I'll pretty up the OP when I get more time but thought i would make a thread. Anyone else listen to these guys? Their new album is fantastic. They also just announced a tour yesterday: http://twentyonepilots.com/tour They are not stopping in my area but I'm jealous for anyone who can go!
Car Radio was my jam for weeks when I first heard it. I their sound a lot, but too many of their songs sound like multiple songs randomly stitched together. At least they acknowledge this in their lyrics, but it still feels weird to me. You would think that would be awesome, but few songs actually work imo. Besides car radio, I only regularly listen to Lane Boy and Tear in my heart. I thought their last two albums were pretty much equal in quality, with vessel being slightly better.
I enjoy them from time to time. Pretty much same as BTorio, "Tear", "Lane Boy" and "Car Radio" are my favorites.
Why... Why must you write all band names with numbers instead of the letters? No one ever writes 21 Pilots. But anyways, yes, these guys are amazing. Favorite song certainly has to be "Kitchen Sink"
Twenty One Pilots is one of the very few artists who have it spelled out, so it's pretty uncommon, actually
If you really didn't want to revive the old thread, you could have at least spelled the name right. The band's name is Twenty One Pilots, and the band seemingly prefers the non-capitalized "twenty one pilots". I really don't see the point of changing it to digits. Anyway, Vessel is great. Blurryface was a disappointment. You'll pretty up yourself when you get more time? OP stands for "original poster", mate.
These two guys are creating fantastic music together. Stressed out and Fairly Local are 2 of the best songs I've heard in my life.
So. Someone we particularly know either just became a huge TOP fan or he's been hiding it this whole time. https://twitter.com/ChesterBe/status/664941025257848832 https://twitter.com/ChesterBe/status/664942042733113345
This is my youngest sisters favourite band. to be honest, I don't know much about 'em. Gotta try it out I guess.
Nope, Chester genuinely loves them. https://twitter.com/ChesterBe/status/671065377275666432 Also, yeah, Blurryface is my runaway favorite album this year. Surprisingly, "Heavydirtysoul" is now my favorite TOP song ever.