After 9/11, you can't really be sure. I don't blame the police or even residents for overacting, because they may not know the Super Mario Bros game. Everything has to be taken seriously. And I'll bet you if it was guys that did it, the police would be more harsh on them. *rolls eyes*
any person who has had a kid EVER knows Super Mario Bros lol and even then there's a shit ton of commercials on TV
I don't think it's that important that it was based on Mario. The fact that the kids confessed to it and said it was a joke is enough for me. I mean, they meant no harm. I think a warning and a "don't do it again" would be enough to have the girls never do anything like this again. The police are over-reacting so much, for something that they now know was based on a computer game. It's ridiculous, it really is.
yeah, what Raj said. Really man, press charges for a prank that they already owned up for...what the hell man isnt that a bit much?
I agree, it wasn't that serious, specially on April Fools, come on! some people do nasty and more serious things this day, you just can't deny that! besides, just like you guys said, they confessed and meant no harm.
If you open the boxes and there's nothing dangerous inside, then there shouldn't be a problem. It's fucking ridiculous that they might face criminal charges.
I think the police are definitely over-reacting. The girl did come in and confess. You honestly could just leave them with a warning or a fine. It's not that big of a deal if a few girls just put a few boxes around town with some question marks on them. I mean, first of all, wouldn't terrorists hide bombs somewhere not so obvious than in a box out on the sidewalk with a question mark on it? It's just ridiculous.
After 9/11, you can't do anything even slightly mischievous anymore. Actually, I just may drive out to Ravenna this weekend and raise hell over this. It's close enough.
Upon further inspection, no materials designed to harm people, mushrooms to increase a person's size, or flowers that bestow the ability to project bouncing fireballs were found inside the boxes. The packages were empty. the whole thing is crazy, but i can see why people whould have been concerened about a box.