Of course. Finished my copy of 106. Ended up getting the 100th edition one, which is kinda funny, because I really dig the normal edition's cover. I'm not quite at the collector phase to pick up both. Or even pick up a one of the editions of 100 for $6.. Thoughts on 106: I'm not really worried for the death of Carl now, but it's safe to assume Negan really fucked him up because.. he's Negan. My early hunch is that he cut Carl's hand off, but that's just me guessing. And of course the next issue won't be out for another five weeks instead of the four like they have been coming out. I like TV Andrea, aside from the whole being a whore thing. INVISY! That'll ruin things later on down the line when her and Rick are a thing. "Oh Rick, remember your like.. arch-nemesis that stole your safe-haven? Yeah... I boned him.
I don't consider TV Andrea to be a whore really. She found a nice comfortable place after 7 months of hell on the road, that happened to be lead by a nice charming fellow that took care of his people. She had no idea that he was out of his mind. The only clue she had was Michonne's constant bickering without evidence. I wouldn't have believed Michonne either. And she fucked Shane. Big deal. People do a lot of weird things after they have just escaped certain death, and you can't deny that Shane had a lot of good ideas to lead the group until his jealousy became too much. Until Rick showed up he was doing great. Honestly, I think people like to throw around the word "Whore" too easily. I don't even think Lori was a whore. A dumb stupid bitch, and a bad mother, yes. Whore, no. She thought her husband was dead, that's understandable. Iif I were married I'd just not give a fuck who my wife fucked after I died. (I'd be dead) xD. All of this just IMO though. People don't have to agree. As for the comic. SPOILERS IN INVISIBLE I never thought Carl was going to die. I always assumed Negan would try to turn Carl against Rick or some way to to tell Rick that Carl is dead or to tell Rick that Carl betrayed him but he is really locked up somewhere. The point is to break Rick the last little bit. To make Rick decided to fuck everything over just for Carl, even possibly join Negan. haha. Oh and about the next issue, it might be released on 10th of Feb, which would coincide with the Mid Season Premiere!
Purely comics! I was thinking that Carl would actually do that, given how he felt towards Rick with the giving-in to Negan. But then he took Abe's assault rifle and went all awesome on the Saviors. If Negan were to lie about Carl being dead to Rick, I think Rick would just lose it and go apeshit on Negan right then and there, regardless of the consequences. Which could lead into the introduction of Ezekiel, because there's always a bigger fish. February 10th? But that's a Sunday.. Anyways, 107 looks to be the big climax issue for the current set while 108 will be the falling action. I wonder if I could just like.. preorder a few more of these in advance from the local comic shop..
Raaawwwwwwwwwwwwwr! I'm hoping to get volumes three and four delivered sometimes next week. Edit: Season 3B poster via Reddit.
I have issues with that poster. It should be Michonne vs The Governor. Rick didn't take Phillipp's eye. I wish the show was as good as the game at keeping things sensible :X
Yes, very good point, and now you've made the poster look silly. Haha. I'm sure they just wanted to chuck Rick on the poster, but they definitely could have used a different teaser, if you will.
Volume 3 is a good one. And 4 takes you right up to pre-Woodbury. So you're sort of caught up with what they've shown so far on the TV, minus so stuff that happened far earlier on TV. Like Lori and the phone.
Hawk, if it's what I think, come on, you know you love TellTale. They have balls and they make you care about characters, just try to deny it. Anyway, Glenn Mazzara is out as showrunner, Scott Gimble is in.
I didn't cry, but fuck I felt it man. I'm not sure if I'd want to take the role of Clementine or another survivor next season, considering the five episodes I've been through have been primarily about Clementine and Lee.