In my opinion an interesting song and a few parts are awesome. First I thought the whole Instrumental would be Electro, but then I realized there are guitars and was fascinated how good guitars/drums and Electro harmonize. Despite that I think the song overall is a bit too flat. There are better Linkin Park songs. Maybe I´ll like the song even more in CD quality. 8/10 (or I like it). Sory if dare is bat englisch in ith.
I voted with 8. I love it and it's been on my playlist since day one but I feel it's too single-oriented.
Brad does a lot of the creative work. Along with Mike, he does a lot of the production and songwriting actually. He's not just the guitarist in the band. Oh, and I haven't listened to BID for some time now. It sounds too "new divide"y.
How did that Mike saying go? "If we left everything up to our guitarist, there'd be no guitar on the album." Brad's there, he's just trying out every instrument except the guitar.
Which is something I truly appreciate, I don't think people should worry here, as I think this album will definitely have more guitar than A Thousand Suns.
I gave it a 6. Not nearly as good as "The Catalyst." It's a complete rehashing of everything they've done before. It's catchy, but nothing groundbreaking. Hoping for better off of the rest of Living Things.
I listen to it over 80 times trying to force myself to like it. Not a good idea. It's just rehash with a few interesting pieces.