Could you please share some pics of the artwork and how the lyrics come? (just some, I don't want to be too spoiled haha)
Because they're damn easy to break, and look like crap, when compared to digipaks and such. I paid $19.99 for the CD + $6.99 in shipping + $2.00 in tax. With that kind of money spent, I fully expect to get deluxe, "exclusive packaging" like what was promised, not what I could easily buy for 10 bucks on Amazon. It's borderline false advertisement. At least it comes with what looks like a great artbook, and Hybrid Theory Live from Download.
It's not really that, it's just that we expected something else. The CD costs 10$ on Amazon, and buying this costs almost 30$, so that means the art book alone costs almost twice than the album itself (forget shipping), and the packaging is not "deluxe" at all. And it's not even about being ungrateful, we're talking about borderline deceptive advertising here. EDIT: THIS is THE shit, right here. [thumb][/thumb]
I've always wanted this one so damn much, You can't find it anywhere anymore..... I once saw it at Wal-Mart, I should have grabbed it Though it would have been censored lyrics. EDIT: Found some on Amazon.... Hmm. I'll need to buy a copy. I completely lost my jewel case for my copy of MTM.
Best preorder I've ever made (well ATS also has a run for the money here). But mine's grey with the red stripe cardboard thing, whatever it's called.
Found an unboxing So so dissapointed the deluxe is just the retail jewel case. I was hoping itd be something integrated like ATS or MtM. Ugh, gonna see if they'll cancel my order and just buy it retail for $10. I'm not about to pay $18 extra for JUST the bonus book...
Fuck me, I'm getting that Minutes to Midnight book sooner or later. Probably because the lyrics are shit. Pretty sure you'll like the price.
To the guys/girls who ordered from LP/warnermusic EU, did you get an email when they sent the CD? Cause on my account page it just says "Closed" on my order, for THP, so Im wondering if they have already sent it. Im from Denmark btw, so release is on monday
I ordered through for the last two albums and was hella disappointed. It's almost a scam. I'm just grabbing mine at BestBuy on Tuesday.
I have the same problem. No email and wondering the same. I think it have been sent and probably it will arrive next week... I hope
Dang. Anybody know if the Best Buy deluxe is any different than standard besides the DVD? Can't find anything exclaiming otherwise. Also, Best Buy appears to have recently added a t-shirt bundle to it's retail lineup. and wow is it expensive:
OMG this is REALLY dissapointing ! Can't believe I paid almost $60 (including that fucking shipment) for this. I'll never pre order anything else from This will the first and last time. Don't think they will cancel my order since it was already shipped
"Yeah, I've received my copy." CD+DVD edition. Still waiting for the "Deluxe CD Package + T-shirt + Lithograph" edition.
Ok, that standard version with the band members' heads instead of a lyric book is so, so lame ahah. Packaging has been the only shitty thing about THP in my opinion. HT/ Meteora/MTM/ATS kick the shit out of this. Living Things was already bad, but this is even worse