Top 20 Songs of an Artist

Discussion in 'Other Music' started by RiderSSPU, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Gibs

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This list was originally closer to 30, so it pained me to narrow it down to just 20 (everything from 3-12 is pretty much interchangeable).


    1. The Moor
    2. Harlequin Forest
    3. The Baying of the Hounds
    4. The Lotus Eater
    5. Burden
    6. Godhead's Lament
    7. Heir Apparent
    8. The Drapery Falls
    9. The Grand Conjuration
    10. Bleak
    11. Ghost of Perdition
    12. The Leper Affinity
    13. Isolation Years
    14. Hours of Wealth
    15. Eternal Rains Will Come
    16. April Ethereal
    17. Voice of Treason
    18. Beneath the Mire
    19. Deliverance
    20. Windowpane

    Orchid: 0
    Morningrise: 0
    My Arms, Your Hearse: 1
    Still Life: 2
    Blackwater Park: 3
    Deliverance: 1
    Damnation: 1
    Ghost Reveries: 7
    Watershed: 3
    Heritage: 0
    Pale Communion: 2
    Sorceress: 0

    Funnily enough, even though 7 of Ghost Reveries' 8 tracks made my top 20, I wouldn't consider it my favorite record of their's, though it definitely is up there.
    Christøffer and chris2 like this.
  2. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    1. Human
    2. Burn It Down
    3. Candles
    4. Youth
    5. Smother
    6. All I Wanted
    7. No Care
    8. Lifeforms
    9. Amsterdam
    10. Touch
    11. A Hole In the Earth
    12. Peter
    13. Doing The Right Thing
    14. Home
    15. Numbers
    16. Shallows
    17. Tomorrow
    18. Winter
    19. Your Kisses
    20. Run

    Album Distribution:
    His Young Heart EP- 1
    Wild Youth EP- 1
    If You Leave- 9 [Top 10 or top 15 album of all time for me]
    Not to Dissapear- 3
    Music From Beyond The Storm- 3
    Other- 3
  3. Gibs

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    1. Crystallised
    2. Cockroach King
    3. Falling Back to Earth
    4. Earthrise
    5. The Architect
    6. Puzzle Box
    7. Visions
    8. 1985
    9. A Cell Divides
    10. Initiate
    11. Streams
    12. Aquarium
    13. Drowning in the Flood
    14. The Endless Knot
    15. The Good Doctor
    16. Because It's There
    17. Atlas Stone
    18. Nil by Mouth
    19. Deathless
    20. Bound by Gravity

    Aquarius: 3
    Visions: 2
    The Mountain: 4
    Restoration: 1
    Affinity: 6
    Vector: 4
    Christøffer likes this.
  4. brady

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    I realized I haven't updated this since vertigo came out. Time to take another crack at EDEN.

    1. Wake Up
    2. start//end
    3. rock + roll
    4. icarus
    5. drugs
    6. take care
    7. sex
    8. forever//over
    9. crash
    10. falling in reverse
    11. Interlude
    12. nowhere else
    13. gold
    14. love; not wrong (brave)
    15. Circles
    16. Jupiter
    17. End Credits
    18. Fumes (feat. gnash)
    19. float
    20. about time

    Bipolar Paradise - 1
    End Credits - 3
    i think you think too much of me - 5
    vertigo - 9
    singles - 2

    Needless to say, but I really like vertigo. A lot.
    Christøffer likes this.
  5. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    So this Is not a band but my favorite Musician of all time:

    Tom DeLonge: (No Order)
    • First Date
    • Story of a Lonely Guy
    • Feeling This
    • Asthenia
    • Down
    • Always
    • I'm Lost Without You
    • Ghost on the Dancefloor
    • Snake Charmer
    • There Is
    • All Systems Go
    • Watch the World
    • Valkyrie Missile
    • Do It For Me Now
    • A Little's Enough
    • It Hurts
    • The Adventure
    • Rite of Spring
    • Young London
    • Surrender
    Album Distribution:
    Buddha- 0
    Cheshire Cat- 0
    Dude Ranch- 0
    Enema of the State- 0 (2 when expanded to 30 songs)
    Take Off Your Pants and Jacket- 2
    Blink-182- 5 (6 when expanded to 30 songs if you count Not Now)
    Neighborhoods- 2 (3 when expanded to 30 songs)
    Dogs Eating Dogs- 0 (1 when expanded to 30 songs)
    Box Car Racer- 3
    We Don't need to Whisper- 5
    I-Empire- 1 (4 when expanded to 30 songs)
    Love Part 1.- 1 (2 when expanded to 30 songs)
    Love Part 2.- 1 (2 when expanded to 30 songs)
    Stomping the Phantom Break Pedal- 0
    The Dream Walker- 0
    Of Nightmares- 0
    Chasing Shadows- 0
  6. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Top 25 Taylor Swift songs! Subject to massively change of course. No idea why I decided to make this list so early. But I decided to do it so here it is. Basically I am crazy. 7 songs from Lover were in contention to make it but ultimately only 6 of them did. I’ve listened to this album over 60 times already so I have a good sense of judgement on where these songs stand. With how many albums she has I decided to up it to 25 songs as 20 didn’t feel like a good cutoff point. This album Lover has an insane amount of high points and these high points are incredible high points. The album Lover has some of the best lyrics, vocals, and bridges of her career. Definitely my AOTY for now.

    1. New Year’s Day
    2. You Are In Love
    3. This Love [#2 and #3 often switch spots back and forth with each other. As much as I love most of Taylor Swift songs, these 3 songs are on a whole different level to me. They blow the rest of her work out of the water.]
    4. Cruel Summer
    5. Eyes Open
    6. Clean
    7. Holy Ground
    8. Begin Again
    9. All Too Well
    10. Out of the Woods
    11. State of Grace
    12. Paper Wings
    13. Treacherous
    14. Haunted
    15. Love Story
    16. I Think He Knows
    17. Soon You’ll Get Better (Ft. Dixie Chicks)
    18. Back to December
    19. Death By A Thousand Cuts
    20. Cornelia Street
    21. 22
    22. The Last Time (Ft. Gary Lightbody)
    23. Everything Has Changed (Ft. Ed Sheeran) [I used to be a lot higher on these two songs with features but they got a little bit old for me]
    24. You Belong With Me
    25. Mean

    Album Distribution:
    Lover- 6
    Reputation- 1
    1989- 4
    Red- 8
    Speak Now- 3
    Fearless- 2
    Taylor Swift- 0
    Others- 1

    Playlist that extends to 47 songs:
  7. LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I'd say it's hard to even make a top 30 of her discography (excluding non-album singles, eps and so on). I cut the best songs on Lover to 9 songs, but since I dowgraded ME! and You Need To Calm Down so harshly it ended up with a score just a tiny bit higher than the 6,5 I gave to Reputation in 2017. I probably went too far on that one, but I really liked Gorgeous, ...Ready For It?, Delicate, Call It What You Want, New Year's Day and my personal favorite Getaway Car and only End Game really got under my skin as I gave it a 3/10, even though many songs of Reputation were no more than a 6/10 at best (Look What You Made Me Do was a 5, not as bad, but nothing special).

    From this new album I gave a 10 to Lover, Soon You'll Get Better, Cruel Summer and Afterglow, a 9 to Cornelia Street and Daylight, False God grew on me and is now probably an 8 and not more because of being too repetitive and Miss Americana also an 8, without the annoying backing vocals it would be a 10 for sure. Death By A Thousand Cuts just didn't catch my attention so much, but still a 7. The album would be more than an 8 if it was not for the 1 to ME! and the 0 to You Need To Calm Down. It has now moved closer to a 7 overall because of False God, but not quite there yet.

    It would actually be a great exercise to pick 30 songs of hers, but I would have an easier job I guess because I don't recall much of the debut and don't like Fearless that much, but it would be almost impossible to order them, as many of the songs with a score of 10 are 10 because there's no higher score possible, some of them could be like a 15 or so.
  8. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I agree with you a lot on reputation. That album had a lot of weak songs. I also gave a 3/10 to Endgame and gave a 6/10 to both So It Goes and Don't Blame Me. The album wasn't bad to me (solid 8/10) but it was way weaker than most of her albums. I actually really like Lover. It has 3 songs I could do with out. But I think that the highs are way better than the highs on reputation and there are way more of them. There's a few bad songs but I like 15 or 16 of the 18 songs which is amazing.

    After 100 listens or so, my updated rankings:
    SS Tier:
    1. Cruel Summer- 12/10
    2. Paper Rings- 10/10
    3. I Think He Knows- 10/10
    4. Soon You'll Get Better- 10/10
    S Tier:
    5. Death By A Thousand Cuts- 10/10
    6. Cornelia Street- 10/10
    7. Miss Americana- 10/10
    8. It's Nice to Have Friends- 10/10
    9. Daylight- 10/10
    10. You Need To Calm Down- 10/10
    11. The Archer- 10/10
    A Tier:
    12. London Boy- 9.5/10
    13. Me!- 9/10
    14. Afterglow- 9/10
    B Tier:
    15. Lover- 8/10
    C Tier:
    16. I Forgot That You Existed- 7/10
    D Tier:
    17. The Man- 6/10
    F Tier:
    18. False God- 1/10
  9. LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    I'm not so high on the album, but it goes like this for me:
    I Forgot That You Existed - 6/10
    Cruel Summer - 10/10 (like Lover, Cornelia Street, Soon You'll Get Better, False God and Afterglow, it could be easily over 10)
    Lover - 10/10 (could have been the lead single)
    The Man - 5,5/10 (not bad, but nothing special, don't like the lyrics all that much)
    The Archer - 7/10 (not so strong on this one, great lyrics, but the vocals sound too distant and that puts me off, but it's actually grown to a 7 from a 6,5, I just hadn't had many plays on it)
    I Think He Knows - 5/10 (one of the silliest tracks here)
    Miss Americana - 8,5/10 (don't like the cheerleader chants, other than that it's great song and would easily be over 10)
    Paper Rings - 7,5/10 (it's quite silly in some places, but I like the vocals for the most part and some of the instrumentation)
    Cornelia Street - 10/10 (grew from an initial 9 to a 10)
    Death By A Thousand Cuts -7,5/10 (I like the vocals a lot, but have some issues with some of the instrumentation, could have been a 9 otherwise)
    London Boy - 6/10 (not bad, but nothing really impresses me on this one)
    Soon You'll Get Better - 10/10 (so well done and meaningful at the same time)
    False God - 10/10 (grew from an initial 9/10, some of the best vocals of the entire album and I really like the jazzy vibe)
    You Need To Calm Down - 0/10 (nothing remotely good or catchy about this, probably her worst song, worse than Shake It Off and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together)
    Afterglow - 10/10
    ME! - 3/10 (it has some catchiness, but really silly and nonsensical song, the Brendon Urie feature is so out of place, he sound so bad and I feel like it was done to get streams)
    It's Nice To Have A Friend - 6/10 (I really enjoy most of the song, but it doesn't click totally for some reason)
    Daylight - 9/10 (wraps up the album on a very positive note with some great vocals and lyrics)
    Overall Score - 7,27/10 (if I did it right because it seems a bit high)

    It seems like the bad moments almost cancel out the highest moments, which are really high and it always leaves me thinking I wish I had liked this way more than I did (enough to buy on CD, but wouldn't be enough to get a vinyl of this), but I also get that the bad songs are always bad and it never changes because she always does some silly songs just to get plays (actually not on Speak Now, but ever since then) and it always undermines her albums, even 1989 suffered a bit from that with Shake It Off.

    I've probably gone off a bit with all those comments on every song, but I think they encapsulate my feelings on this album pretty effectively. Overall it's my 3rd Taylor Swift album behind 1989 and Speak Now until I rate Red again (will be a tiny bit higher, I think) and Fearless (I don't enjoy Fearless all that much, Kacey Musgraves does much better country in my opinion, but I think everyone somehow praises the hell out of Fearless). I had messed up all the calculations because it's a 7,27 apparently.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
  10. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Too much information, man
    Christøffer likes this.
  11. LP Soldier 01

    LP Soldier 01 True LP Soldier

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Yeah, I overdid it a bit. I actually found it interesting that it was easier for me to collect my thoughts on the new Tool album as opposed to the Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, but the music I listened to as been quite good, still no bad album in the 10 albums I listened too. Still a small amount though.
  12. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    It’s ok dude lol. Ain’t no rules about how much you post.
    Christøffer likes this.
  13. Moridin

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    [in no particular order]

    - At the Gates of Manala
    - Rage of Poseidon
    - Sacra
    - On the Rooftop with Quasimodo
    - Beautiful
    - Through Paris in a Sportscar
    - 2010
    - Struggle
    - Romance
    - Pray
    - Beyond Time
    - Kaamos
    - Coma
    - Apprehension
    - Somewhere Around Nothing
    - Cortege
    - Toreador II
    - Grace
    - Ion
    - Psalm

    Songs from Albums:
    - Plays Metallica... (0)
    - Inquisition Symphony (0)
    - Cult (6)
    - Reflections (4)
    - Apocalyptica (0)
    - World's Collide (2)
    - 7th Symphony (7)
    - Wagner Reloaded (0)
    - Shadowmaker (0)
    - Misc. (1)

    I could have included a bunch more songs, it was tricky to cut it down to just twenty. I actually don't like most of the songs with guest vocalists, I find them pretty generic/watered down. And of course I didn't list any of their many covers. So I'm only considering their original instrumental work, which is mostly fantastic.
  14. Christøffer

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I'll have you know it looks like this now:

    1. Crystallised
    2. Veil
    3. Falling Back to Earth
    4. Cockroach King
    5. Nil by Mouth
    6. 1985
    7. Earthrise
    8. Bound by Gravity
    9. Because It’s There
    10. Earthlings
    11. The Architect
    12. Streams
    13. Visions
    14. Atlas Stone
    15. The Endless Knot
    16. Aquarium
    17. Insomnia
    18. Somebody
    19. Puzzle Box
    20. In Memoriam

    Aquarius: 2
    Visions: 2
    The Mountain: 6
    Affinity: 5
    Restoration: 2
    Vector: 3
    Gibs likes this.
  15. Sasuke

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    1. Stranger Things
    2. Satellites
    3. Garden in the Bones
    4. Catch Fire
    5. The Bad Thing
    6. The Way the News Goes...
    7. Reptile
    8. 22 Faces
    9. Lune
    10. Alpha
    11. Blood Eagle
    12. Psychosphere
    13. It's Only Smiles
    14. Scarlet
    15. Heavy Heart
    16. Flatline
    17. Priestess
    18. Pale Aura
    19. Absolomb
    20. The Gods Must Be Crazy!
    Periphery I: 0 (still haven't heard all of it though)
    Periphery II: 2
    Clear (EP): 1
    Juggernaut: Alpha: 4
    Juggernaut: Omega: 3
    Periphery III: 5
    Periphery IV: 5
  16. Moridin

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    chris2 likes this.
  17. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Spanish Love Songs (No order):
    • Concrete
    • Mexico
    • Vermont
    • Remainder
    • Brighter Day
    • Sequels, Remakes, & Adaptations
    • Buffalo Buffalo
    • Otis / Carl
    • The Boy Considers His Haircut
    • Joana, In Five Acts
    • Beer & NyQuil (Hold It Together)
    • It's Not Interesting
    • Aloha to No One
    • Routine Pain
    • Self-Destruction (As a Sensible Career Choice)
    • Generation Loss
    • Kick
    • Losers
    • Optimism (As a Radical Life Choice)
    • Losers 2
    • Dolores
    • Brave Faces, Everyone
    Album Distribution:
    Giant Sings the Blues- 5
    Schmaltz- 8
    Brave Faces Everyone- 9

    One day I want to sit down and order this but for now I am too busy.
  18. Gibs

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Making this list was really fucking hard. They have so many good songs and records that to narrow it down to 20 feels wrong. This list was more like 30 before whittling it down (Brave New World would have had a much bigger presence).

    Iron Maiden:

    1. The Evil that Men Do
    2. Infinite Dreams
    3. Wrathchild
    4. Fear of the Dark
    5. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
    6. The Trooper
    7. 2 Minutes to Midnight
    8. Wasted Years
    9. Powerslave
    10. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
    11. The Number of the Beast
    12. Flash of the Blade
    13. Moonchild
    14. Brave New World
    15. Run to the Hills
    16. Hallowed Be Thy Name
    17. Prowler
    18. Aces High
    19. The Clairvoyant
    20. Phantom of the Opera

    Iron Maiden: 2
    Killers: 1
    The Number of the Beast: 3
    Piece of Mind: 1
    Powerslave: 5
    Somewhere in Time: 1
    Seventh Son of a Seventh Son: 5
    No Prayer for the Dying: 0
    Fear of the Dark: 1
    The X Factor: 0
    Virtual XI: 0
    Brave New World: 1
    Dance of Death: 0
    A Matter of Life and Death: 0
    The Final Frontier: 0
    The Book of Souls: 0
    Pretty obvious what my 2 favorite records of their's are.
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
    Christøffer likes this.
  19. Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Linkin Park

    not in order

    1. Papercut
    2. Waiting For the End
    3. Breaking the Habit
    4. Final Masquerade
    5. Pushing Me Away
    6. Easier to Run
    7. My December
    8. In Pieces
    9. The Little Things Give You Away
    10. Crawling
    11. With You
    12. No More Sorrow
    13. Valentine's Day
    14. Lost in the Echo
    15. Burning in the Skies
    16. When They Come For Me
    17. Numb
    18. In the End
    19. The Catalyst
    20. One More Light
    Christøffer, brady and Deliveranze like this.
  20. brady

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Linkin Park

    1. The Little Things Give You Away
    2. Waiting for the End
    3. Sharp Edges
    4. Final Masquerade
    6. Blackout
    7. Leave Out All The Rest
    9. Krwlng
    10. One More Light
    11. Guilty All the Same
    12. Breaking the Habit
    13. No More Sorrow
    14. Sorry for Now
    15. Shadow of the Day
    16. Iridescent
    17. My December
    18. Nobody Can Save Me
    19. Easier to Run
    20. Halfway Right


    Hybrid Theory: 1
    Reanimation: 1
    Meteora: 2
    Minutes to Midnight: 4
    A Thousand Suns: 3
    Living Things: 2
    Recharged: 0
    The Hunting Party: 2
    One More Light: 5

    those ratios are about right

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