How are these unpopular? Actually there's a wide audience within the fanbase who think LITE's potential was unfulfilled due to poor publicity and that the overall album promotion was mismanaged.
I guess that means my opinion that Lost In The Echo was never destined to do that well as a single is an unpopular opinion. I just don't think a rap/rock jam out song is appealing to a very wide audience anymore. Burn It Down sounds/is structured much more like a pop dance song featuring a rapper, which is what is on the radio a lot nowadays. So that + the NBA finals = A successful single. I think Powerless had a lot of wasted potential as a single. It probably shouldn't have been tethered to a subpar movie with a kind of niche audience.
I agree, but it's pretty understandable why LP fans would think that "Echo" had a lot of potential as a single.
Linkin Park live shows aren't that visually interesting. They still sound great. Somewhere I Belong has a nice instrumental. Linkin Park should do more acoustic/piano tracks.
– I love "Crawling" and "In the End". – Meteora is awesome. – LIVING THINGS is awesome. – Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns are the best albums. – "Don't Stay" sounds nothing like "One Step Closer". – "Fallout" serves as a good bridge between "Iridescent" and "The Catalyst", but does barely anything else. – "Victimized" would have been better if it wasn't so overproduced and "perfect". – Rob should be given more credit. – Joe did nothing on Minutes to Midnight (and that doesn't really bother me). – "Burning in the Skies" is the best Linkin Park music video. – Dead by Sunrise is great. And on it goes...