This Linkin Park 'Heavy' Rehearsal Is So Good It Deserves A Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. lampshade

    lampshade Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Some example of Chester. Mike had some of the same things on his twitter and even said it in interviews...
    I really world like to have this kind of conversation on a high level, but I must admit I have a really bad sickness these days, that I'm not able to look for other examples.
    Maybe I will write you a pm the next days, cause I'm really interested in other opinions. But this behavior and statements from the band are beneath my intellectual consciousness
  2. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Well, personally, I'm not sure if they'd lose me as a fan over an album I don't like ... but I guess you're right, that's probably the best sentiment to hold one way or another.

    I've probably said it enough times on the board (or not) but the way most of us here see it is, if the band veers off in a direction that a fan cannot like, to the point where they feel they can no longer remain a fan, then, that's fine. Times change and people change.

    It's when fans stay around acting like petulant, entitled children that problems arise.
    Gravity_LP and Halfway Dwight like this.
  3. Sønic

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    The band have been super nice the last 15 years, and now that they're kind of barking out because they were blatantly disrespected by some, people are offended.

    It's cool to not like the song. @Luke, for example, doesn't like the song, but I haven't seen him demand that the band owes it to him and that they should make what he wants. He hates it, says he hates it, and moved on.

    Some of you guys sound really petty, too demandimg, and are way too over the top offended with the song.
    Kilmer, Christøffer, Sasuke and 4 others like this.
  4. Forfeit to Break

    Forfeit to Break Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    I really like Heavy, but if I don't particularly care for an LP song, then I listen to it a few times to see if there's something I can dig about it. If I still don't really like it, I move on and listen to stuff I do like. I don't declare the band dead, or sellouts, or post hateful comments on social media expecting them to always write the type of music I like. I respect the guys integrity to write what they want for the right reasons and know that there will always be a few tracks I really like on an album by them, and if at any point there isn't there certainly are enough other ones for me to enjoy that they've already put out.

    So in short, I consider myself a fan, but not one that will religiously treasure every track as if it's the greatest song ever made. If I don't particularly like a song, then I don't instantly drop the band because they've written so much that I do like that I owe them a lot of gratitude for, and I respect them as musicians and as people.

    Anyone who has the opinion that them putting out a track they don't like means that they feel entitled to bash the band and stop being a fan, are the sort of person I am sure Chester is talking about being happy to lose. Not those who respectfully decide they don't care for this particular song or even album.
  5. rawrzar

    rawrzar Member

    May 2, 2007
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    A fan doesn't mean you have to like every thing they put out. I really doubt anyone likes every single song they've ever written and I'm sure the band expects that, especially with the variety of songs they write. Even the band members themselves don't like every song they've released. But, just because you don't like a song, that doesn't mean you should disrespect them and trash everything they have done. To me, Chester's tweet was directed to those disrespectful people and is far from being anything resembling, "They have stated a lot that a real fan never complains and buys everything they do" or "They admitted that they don't want fans that build their own opinion". I haven't seen or heard anything like that from anyone in the band, but feel free to prove me wrong if you can give examples.

    And also, put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if you put all your effort and passion into something, and then have people call you "sellouts" or "dead" just because they don't like what you did? And those are the more.."politer" comments.
    Halfway Dwight and Joshua like this.
  6. One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    The problem is I think that this song is a single and the reaction is (imo obviously) a lot more open than if you'd say TLGYA is a horrible song, cause that would be more in either an album type review thing or something in a forum discussion (like here on the LPA) at best.
  7. lampshade

    lampshade Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Wow. OK I tried to bring this discussion on another level. And someone say "I never heard those things so this didn't happen"

    God bless the simple minded
  8. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    The reason behind why all these so-called fans were furious to this lead single because it doesnt have the typical LP sound that they used listening to from the previous album cycles. This song is more polarising than the 'The Catalyst' and props to the band for doing that. This song is perfect as lead single for a change and giving the band the freedom they want to share with the world. We had OSC, SIB, WID, TC and BID which are all typical generic LP sound with Chaz required to sing with raspy vocals because the fans want it. For Heavy, though a generic single but it's very different from those previous lead singles I mentioned and I don't mind if they release an album without screaming and rapping. just pure singing from Mike and Chester. The less scream on the record, the better.
  9. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Eh? He never mentioned fans can't dislike the album. He agreed to the comment about fans leaving because of this one song/album, which is what many "true LP" or "old LP" fans are threatening to do.

    Here's the thing tho. If fans weren't so animated over one song or album and disrespecting the band and their work, then there would be no need for such comments or responses from anyone on any side.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
  10. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    You can be a fan and, then, stop being a fan if the band changes up in a way that you can't deal with. Again, I disagree with the notion that disliking a new album makes you a fake fan, which is what I believe Chester's tweet is suggesting.
  11. Sasuke

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Me: I like Heavy
    World: Fuck you, this song sux ass. LP is only HT.
    Me: Runaway is shit
    World: Fuck you, you're not a true fan. LP is only HT.
  12. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    So I am back from a small trip I had to make on wednesday night.. These videos are awesome! By the way, who's that guy on guitar on these videos? Clearly not Brad.

    I was waiting for someone to mention this. His drumming is on point and he always sounds so composed despite he's improvising. Also, that matte black drumkit is MINT.
  13. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Benjamin Chandler, Brad's Guitar Tech
  14. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    It's Ben. Delson's been kicked out of the band so they needed a replacement :kappa:
  15. One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    It is Brad. Hes just in disguise :kappa:
  16. Iopia

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    What? :lol:

    That's not really what that tweet is saying (not to mention that there's a huge difference between going out and stating something overtly and agreeing with someone else's statement casually). The way I'm reading it is that if you don't consider yourself a fan of the band after one album you don't like, you aren't a real fan. Which is something I totally agree with. Nowhere does he say that you're not a real fan if you don't like one album. If you're a true fan, then them releasing an album that you don't like shouldn't be a problem, because you should still respect and love the music they already put out (and chances are, there'll be an album in the future that you'll enjoy as well). I don't like Heavy, but I'm not going to say that I'm no longer a fan of the band because of one song or album. Even if I hate everything they put out from this day forward, I'm still a Linkin Park fan because of the first six albums. The band doesn't determine who's a fan and who's not a fan, and that's exactly Chester's point.

    The band welcomes anyone to be a fan, even if you only like Hybrid Theory or A Thousand Suns (and the band have explicitly stated this in numerous occasions, especially in regard to picking set lists for live shows), but a true fan should accept that just because they're not always going to love everything, they can still be a fan of the band. If you write off the band's entire body of work entirely because of one song or album (which is what I interpret "I'm not a Linkin Park fan" to mean), then I agree with Chester, you were never really a fan.

    Just some friendly advice, you're not going to get very far in life if you talk to anyone like that. This isn't YouTube, and the staff have worked very had to create a friendly environment to discuss and debate the band's music without the need to resort to petty insults. All it does it make us take your points less seriously.
  17. Joshua

    Joshua is Mr. "to many Mind"

    Mar 11, 2014
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    I would like to add, that the setlist includes many nu-metal tracks. i doubt that they "sacrifice" so much space in there only to please the "kids" which aren't real LP fans. There are surely many fans on concerts which prefer the older tracks, but still are fans, otherwise they wouldn't visit a concert and pay for it.
  18. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Just a note: Ben's really good at the guitar. He subbed for Brad during their 2014 Brazil :come2brazil: show and during the extended solo of "What I've Done", his solo was arguably better than most of Brad's.

    (start at the 2 min mark)

    For reference, here's Brad solo:

    (also start at the 2 min mark)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
    Kilmer and Iopia like this.
  19. TheInterframe

    TheInterframe Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Reading the YouTube comments underneath the video really depresses me lol. Those people are completely blowing Mike and Chester's comments out of proportion, taking it as an attack on Hybrid Theory or fans of that sound, which really isn't true, it was directed at the disrespectful ones, the ones that constantly berate the band about it, yet people are taking it as a personal attack. Meh, some people will never be happy with the band.
    Kilmer and Iopia like this.
  20. Kilmer

    Kilmer Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Ben's version was much better in that video than most of Brad's for sure, but Brad had some better performances, that one you listed was just a mess.

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