Exactly, and you always get one nob head being smart trying to start an arguement, and because there are so many people you can`t type fast enough to reply to them.
People on forums who think they are the almighty-god when it comes to music/movies/TV. NO YOU AREN'T, PISS OFF!
It's annoying how people slag off dance and hip-hop music as wholes, when a lot of the time certain artists of those genres own everything they listen to.
People who are "story-toppers." Like say, you had a HILARIOUS story, and you tell this person, but they just HAVE to come back with, "oh mine's better." Gets pretty annoying...
The fact that I can't go to Projekt Revolution when there is going to be two of my favouritist bands in the world[LP[of course) and My Chemical Romance..who I've already seen live but there soooo gooood!!), cus it's not coming close enough!!!!!!! oh and there is the whole money issue.... Oh and my sister blowing smoke in my room from the window when she knows I HATE IT!!!!!!!:angry: My younger brother annoying me to death to go to are dads house and when I do all I get to do is watch him play games for four hours then use it for five minutes, okay 30 minutes.
Winnipeg. Kerry King. Toronto. The New York Yankees. The Green Bay Packers. The Chicago White Sox. The Montreal Canadiens. Abbath, Horgh, and Galder. mostly Galder.
Girls who use you for nothing more than a shoulder to cry on, then don't wanna know you when things are going well.
People who try to give "constructive criticism" but ultimately they are just straight up insulting you...
- My piece of shit computer - Many people - British weather - My brother - The blabbermouth kids - When bands radically change their style and sound shit *CoughTriviumAtariscough* - Racism - Intolerance - The fact that because I have asian features I get stared at whenever I bring a bag onto a bus - People who are overly sarcastic - Arrogance - Liars - Fakes