For the upcoming Carnivores tour, what tracks do you realistically play live? What would be your dream set list now that the album has dropped? Realistic: GATS UIG Wastelands And maybe one more...Keys To The Kingdom or All For Nothing? Dream scenario: Keys To The Kingdom All For Nothing Rebellion Mark The Graves A Line In The Sand UIG Wastelands GATS All incorporated into a basic LP setlist. I doubt we will get all of them =/ Which song are you looking forward to the most? I personally would love to see the Keys To The Kingdom played live as an opener.
If anything's for sure, it's that we will never get Rebellion live, save if they ever get Daron Malakian on stage for a show.
Other than the 3 that have already been played, I'd say All For Nothing probably will. Maybe Final Masquerade. I'd be really surprised if they'd play one of the others.
I can see keys to the kingdom being the show opener as it is on the album. LP love to get the crowd moving straight up, so surely it would seem irresistible for them to jump straight into Keys first. Other than that, War would be a killer intro to a THP laden set list EDIT as for what songs they will play live, I'd say more than half. Without page and daron, they may leave out AFN and rebellion, however mike stood in for rakim, and he did originally sing in AFN, so he may give it a go on stage? Maybe dreaming, but would be cool. FM 100% will be played. MTG, but only short term I feel. ALITS I think will get some plays too.
i hope to see KTTK, MTG, War, ALITS and FM live. but i dont think they will play them. probably just FM. i really doubt chester will be able to sing half the album live, not that its too hard, but his voice is at a pretty bad shape. he actually sounds bad on most of the album... i doubt he will do a better job live. GATS is not even hard to sing and he uses autotune live
They said they would play Rebellion just not on the Europe festival tour!! I think we will get all of the tracks live in the next year
That's your personal opinion, the band obviously wanted to use the more natural tone through the album.
I'd love to see Keys to The Kingdom, The Summoning, War, Rebellion, Drawbar, and Final Masquerade..... but being realistic, Chester probably wouldn't be able to sing Keys To The Kingdom or War unless he half-asses the performance like Faint's bridge (this includes Rebellion's bridge). Rebellion would probably have a similar live feel to that of Castle of Glass which is what would worry me (seeing how COG is terrible live). I'm sure they'd actually play All For Nothing and Final Masquerade along with using The Summoning and Drawbar as interludes, no problem there. Maybe also decide between playing either Mark The Graves and A Line In The Sand, my preference definitely being ALITS.
natural/raw edition of the vocals is no excuse because MTM was much more raw, and chester sounded fantastic. KTTK has a voice crack in the chorus, a VOICE CRACK, its not a scream and its not intentional, and the song is not even too high for him AFN he doesn't really sing here GATS many people including me dislike or at least think he sounds "weird" on this one. his voice is thin and strained, and the autotune live sucks War he shouts on the whole song, not in a very good sounding or technical way. but i cant complain (this sounds a lot like his cover of ace of spaces, but the cover is much better IMO) Wastelands again he shouts the notes, theres nothing wrong with it, but the notes he hits in this song (and in the whole album) are in his confort zone, still he seems to have to push a bit to hit them Until It's Gone nothing wrong on this one Rebellion nothing wrong again, i'd like to see how he would do the bridge live Mark the Graves my favorite of the album. on many reviews and after the leak/itunes stream people stated that he hits really high notes, but the notes in the chorus are the same he hits on With You/Lying From You/Given Up/In My Remains and many others. why people got impressed by these notes this time if he hits them all the time? because he sounds much more thin than ever before Final Masquerade he sounds great, the only song where he really sounds good in every way. A Line In The Sand i dont like his approach on the chorus, nothing wrong with it. but again he shouts the notes. it seems like his clean vocals are a bit fucked up, he sounds like an amateur singer on some songs on THP. again, its my opinion that he sounds bad on some songs, but from a technical point of view his voice and his singing style on this album is the worst he ever been. even if you like the raw sound or whatever. his vocals are not even that natural, theres some effects on KTTK/War/UIG at least. and again MTM was more raw than this, and its one of his best vocal studio performances. listen to Crawling/Lying from you/no more sorrow/given up/Wretches And Kings and compare to KTTK/GATS/MTG/ALITS. Lying from you/no more sorrow he sings the whole chorurs around the same notes on KTTK/MTG. in Given Up the high in the chorus is the same note of MTG, yet no one is amazed by GU on WAK he sings the whole chorus in the same note he hits on GATS//wastelands/ALITS. if you cant hear that he sounded much more confortable and controled in WAK, then i give up... and if you think he sounds better because its studio edited just hear live performances, or this: 2:46 [video=youtube;0n3jKYvOenY][/video] 3:15 [video=youtube;1APNTwNo65g][/video] EDIT: i am talking about his clean singing, nothing of what i said is about the screams. sorry for the long post
"Rebellion" will sound like shit live, so will whatever Brad would improvise for "War" - GATS already suffers from that. KTTK, AFN, and FM are all good possibilities/probabilities. ALITS is definitely possible, but MTG might be a stretch - I feel like that one will get the "Robot Boy" excuse from Mike about having too many parts and not enough people.
I'd love to see All For Nothing live if for no other reason than to hear Mike sing the chorus. Rebellion would be pretty cool if they can get Daron on stage with them. Maybe for a show in LA?
I hope this cycle isn't like Living Things, where some of the more interesting songs were never played live at all. I'd like LP to play them all. While I assume this couldn't be done every night, some variety and switching it up would be appreciated. It'd be cool if they had mainstays from the album that they played every show while cycling through some of the others, much like Metallica did on their Death Magnetic tours. For instance, LP could play KTTK, GATS, Wastelands, UIG, FM, ALITS regularly while cycling through one or two slots in the setlist. For instance, one night they could play War and MTG and the next night play AFN and Rebellion instead.
Yes...!!!!!!!!he's almost at 40's...what do you expect to sing like the 2000s???I agree he had bad times like almost all the singers have bad times in their careers but he sings 15 years(linkin park era) like every day and in 90% of he's live performances are absolutely amazing..!!!Dont jugde only the bad times,the good are plenty!
That voice crack is fucking ear candy, though. Seriously, it sounds awesome. And it's pretty clear he sings the way he sings on THP cause he wanted to sound so raw. But he certainly isn't gonna do this live, cause it will fuck him up.