In order: 1. A Line In The Sand 2. Keys To The Kingdom 3. Final Masquerade 4. All For Nothing 5. Rebellion I like all the songs on this album though (including Until It's Gone, crazy, I know.) EDIT: lol just realized I already posted in this about a month ago, oh well.
1. A Line In the Sand 2. Rebellion 3. Mark the Graves 4. Final Masquerade 5. All For Nothing Nobody has posted anything truly surprising yet xD
1. All for nothing 2. Guilty all the same 3. Final masquerade 4. Rebellion 5. A line in the sand 6. Until it's gone 7. Wastelands 8. Keys to the kingdom (diskike the beggining) 9. Mark the graves 10. War
1. AFN 2. GATS 3. MTG 4. Wastelands 5. UIG 6. KTTK 7. Rebellion 8. FM 9. ALITS 10. War 11. Drawbar 12. The Summoning All nice Songs^^
01. Guilty All The Same 02. Final Masquerade 03. Until It's Gone 04. Rebellion 05. Keys To The Kingdom