Top 20 Songs of an Artist

Discussion in 'Other Music' started by RiderSSPU, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. #41

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Solo artist you say? :halfkappa:


    Michael Jackson:
    1. Leave Me Alone
    2. Scream
    3. Earth Song
    4. Stranger in Moscow
    5. Man in the Mirror
    6. Black or White
    7. They Don’t Care about Us
    8. Another Part of Me
    9. Jam
    10. You Are Not Alone
    11. Threatened
    12. This Time Around
    13. HIStory
    14. Speed Demon
    15. Keep the Faith
    16. Who Is It
    17. Human Nature
    18. Dirty Diana
    19. Billie Jean
    20. Remember the Time
    Got to Be There: 0
    Ben: 0
    Music & Me: 0
    Forever, Michael: 0

    Off the Wall: 0
    Thriller: 2
    Bad: 5
    Dangerous: 5
    HIStory: 7
    Invincible: 1
    Michael (posthumous): 0
    Xscape (posthumous): 0

    (Most people don't know his first four solo albums anyway but I put them for the sake of completeness lol)​
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  2. #42

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Devin Townsend:

    YouTube Playlist:

    1. Bastard
    2. The Death of Music
    3. Deadhead
    4. Kingdom (Epicloud recording)
    5. Angel
    6. Grace
    7. Universal Flame
    8. The Mighty Masturbator
    9. Planet of the Apes
    10. Deconstruction
    11. Truth (Trascendence recording)
    12. Life
    13. Hyperdrive! (Addicted recording)
    14. Funeral
    15. Awake!!
    16. War
    17. Away
    18. From the Heart
    19. Deep Peace
    20. By Your Command

    Ocean Machine: 4
    Infinity: 1
    Physicist: 0
    Terria: 1
    Accelerated Evolution: 2
    Synchestra: 0
    Ziltoid the Omniscient: 1
    Ki: 0
    Addicted: 2
    Deconstruction: 3
    Ghost: 0
    Epicloud: 3
    Sky Blue: 1
    Dark Matters: 0
    Transcendence: 2
    Christøffer likes this.
  3. #43

    chris2 Smiling At Strangers On Trains LPA Super Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Rise Against

    in order of discography:

    1. My Life Inside Your Heart
    2. Six Ways 'Til Sunday
    3. Stained Glass And Marble
    4. Everchanging
    5. Generation Lost (Fat Music Volume VI: Uncontrollable Fatulence Compilation)
    6. Black Masks & Gasoline
    7. Like The Angel
    8. Blood-Red, White & Blue
    9. Torches (my all time favourite)
    10. Life Less Frightening
    11. Anywhere But Here
    12. Injection
    13. Survive
    14. But Tonight We Dance (This Is Noise EP)
    15. From Heads Unworthy
    16. The Dirt Whispered
    17. This Is Letting Go
    18. Lanterns (Endgame Bonus Track)
    19. The Eco Terrorist In Me
    20. People Live Here

    The Unraveling: 4
    Revolutions Per Minute: 4
    Siren Song Of The Counter Culture: 2
    The Suffer And The Witness: 2
    Appeal To Reason: 2
    Endgame: 1
    The Black Maket: 2
    Bonus Tracks/B-Sides: 3

    Well that was extremely hard for me. I tried to name at least one song from every album. I didn't get to name some of my faves though (Paper Wings, Heaven Knows, Give It All, Prayer Of The Refugee, Halfway There, Swing Life Away, etc. ...) since that would have exceeded my top 20 list :D
    I didn't include songs from the new album, since that one just came out last week and I feel it's too early too make a choice.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    Wasabi GOD likes this.
  4. #44

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dream Theater:

    1. Octavarium
    2. A Change of Seasons
    3. Metropolis, Part 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper
    4. Scene Eight: The Spirt Carries On
    5. Another Day
    6. Take the Time
    7. Surrounded
    8. Learning to Live
    9. Pull Me Under
    10. Illumination Theory
    11. The Count of Tuscany
    12. Panic Attack
    13. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
    14. Space-Dye Vest
    15. Scene Nine: Finally Free
    16. Disappear
    17. Scene Six: Home
    18. In the Name of God
    19. Blind Faith
    20. The Root of All Evil

    When Dream and Day Unite: 0
    Images and Words: 6
    Awake: 1
    A Change of Seasons: 1
    Falling Into Infinity: 0
    Metropilis, Part 2: Scenes from a Memory: 3
    Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence: 3
    Train of Thought: 1
    Octavarium: 3
    Systematic Chaos: 0
    Black Clouds and Silver Linings: 1
    A Dramatic Turn of Events: 0
    Dream Theater: 1
    The Astonishing: 0
    Christøffer likes this.
  5. #45

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    1- Coloring Outside the Lines
    2- Let the Light In
    3- My Brother
    4- Hurricane
    5- Our Own House
    6- Drummer Boy
    7- Out Of Tune Piano
    8- Machine
    9- Best I Can Do
    10- Coffins
    11- No Need For Dreaming
    12- Revolution
    13- Reflections
    14- Imagination Infatuation
    15- Only Human
    16- Queens
    17- Chasing This
    18- Twisted Tongue
    19- Box Around the Sun
    20- Oceans

    Reflections EP: 1
    Our Own House: 10
    Connect the Dots: 9

    "Connect the Dots" is my favorite album of 2017 so far, it's fantastic :)
    One More Light who? :kappa:
    brady likes this.
  6. #46

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    People actually like this album?

    Your the first person I met who likes it. Most people agree the real Rise Against didn't happen until RPM
  7. #47

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I love The Unraveling. I have it on CD.

    My Rise Against list. Only the first 5 or so are really important in terms of order.

    Rise Against:
    1. Tragedy + Time
    2. Swing Life Away
    3. People Live Here
    4. Hero of War
    5. I Don’t Want to Be Here Anymore
    6. Make It Stop (September’s Children)
    7. Help Is on the Way
    8. Savior
    9. A Beautiful Indifference
    10. Injection
    11. Satellite
    12. 1000 Reasons
    13. Paper Wings
    14. Tip the Scales
    15. Prayer of the Refugee
    16. Re-Education (Through Labor)
    17. Black Masks & Gasoline
    18. The Good Left Undone
    19. Everchanging
    20. Wolves
    The Unraveling: 2
    Revolutions Per Minute: 1
    Siren Song of the Counter Culture: 3
    The Suffererer & The Witness: 2
    Appeal to Reason: 4
    Endgame: 3
    The Black Market: 4
    Wolves: 1
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    chris2 and Wasabi GOD like this.
  8. #48

    chris2 Smiling At Strangers On Trains LPA Super Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Weird. I know lots of people who prefer their older stuff. The Unraveling is great. It's raw and heavy. More Hardcore than their later releases. I'm a huge fan of Hardcore music, so maybe that's why. RA has always had roots in Hardcore Punk. RPM imo is their best though. However I Iike everything they've done so far. In fact Wolves could be their best since Sufferer.
    Wasabi GOD likes this.
  9. #49
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    The Unraveling is a great album.
    Christøffer and chris2 like this.
  10. #50

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I love Hardcore music as well but the Unraveling is uterly awful. I basically pretend it doesn't exist it's so bad.

    My rankings:
    -The Sufferer and the Witness
    -Siren Song of the Counter Culture
    -Appeal to Reason
    -Revolutions Per Minute [All 5 are amazing albums in my opinion]
    -Wolves [average, slightly better than previous effort]
    -The Black Market [Average]
    -The Unraveling [Please erase from human existence bad]
  11. #51

    chris2 Smiling At Strangers On Trains LPA Super Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    I mean old school Hardcore. Minor Threat, Bad Brains, Sick Of It All, etc. ... The band's influences really show on TU.
    But still. It's all good. At least we can all agree that RA is a good band ^_^:peace: Now a RA, LP Tour would be a dream of mine
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  12. #52

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I mean they were supposed to tour together in 2015 before it got canceled :lol:
  13. #53

    chris2 Smiling At Strangers On Trains LPA Super Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Now back on topic. I'm gonna do another one of my favourite bands: Enter Shikari

    1. Mothership
    2. Anything Can Happen In The Next Half Hour
    3. Return To Energiser
    4. Adieu
    5. Johnny Sniper
    6. Ok, Time For Plan B
    7. Acid Nation
    8. Juggernauts
    9. Wall
    10. Step Up
    11. We Can Breathe In Space
    12. Destabilise
    13. Quelle Surprise
    14. System/Meltdown
    15. Gandhi Mate, Gandhi
    16. Radiate
    17. The Appeal & The Mindsweep I
    18. Never Let Go Of The Microscope
    19. Torn Apart
    20. Redshift

    Take To The Skies: 6 (It still holds a lot of sentimental value for me. I got into them in 07 when they released it. There was a lot of hype around them at that time.)
    Common Dreads: 3
    A Flash Flood Of Colour: 2
    The Mindsweep: 3
    Non Album/EP's etc. ...: 5
    Christøffer and RiderSSPU like this.
  14. #54

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Tears for Fears:

    YouTube Playlist:

    1. The Working Hour
    2. Badman's Song
    3. Shout
    4. Advice for the Young at Heart
    5. Listen
    6. Everybody Wants to Rule the World
    7. Famous Last Words
    8. Head Over Heels / Broken (Live)
    9. I Believe (A Soulful Re-Recording)
    10. Sowing the Seeds of Love
    11. Memories Fade (Live at Massey Hall)
    12. Broken
    13. Woman in Chains
    14. Mothers Talk
    15. Pale Shelter
    16. Pharaohs
    17. Year of the Knife
    18. Mad World
    19. Ideas as Opiates
    20. Start of the Breakdown

    The Hurting: 4
    Songs from the Big Chair: 7
    The Seeds of Love: 6
    Elemental: 0
    Raoul and the Kings of Spain: 0
    Everybody Loves a Happy Ending: 0
    Non-Album Tracks: 3
    Christøffer likes this.
  15. #55

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Coheed and Cambria

    1. Dark Side of Me
    2. Welcome Home
    3. Key Entity Extraction V: Sentry the Defiant
    4. Key Entity Extraction I: Domino the Destitute
    5. You Got Spirit Kid
    6. Blood Red Summer
    7. No World for Tomorrow
    8. Island
    9. The Afterman
    10. A Favor House Atlantic
    11. Feathers
    12. Iron Fist
    13. Number City
    14. Away We Go
    15. Key Entity Extraction IV: Evagria the Faithful
    16. The End Complete III: The End Complete
    17. The Suffering
    18. Here We Are Juggernaut
    19. Ten Speed (of God's Blood & Burial)
    20. Here to Mars

    This list was extremely difficult to come up with, but I've found that Year of the Black Rainbow has always been one of the hardest for me to get into, almost as hard as The Second Stage Turbine Blade. I also feel that The Afterman (both Ascension and Descension) is peak Coheed and Cambria, with the Good Apollo series following. In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 was pretty good, and The Color Before the Sun is enjoyable, but I'd rank it above Year of the Black Rainbow in terms of quality. I really hope that with their next few albums they go back to writing songs that go along with The Amory Wars story line.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  16. #56

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    30 Seconds to Mars

    1- Hurricane
    2- The Kill
    3- Search and Destroy
    4- Stranger In a Strange Land
    5- Vox Populi
    6- Night of the Hunter
    7- Kings and Queens
    8- The Fantasy
    9- A Beautiful Lie
    10- Northern Lights
    11- R-Evolve
    12- Up in the Air
    13- End of All Days
    14- This is War
    15- Oblivion
    16- From Yesterday
    17- A Modern Myth
    18- Battle of One
    19- Attack
    20- Hunter (Bjök Cover)

    30 Seconds to Mars: 1
    A Beautiful Lie: 7
    This Is War: 7
    Love Lust Faith + Dreams: 3
    Bonus Tracks: 2
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  17. #57

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    30 Seconds to Mars: (No Order)
    • Attack
    • A Beautiful Lie
    • The Kill
    • The Fantasy
    • Savior
    • From Yesterday
    • Kings and Queens
    • This Is War
    • 100 Suns
    • Hurricane 2.0
    • Closer to the Edge
    • Vox Populi
    • Conquistador
    • Up In the Air
    • City of Angels
    • End Of All Days
    • Valhalla
    • Phase 1: Fortification
    • Santa Through The Back Door
    • Anarchy In Tokyo
    Album Distribution:
    30 Seconds to Mars: 0
    A Beautiful Lie: 6
    This Means War: 6
    Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams: 4
    Unreleased Songs: 4

    No Spotify playlist this time
    Sasuke likes this.
  18. #58
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    I'm listening to your playlist now, Filip. I don't know if you want me to watch the videos too or if it's ok to just listen to the music.

    I'll post again with my feedback!
    Christøffer likes this.
  19. #59

    Filip god break down the door LPA Contributor

    May 23, 2012
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    Nah, DG videos are more often than not really pointless and just provide a visual experience for the song. Lemme know what you think!
  20. #60
    lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Good picks! Though personally I would go with less Plans and more older stuf... and definitely some Codes and Keys.

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