Hell yea! it was soo funny...hopefully they air them again [/b][/quote] <_< they never did, i was on the look out with my VCR ready :angry:
Gawd...I saw the vids later then everyone else (I think) and it's was funny seeing everyone jump...what were they scared of though? That's what I wanna know... (Hee hee...Joe jumped a mile...why didn't they do that with Chaz and co?! )
The association is TRYING our hardest to get the playback vids..and in higher quality. Just bare with us..
that PPr:Kut vid was hilarious! hehe, i could watch that video over and over and still crack up with all the twitching ppl kool LinkiedTheory, and that's why i cant wait for the site to open! i'll have my vcr ready again
Ok...I hate WinMX...I've just decided...Yus this is relevent to the topic because...it is... I can't find anything anymmmooorrrreeee
that place is tight!!!there is a bunch of LP video stills and alot of pics there of other stuff also.