what you've got" over and over again. I love the atmospheric sound though. The chorus wasn't that catchy for me, at least not yet but at least it's somewhat unique in a way compared to other LP's choruses. Chesters voice was ok and the screams at the end sounded very good. Overall great song. I'm not even remotely as dissapointed as i was when i heard The Catalyst premiere. The biggest minus are the repetitive and cliche lyrics. Makes it sound a lot more poppy than the song actually is.
This is the song the label begged them to make so they'd be able to be played on pop radio. I don't hate it but it's not what I expected from reading all the reviews about the song.
For anyone that missed it, here's a recap: Keyboard Weak guitar No, you don't know what you've got until it's gone x 1,000 Scream End Cue all the fanboys saying OMGZ BEST LP SONG EVARZ RIP LP 2000-2003
The way the album flows could be interesting: (Very beginning of this song sounds like it could be the end of "Wastelands")
Well, there is no problem disliking a song. But it seems your kind of portraying your opinion still has room for improvements