To die for. Venomous love injected through my veins, The tremor of the emotion engraved and stained, I close my eyes trying to think of heaven, But fail, too see hell, and all you’ve given. The frost from your cold body bites me hard, As I hold your head tight against my heart, The neon gleaming blood glimmers more behind these tears, The weapon of metal, few feet away, acidified by your blood and smeared. A trail of an eerie red stream follows the stars, up in the sky, The mercy glitters from them unto your open dead eyes, The street lays empty like it always has been, The alleyway nostalgic, those shared moments coming clean. No sounds of arriving help, no cause for another to awake, It’s well past midnight, and as the hour hand hour one of dawn overtakes, I realize I’m drenched in the darkness, and blood, praying for the sun, Longing for your hot touch, craving once more to fuse into one. I long to see the living light of your face, all your love and hate, I’d burn alive the likes of mine, to feel once more the pain you create. Love is fatal and foolish enough, but never goes ignored, The feeling of being good enough for you, or just being torn, The insecurity, and moments which last forever thinking about you, No reason for you to die, but gone to sleep, your blood, like forsaken morn dew. Why doesn’t the rebel that caught you off guard come and claim me? I am prepared, to die hopeless, die helpless, like a sacrificial clay deity. But divine shan’t be my ways of ending my life for love, I shall kill myself and rejoin you in the gates well below or up above. this is very long, but you guys will be angels (or satan, your choice) to read it all and reply...thanks a great deal...
this is fab! it start's so suddenly and draws you in. it's hard to breath till you come to the end of it and the end just took my breath away! well done!