Alligator( I saw Jaws too many times to enjoy anything involving Sharks) Would you rather have braces forever but with straight teeth, or have crooked teeth?
as long as it doesnt involve cows...coz they might hav diseases ill go wif meat...... would you rahter eat my crap or your own crap?
it depends of what you've eaten that day.... would you rather learn Latin and Greek, or have Math every day for 4 hours?
Fly. Would you rather have one really good best friend but no any good friends or have a lot of good friends but no a really good best friend?
A chicken. Would you rather be fat and have a lot of friends or skinny and live the rest of your life alone?
1st choice. Would you rather be sick in bed for two weeks or having to take care of a sick person for two weeks?
AIDS would you rather start a band with your best friends who are crappy musicians, or with people you don't really know, but are really good musicians?
:whistle: with my best friend i would do it because it would be so much more fun!! Would u rather have have NO computer or NO phone?
No phone, i never use it anyway Would you rather jump off a building and break every bone in your body, or impale yourself to death
Sister. I'm sick of my brother. Trade, anyone? Would you rather kill yourself, or kill someone else? (yes, I'm a morbid person)